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Time to get Fit thread

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You gotta take baby steps and make a habit out of it. Its when you try to get a little crazy with the workouts or new diets that you start to lose it because you body hasn't quite adapted to the new routine yet.
But Ive been doing this since Oct :cry :laughing I think I have mild ADD. Too much of something (anything) I get bored and say fuck it. I just wish that switch would go off in my brain that tells me exercising and eating right is part of my life not an effort I have to make ALL. THE. TIME.

Just start moving. Do anything that is fun for you. Dance, ride a bike, jog, walk, swim, do workout video you like, anything just for the sake of doing it. Don't worry or even think about the fitness side of it. Just keep moving.

In my least fit sate, I completely forget how fucking good it feels to just use my body. So go remember how good it feels to use yours and the rest will come.

Don't get me wrong. I feel good. I mean just last week I removed 15-16 railroad ties from my garden and moved them into a pile. That was all strength and endurance cause railroad ties weigh a fucking ton. Yesterday I dug dirt for an hour. I would not have been able to do things like that without having been working out for the last few months. I think I just feel bad and icky with myself when I have a particularly bad weekend or few days of crappy eating and drinking too much :p
Kim, when I was on a super strict high protein diet I gave myself a cheat day every week where I could eat my favorite meal and have a dessert that day or do whatever. Sure you set yourself back for a bit but then you are GTG back on the diet the next day. I tried to keep the cheat days consistent but if I felt the urge to cheat on a different day I did but I did keep them to one a week no budging on that rule.

As far as the exercise I try to hit the gym at least four days a week 2 on 1 off 2 on for my lifting schedule. If I didn't feel like going one day I would switch days off so I tried to keep it four days a week even going on weekends if I missed too many. I also took time off to stop myself from getting burned out say maybe a week every month or 2 months.
BTW, Beau bonnered me up with his Maroon Tommy Johns! Thanks BEAU!!!

Aw Berto you're making me all teary eyed with missing you guys.

You didn’t mention the magic ingredient

I was going to leave superior genetics out of this but since you bring it up...
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I had a buddy who used to take superior genetics. He got a big boil on his ass (no I didn't see it) one time that he blamed on a dirty needle. Dude couldn't sit on his butt for almost a week. It was pretty funny.
I was going to leave superior genetics out of this but since you bring it up...

Hahahaha! PERFECT!

But Ive been doing this since Oct :cry :laughing I think I have mild ADD. Too much of something (anything) I get bored and say fuck it. I just wish that switch would go off in my brain that tells me exercising and eating right is part of my life not an effort I have to make ALL. THE. TIME.

Secret: I fucking hate the gym...I'd so much rather do almost anything else, but I force myself to go because if I don't, things fall apart quickly...I've had days (in the early days) when I'd force myself to go, even if I sat in my car and never went in...TRUE STORY.
52 years old.
200 lbs.
10% body fat.

60 minutes of peak cardio a day; running, rowing, or weighted hiking.
Weight training every other day.
And the game changer: NO PROCESSED SUGAR.

I’d be interested in hearing about your diet. Thanks in advance.
Beau's eating boners from Valhalla to have that Goldberg body!

I want to see a diet that allows all kinds of processed sugar...I mean post workout, it's perfect. But, I don't have Beau's tan...I need his secret there too.
I forgot how much I missed this forum :) SO much has changed in my life since I was last active.

Current physical stuff: Martial Arts, BMX and Gym. My time in the gym is spent doing things that will help my martial arts and BMX riding, so I stopped lifting heavy. I've realized a few things after being a gym rat for 26 years: 1) Bodybuilding exercises are best for bodybuilding and not much else and 2) lifting heavy in your 20's, among other strenuous fitness related stuff, can really cause damage you will feel in your 40's. If you are going for a "look" the traditional bodybuilding stuff is fine. Performing, balance, endurance and flexibility, IMO, is a different exercise regimen and doesn't necessarily include 300lb bench pressing.

I've also realized that being relatively lighter in weight is best overall for better performance and less injury.

I am at a point in my life where I am not interested in Best Chest of The West. I used to be. I am a relatively lean 200 +/- 5lbs. I eat a low carbohydrate diet, stuffing carbs for workouts pretty much only. I fast 12 hours a day, 16 hours one day a week and I train 5-7 days a week. Doesn't mean to say we (wife and I) have pig out meals, but they are few and rewarding). My sleep health is very good, as is my stress health, although I think my diet is a major contributor of that.

I stretch every day and I'm injured to no end, so I workout within my injuries. My gym workouts consist of running a mile (sometimes I do interval training for rounds), resistance training (direct exercises that compliment martial arts) and then I skip rope for 10 min. then cool down and stretch. Martial Arts is, well, martial arts. BMX is super fun and rad and my original love.

