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Time to get Fit thread

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5 sets of 10-15 reps:

DB press
DB laterals
Face-pulls per Athleanx
Deadhang Pull-ups
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises
Leg Curls
Bodyweight lunges

20 sets of 10:
Bodyweight squats

Today was 67% good and 33% garbage
In my experience anything over ~15% grade feels like going straight uphill, and 500ft is nothing to scoff at.

I hate running so I find something that's super steep and own it for an hour- I think my daily run/hike is about 3.5 miles round trip miles but that shit is 1300ft in 1.3 miles on the way up. It's brutal.

I stand corrected, turns out it's a little more:

20 minute row
60 minute run/hike 1300ft elevation
Shoulder press sets of 8 to failure (14 sets)

20oz protein shake
7oz mixed greens
1/2 Dave's Killer bagel with cream cheese
1/2 pound fresh turkey breast
1 head of cauliflower
1/2 head broccoli

do you want calories / macros or do you just eat good food regularly throughout the day?
I want to be Beau when I grow up. Damn dude.
Are you willing to put in the work and apply the self-discipline in your eating?

Beau, if you didn't wrestle, you should have, you have the discipline and drive to have been very good at it.
do you want calories / macros or do you just eat good food regularly throughout the day?

I just eat. I don’t even know what “macros” are.

Light day:
10 minute row
50 minute run 950ft elevation
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
7oz mixed greens
2 but bars
10oz protein shake
1/2 box Barbara’s oat squares
14oz peppered turkey slices
1 bag rice chips
Climbing Mt Hood tomorrow AM. Late season weather window I can't pass up. :)


Current conditions.

Not entirely true. Even on gear, you need to put in work.

Depends on age. In your 20 you don’t need to put in a ton of work to get results. In your 40-50’s your natural testosterone levels is down 50%. You can put in a ton of work however results will be very limited without juice, relatively speaking.

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I took a yoga class last night for the first time in 15 years. The instructor is a friend of mine and yes, she is.

Did the Barn run in 34:30 today.
Friday night at the gym IS THE BEST!


20 min row at 20s/min followed by 10 dead hang pull-ups

5 sets:

Bench press superset w/burpies
DB flyes
DB crossover
DB decline
DB incline
DB Bicep Tendon curl things
Bar dips
Hanging leg lift
AB wheel rollouts
DB & BB curls
OH 45-lb shoulder rotation thingies


Three scrambled eggs, 1 potato, 1 small pork sausage
Nonfat Greek yogurt w/TB of honey
1 banana
Ham & cheese croissant that sucked
Protein shake (24g)
1 cookie that sucked
Dinner (below): tofu, quinoa, peas, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes
Protein shake (24g)

Happy Friday everyone!

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Climbing Mt Hood tomorrow AM. Late season weather window I can't pass up. :)


Wow! Looks like fun!

I’d like to share my Mt. Fuji hike of June 2017.

I had hernia surgery 6 weeks prior to my hike. Doc told me to take it easy for 4 weeks post surgery and then cleared me. So with two weeks till Fuji-san I did my best to get back into shape, which I was just before surgery. After work every night I’d either mountain bike or run laps around the summit of Mt. Diablo. Fuji-san’s elevation is 12,388 and Mt. Diablo is 3,848. Not even the same but wvery little bit helps.

I went with the SO and her 30-something friends. As you guys know I was in my 30s a long time ago but what the hell.

We started our hike at around 3 pm with a plan to summit early in the am so we could see experience sunrise. The weather was sunny and probably around 68 at the base.

We had a guide as did most other groups. We would hike for about two hours at a time with a brief break. Fuji-san is a volcano so the there’s no greenery or trees or shrubs or flowers in its banks. There were some shops at the points where we took a break. When the sun set it was very peaceful. You see the headlamps of hiking groups ahead of us and below us. It was quite beautiful.

Some time around midnight we stopped at a cabin. Ate some Japanese beef curry with rice and took a 2 hour nap. If you’ve been to Japan you’ve seen or eaten the beef curry. It’s not nom nom but after hiking up Fuji-san for a few hours it is NOM NOM! Lol

Hiking up Fuji-san is not easy. It is all uphill. During a two-hour segment we were hiking in soft volcanic rock. That sucked - one step forward and two steps backwards or so it seemed.

Another segment was steps formed out of rocks. That was also fun! Woohoo!

There were some shops along the way that sold small oxygen bottles. I passed as I felt good except my legs felt they were surgically removed.

At some point during the night the moon said “hi”. Here’s a pic of the moon as we hiked:

We summited some time around 5 am. At the summit there are a few places to eat and buy stuff. And then.... SUNRISE:


Sunrise was spectacular! There were so many people but surprisingly it was very peaceful.

After a couple of hours at the summit we were ready to descend. I looked forward to using different leg muscles because my “ascending” muscles were murdered.

The weather was beautiful. You get a real sense of your altitude when you realize how mucher higher you are than the clouds. Here’s a pic of our descent; the cloud appear as a cotton candy blanket below us:

Hiking Fuji-san was an amazing experience. But it was tough for me because I just had hernia surgery 6 weeks prior. Going up was basically 11 hours on a stairmaster. Going down was basically 5 hours on a stairmaster. On the way down I bonked, that’s why it took me 5 hours. The 30-somethings in our group finished in about 3 as I recall. When I made it to base I drank the most delicious Coca Cola ever poured in a glass in the history of Earth. It WAS THAT delicious.

Anyhoo, thanks for listening and happy Saturday!

Live! Do not only exist.
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I made it to a few hundred ft below the summit this morning, 4500 ft climb with a 40 lb pack on snow, ice, and loose rocks in 3 hours 30 minutes. Did not reach the summit because the cliffs surrounding the route were peeling off chunks of ice and rock, it would have been unacceptably dangerous to push through. Waited around for sunrise, met up with another climbing team who made the same decision to turn back, and now I'm headed to a friend's house for a much-needed shower.

I made it to a few hundred ft below the summit this morning, 4500 ft climb with a 40 lb pack on snow, ice, and loose rocks in 3 hours 30 minutes. Did not reach the summit because the cliffs surrounding the route were peeling off chunks of ice and rock, it would have been unacceptably dangerous to push through. Waited around for sunrise, met up with another climbing team who made the same decision to turn back, and now I'm headed to a friend's house for a much-needed shower.

40 lbs - wow, props to you!! And thanks for sharing your story. Its stories like this and others that keep me motivated and inspired!
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