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Time to get Fit thread

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I just follow a few pretty simple (but hard to actually follow) rules:

About 20 grams of protein every three hours. Lots of fish and chicken, whey, and egg whites; very little red meat.

20 grams every 3 hours. Are you packing like 3 chicken breasts in tupperwares to work every day?
I realized my biggest limitation is that I won't exercise or work out on my own. I just can't motivate myself. For the past 5 years, I've been going to TRX, yoga and Pilates Reformer classes. If I sign up for a class, I go. The apps make signing up really easy. Besides the health benefits, I've made some friends at the classes and we share our workouts and encourage each other. It keeps me going back. I'm up to 4-5 classes a week. I hit 6 on a good week.
I realized my biggest limitation is that I won't exercise or work out on my own. I just can't motivate myself. For the past 5 years, I've been going to TRX, yoga and Pilates Reformer classes. If I sign up for a class, I go. The apps make signing up really easy. Besides the health benefits, I've made some friends at the classes and we share our workouts and encourage each other. It keeps me going back. I'm up to 4-5 classes a week. I hit 6 on a good week.

That's a trip, because I'm the exact opposite! I can't stand working out with people in the gym - only time I like working out with people is martial arts (sparring by yourself is just shadow boxing). But gym work, I wish I can just have the whole place to myself. Also, BMX, I prefer to ride alone.

People in the gym don't look forward or up when they walk around (they look down) and it's the worst when skipping rope. I don't want to hit anybody, but dang... heads up!

I bought a condo a couple years ago and I have a garage, but we are looking to upgrade to a single family in a couple years. I plan on building my own gym, mostly for martial arts training and no traditional bodybuilding weights. I like coach Ross from Ross Boxing. He has the dopest home gym I've seen.
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Only "whole" grains. No white bread, rice, processed anything. If the ingredients don't start with the word "whole" I don't eat it.

"Whole pizza" probably doesn't qualify? :(
That's a trip, because I'm the exact opposite! I can't stand working out with people in the gym - only time I like working out with people is martial arts (sparring by yourself is just shadow boxing). But gym work, I wish I can just have the whole place to myself. Also, BMX, I prefer to ride alone.

People in the gym don't look forward or up when they walk around (they look down) and it's the worst when skipping rope. I don't want to hit anybody, but dang... heads up!

I bought a condo a couple years ago and I have a garage, but we are looking to upgrade to a single family in a couple years. I plan on building my own gym, mostly for martial arts training and no traditional bodybuilding weights. I like coach Ross from Ross Boxing. He has the dopest home gym I've seen.

These classes are not "working out" in the classic sense. They are exercise classes. The trainers run the class. I like being around people and am a bit of an extrovert so it works for me.
Been doing zwift thing for last couple weeks or so. Really improves quality of work outs. Basically now all mid week work outs are done on a trainer.
Wife got me into OrangeTheory. It's pricey but holy hell it's an ass kicking working out in an hour. Plan is to give it 6 months. I'm burning 700-900 calories an hour. Cardio and endurance going up but there is little emphasis on weights. Been going 5 days a week but might taper to 3 days a week and 2 days lifting.

Also really trying to do intermittent fasting where I eat 10am-6pm. Feel good doing it and keeping carbs low. Makes it tough socializing etc but I'm down to sacrifice for 6 months.

Wanna drop 15-20lbs before we get going on the kids.
I just ate an energy bar. I'm such an asshole.

Compare macros to a snickers bar.



Calories 250
Fat 12g
Carbohydrate 33g
Sugars 27g
Protein 4g

Clif bar:

Calories 250
Fat 5g
Carbohydrates 45g
Sugars 22g
Protein 9g


Sugar isn’t a macro but I included it so you can see how an energy bar compares with a Snickers.
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I ate another one today, what a motherfucker.
They're some no name freebie shit they give out at work, how can I say no to free.