Here's a list of supplements I take:

1200mg Fish Oil 1x/day
Digestive Enzyme 3x/day
Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg 1x/day
D-Aspartic Acid 3000mg/day (4 weeks on, 2 weeks off)
Fenugreek 610mg 2x/day
Magnesium 250mg 1x/day
Vitamin C 1000mg 1x/day
B12 1000mg 1x/day
BCAA 2:1:1 500mg 3x/day (4:2 week cycle)
Creatine Monohydrate 2800mg 1x/day (4:2 week cycle)

I don't drink alcohol, use tobacco nor marijuana in any form.

Anyway, that's me in a nutshell. :)
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^ so who is faster on a mnt bike you or your brother? Hope he's doing well. He is one of the few guys I miss from the old gig. I'm in Live Oak btw.
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Processed sugar.. Eat it today..wear it tomorrow. The worst.
I'm going to try to gain flexibility and tone. Am not able to really do more than that realistically. I don't have a lot of energy... But i'm going to make en effort to do floor exercises and a brisk walk with the dog.
Anyone looking for a gym partner in the daly cityish area. I have an easier time getting to the gym if I'm held accountable for my laziness.
I forgot how much I missed this forum :) SO much has changed in my life since I was last active

I kind of want.to say.. We've all changed quite a bit.. Since that time. I look back on it and think. " i didn't know my left from my right".. "Head in the clouds".. But that's just me.
Just had an awesome workout. Don’t know if I’ll reach my end of April goals with respect to strength but I’ll just keep on keeping on.
Just had an awesome workout. Don’t know if I’ll reach my end of April goals with respect to strength but I’ll just keep on keeping on.

you're moving forward.. :thumbup one foot in front of the other.. keep with it.

gonna put the shoes on and ankle weights (don't make fun of me) .. and take the dog out.
The comment about working within your injuries hits home. Today a woman in the locker room approached me and asked about the various scars that are only visable in the locker room.
I've been in PT for over a year and am ready to move on.

Investing in a trainer who really is qualified and knows what he/ she is doing is very worthwhile as is seeking the guidence of a nutritionist. I'm lucky to have both.

Alcohol is the killer for me. I just can't handle it and one margarita really sets me back. I still drink just not so much.
Cut all alcohol. IMO, as we get older it's a big problem that manifests in several ways. It's also a dependency that you're strong enough to not need.
I’d be interested in hearing about your diet. Thanks in advance.

I just follow a few pretty simple (but hard to actually follow) rules:

Only "whole" grains. No white bread, rice, processed anything. If the ingredients don't start with the word "whole" I don't eat it.

About 20 grams of protein every three hours. Lots of fish and chicken, whey, and egg whites; very little red meat.

I avoid processed sugar as much as possible. I'd say I average less than 20 grams a day- which in our culture is a freaking miracle. I'm cool with some dried fruit (raisins and apricots) but try not to eat more than a half a banana a day and very little pineapple. Lots of citrus fruits (cuties, oranges, tangerines). If I absolutely have to have a sweetener then I use local honey- sparingly.

Lots of leafy greens. Probably in the nature of 4-8 oz/day. Primarily spinach, kale, and chard. Two bags of TJ's "Power Greens" a day. One trick is blending up most of a bag (4 oz) in my morning whey shake.

Now here's where it gets weird: I drink lemon water- one whole lemon per 24 oz of water, probably 48 oz/day. I'm pretty convinced this has helped to up my metabolic rate.

I hope this helps.
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Wish I had that ability...Jelly as hell. I'm just not organized enough to set my diet up that well...
Food prep is key!
Yesterday grilled up 5lbs of chicken breast, make up plates of chicken, vegetables, and a serving of quinoa or brown rice pack it into the refrigerator and there go all the excuses.
Wish I had that ability...Jelly as hell. I'm just not organized enough to set my diet up that well...

I stay pretty strict but my wife has difficulty with it. For her, she has to stay with it, and she has a hard time getting back. But once she stay consistent, she can go forever.

I always put into perspective - what do I enjoy more? BMX, Martial Arts and feeling well and not being tired and having my clothes fit really well, etc. Or this piece of cake?

Sometimes, I say "F it" and shovel like 4 pieces of cake down my gullet. But now, Every time I do that, I say to myself "Okay, you will pay for this for 3-4 days, so enjoy it" and I hop right back to a strict diet.

For me, too, it's injuries. There are some foods that just flare me up - mostly bread, and not so much rice (I guess it's that aZn ancestry). I don't eat either for the most part.

I would dare to say, that food is very cultural. Filipinos and other ethnic folks (I guess that would be all of us haha) show love and sharing through food. Problem is, is that becomes the norm, rather than a rare, special occasion. Meaning to say, every friggin day is doughnuts at the office in some places, or a fiesta, or a reason to eat out. How many people do I know who eat out like everyday? It's very hard to break away from that. Type II diabetes runs rampant among many ethnic groups, and it's sad and should be brought to light.

I just keep in mind how much I will pay for it when I do go off the deep end. Don't get me wrong, I do go off, but it's pain for 3-4 days.

BTW, I dropped 30lbs just taking this approach. I don't think exercise did much for my weight loss. Back in my Supermoto days, I got up to like 245 - that is insanity and awful. As they say? You can't outrun a bad diet :)
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