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Time to get Fit thread

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Took this last week off the gym - and my eating plan for the most part. Honestly, I think a break was more needed than I realized. Since I was dog sitting for a friend, and driving all over the DFW metro plex, it was a good week to relax on both fronts.

Feeling much more prepared to get back into things this coming week....hitting the ground running tomorrow morning again!
I learned, during my competitive climbing career, where I had to keep my weight down in my mid to late 30's (Never gained weight until 32) that you have to take a break from the constant watching what you ate or it would just wear you down. A break from that is always good to do, once in awhile to break it up.
Climbing Mt Hood tomorrow AM. Late season weather window I can't pass up. :)

Such a baller!

I went for a kayak yesterday and rowed for 40 minutes today, I might lift later, dunno. Not feeling very motivated this weekend- soccer season is over and we lost all three playoff games so I'm a little demoralized right now.


20 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure (apathy in this case, 10 sets)
20 minute row

3 slices whole grain French toast made with 6 egg whites, cream, and cinnamon
2 chicken breasts
spinach tortilla
10oz sliced peppered turkey
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Such a baller!

I went for a kayak yesterday and rowed for 40 minutes today, I might lift later, dunno. Not feeling very motivated this weekend- soccer season is over and we lost all three playoff games so I'm a little demoralized right now.

Surf is up. I paddled 9 miles in an outrigger canoe yesterday. Then I threw a “dadsgiving” and pigged out on tri tip, veggies, sweet potatoes, apple pie and vanilla ice cream.
Feeling like a lazy fat ass today but dragged myself to the house of pain.


20 min row at 20 s/min
Dead-hang pull ups - 5x10
DB Curls - 5x10
BB Curls - 3 sets to failure
DB Wrist Curls - 5x10
DB Reverse Wrist Curls 5x10
Face-Pulls 2x15
Tri Pressdown 5x10
Lat pulls 5x10
Burpies 10 sets
Bodyweight Squat 10x10


So far today:

2 eggs, 2 sausage patties, wheat toast
Green smoothie (spinach, strawberries, banana, almond milk, vegan pro)
4 poached eggs, 2 slices whewt toast, hot tea

I turned 59 1/2 yesterday so WTF... This is for you, creamygoodness :kiss :love PM sent, let’s get it on, Baby!

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Surf is up. I paddled 9 miles in an outrigger canoe yesterday. Then I threw a “dadsgiving” and pigged out on tri tip, veggies, sweet potatoes, apple pie and vanilla ice cream.

I used to surf. I will again someday. I promise.

Feeling like a lazy fat ass today but dragged myself to the house of pain.


20 min row at 20 s/min
Dead-hang pull ups - 5x10
DB Curls - 5x10
BB Curls - 3 sets to failure
DB Wrist Curls - 5x10
DB Reverse Wrist Curls 5x10
Face-Pulls 2x15
Tri Pressdown 5x10
Lat pulls 5x10
Burpies 10 sets
Bodyweight Squat 10x10


So far today:

2 eggs, 2 sausage patties, wheat toast
Green smoothie (spinach, strawberries, banana, almond milk, vegan pro)

I turned 59 1/2 yesterday so WTF... This is for you, creamygoodness :kiss :love PM sent, let’s get it on, Baby!


I wish you lived closer, we should totally train together.
Sat Pilates mat and reformer
Sun Yoga
Mon Pilates Reformer
Tues Yoga
Thurs Pilates mat and reformer
Sun Yoga.
Pretty good week. My back is feeling the best it's ever felt since I fractured 2 vertebrae in 2013
Damn, I want to look like Lizard when I grow up.........

Really been struggling with issues the last few weeks on the fitness front. Been down in the dumps because weight loss is on track during the week but then the weekend comes and even though I thought I was being pretty good I was gaining back the weight over the weekend. So after gutting through this week and continuing on the path, I felt a change was needed for my weekend routine. So this last Friday I weighed myself in the morning and then on Saturday I monitored my intake more and made sure to monitor my portions better and really buckled down on not eating sweets. On Sunday I did the same thing even though we had stuffed pork chops with rice and gravy for dinner and it was so good.

On Sunday the kids were out playing basketball on a gloriously nice day for the steamy south so instead of doing housework I joined in with them. It was me, my daughters and granddaughters and one of their boyfriends playing hoops for about an hour and a half. It was great we all had a great time and had tons of laughs making fun of each other. So with this in mind as the family patriarch, I have now declared Sunday family basketball day and we will be doing this more often as it was a blast and I feel it was a most excellent way to burn some weekend calories.

So the good news is that this morning when I hopped on the scale I was at a new low on the weight front and am starting the new week off without having to redo what I have already done so I am in a way better place this week. Now the most challenging day of the year is ahead of me so wish me luck on Thanksgiving.

Again reading about your guys' efforts has helped me to not lose hope and keeps me on the path to better fitness.
Friday night at the gym IS THE BEST!


20 min row at 20s/min followed by 10 dead hang pull-ups

5 sets:

Bench press superset w/burpies
DB flyes
DB crossover
DB decline
DB incline
DB Bicep Tendon curl things
Bar dips
Hanging leg lift
AB wheel rollouts
DB & BB curls
OH 45-lb shoulder rotation thingies


Three scrambled eggs, 1 potato, 1 small pork sausage
Nonfat Greek yogurt w/TB of honey
1 banana
Ham & cheese croissant that sucked
Protein shake (24g)
1 cookie that sucked
Dinner (below): tofu, quinoa, peas, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes
Protein shake (24g)

Happy Friday everyone!


I am getting back slowly after about 6 weeks recovery from my hand surgery.

Bar Curls
DB Combo Curls (in hammer and open config alternating) with light drop set to finish off.
From Hood this weekend.

The little speck on the snowy ridge upper-mid photo is me.


Sunrises are earned in this sport.


Calling it good here, with the ice and rocks falling from above, no reason to risk it.

From Hood this weekend.

The little speck on the snowy ridge upper-mid photo is me.
Nice pics!

Never got into mountain climbing, you guys get up too fricking early for my liking! :laughing

Good decision, I view mountain climbing like rolling the dice, if you roll them enough times with poor odds you're going to come up snake eye's one of those times. Climb smart, climb long. (Like ride smart, ride long).
I could get into paragliding, hike up something and take the fun way down.
I could get into paragliding, hike up something and take the fun way down.

I think you would have to be an absolute beast to get the 45-55 lb wing up that high with all the other necessary climbing gear. I'm sure there are people who could do it but no way is it a casual weekend warrior kind of thing. Paragliding in general takes a lot of time to learn. Some good friends of mine are dedicated flyers and the skill and knowledge required to be safe-ish isn't something to take lightly. I say go for it if you wanna learn to fly, I have been up in a tandem its rad, Just be realistic about the skills you need to develop.
I could get into paragliding, hike up something and take the fun way down.
A lot of these mountains have high wind up near the summit, there is a limit to what you can take off in. Also, you need a minimum wind speed as well.

It would suck to haul the rig to the top, with all of that extra load, only to find that you can't use it to get back down. :laughing

Of course, if you have $$$$, you could always pay to have to dropped off at the top for you. :laughing
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