They also have free packaged salads which are really good but you can only take one. All the free energy bars and cookies you can stuff your face with but only one salad. If I get fat I'm suing.
Beau's got the formula :thumbup

Similar age and I'm probably 80% of that but diet is the biggest limiting factor for me. Beau's gotta be under 10% body fat and IME you HAVE to maintain a good diet to have energy at that level...plus I LOVE wine and cheese, and beer, and Indian food

But shit, now I'm motivated to get back on track with my running...as soon as my fucking back spasm runs it's course :afm199

Oh yeah. Wondering what people's thoughts are on collagen supplements. I've been taking them semi-regularly. Have seen what look legit studies suggesting they might help with soft tissue recovery.
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Beau's got the formula :thumbup

Oh yeah. Wondering what people's thoughts are on collagen supplements. I've been taking them semi-regularly. Have seen what look legit studies suggesting they might help with soft tissue recovery.

I use Dr. Axe "Multi Collagen Protein Beauty + Sleep" every night. It tastes like soap but seems to work well for me, plus all the magnesium knocks me out pretty nicely.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated. Met you once back in the day.

Indeed we did.

"Whole pizza" probably doesn't qualify? :(

So much clever. Miss you brah.
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I use Dr. Axe "Multi Collagen Protein Beauty + Sleep" every night. It tastes like soap but seems to work well for me, plus all the magnesium knocks me out pretty nicely.

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm currently taking the Vital Proteins powder which is tasteless but doesn't mix well.

Keep up the good work :thumbup
We're just gonna dance around the topic

fair enough! :)

Who's doing what? Martial arts 2x week, weights/resistance 3x week, BMX freestyle 1-2x a week.

What are your goals? Being the lightest while retaining speed, power and endurance. Balance and flexibility is a big one for me - more than strength. No bodybuilding exercises. Weight goal is 190, but see if it affects performance negativity. I’m 196 now, from 210. My heaviest 2-3 years ago was 225. In my supermoto days I blew up to nearly 245.

What is your strategy? Modified keto and fasting.

What is your biggest challenge? Cultural and business obligations to food. Ethnic peeps express affection through food - and in the business I am, I am confronted with that. Today, I was confronted by it, asked nearly 10 times by the same Filipinos to have a pastry. I don’t want the food, but I don’t want to be rude. It always comes off as rude no matter how much I explain or approach it with graciousness. It’s a real pain.

I am not tempted by food, but this can be a hassle.
OMG Dion, I totally get the food thing. I avoid a lot of social occasions just to avoid managing the food thrown at you dillema. I used to always bring cake and cookies as gifts but now I bring plants flowers or something that accents the host.

Home work out: I'm on a boat so it's hard to workout at home but we also have a lot of industrial equipment so I use that

Morning while making coffee 3 sets 10 each step ups with overhead stretch with 5lb hand weights.

squats for 5 minutes (don't know how many) while coffee brews

Drink coffee:
mtn climbers 3 sets of 12 (these freaking suck)

stretch with a 10 minute yoga vid
Hang off of the forklift and attempt to do a pulp. It will happen!!! :mad

Gym workout:

25 minutes mixed intervals on the bike
3 sets of 10 each leg on this half ball freaking instrument of torture
3 sets of 15 pushups on a raised (12 inch) bench
3 sets step ups and stretch
3 sets squats (pretending to sit on a chair)

Leg Press both legs 75lbs
Individual legs 50lbs pyrimids 12, 10, 8, 6
15lb bicept curls between sets

Assisted pull up (this one freaking kills me but I've made GREAT progress)

70lb assist
Pyrimids 12,10,8,6
Step ups between
mountain climbers 5 between

Ab assist
3 sets 30 legs raised
3 sets 30 bent legs

Tricep pull down curl 50lbs pyrimids 12,10,8,6
45 second planks between sets

Cool down:
hip raises 3 sets 15 18inch bench
hamstring stretch
calf stretch

I mix up different machines at the gym.

What I am overcoming:
L4,L5 fracture
Right pelvis fracture
R upper Illiac fracture (this f**ks with me more than anything)
R Scapula fracture and torn tendons related to scapula fracture
R ankle fracture
3 bones R foot

R knee every freaking tendon in that bitch torn, dislocated and fractured patella

Hardware that doesn't like sharing my body
faux posts and hooks to attach ligiments

A middleaged (pushing 60) body that really wants to sit around, drink wine, and eat bon bins

Oh, and have I mentioned family stress :laughing

I'm hooked on 1st Form I really like their products

Level 1 protein instead of breakfast most days
Opti Greens every morning
Level 1 protein bar if I'm gong to skip a meal

My goal is to be as small as is healthy for my height 5'2" and to be able to pick up my own bie while riding with friends.
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