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Time to get Fit thread

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1x10 - Dead-hang Pull Ups
20 Min Row while thinking happy thoughts about new chick
1x10 - Dead-hang Pull Ups

5x15 - Hanging Scap Rotation
5x15 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat

1x20 - Push Ups

4x250 Feet - Farmer’s Carry w two 45-Lb Plates

3x15 - Hip Thrust (don’t want disgusting old man ass)
3x15 - Lunge

2x15 - BB Military Press


2 eggs, 1 potato, 1 small pork sausage
Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1 TB Honey - 12g
Pro Shake - 24g
1/2 Ham & Cheese croissant
Three Tangerines
Pro Shake - 24g
Wholepaycheck dinner (see below) - Spinach quinoa celery tofu cherry tomato egg carrots
Pro Shake - 24g

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So last week I only got in one actual gym trip which worried me seeing as Thanksgiving was happening and my wife is an amazing cook who goes all out for us that day. So after keeping my portions in check last week and still enjoying the hell out of Thanksgiving food and eating desserts, I managed to keep myself down to only gaining one pound over that week's starting weight.

I got some yard work done and played some hoops with the kids so I am figuring that helped keep the calories burned.

Got back to the gym last night did intervals on the treadmill and knee held up fine so I got in about 50 minutes. After the treadmill, I decided to hit the pecs. I looked up some inner chest workouts and tried to incorporate them into my routine.

4 sets flat bench
4 sets incline dumbbell
4 sets of single-arm cable crossovers
4 sets of plate presses
4 sets of tricep rope pulldowns

I am moving from a mass gaining workout to kind of a maintaining phase with lighter weight and lots more sets reps until I hit my goal weight then I will start chowing down again in order to bulk up.
Playing tonight. We'll see how my foot holds up.

How'd it go brah?

20 minute row
Lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure @237.5lbs (12 sets)

20oz protein shake
7oz spinach
1 cup blueberries
2x chicken breasts

Didn't get to run because I have a son sick home from school. Didn't get to eat because marital stress kills my apatite.
20-30 minutes on a heavy bag with 4 oz gloves can do wonders for many kinds of stress. :teeth
Fighting an annoying cold. Havent worked out much and its killing me. I wanna suck it up and just go but i dont have the energy or desire. :(

Next week isnt going to be any better. Heading to CA for the week with zero time to exercise. Every night theres something going on. :/
Mornings ;)

Heading for Hawaii on Saturday. Gonna keep up training as much as possible while we're there. Definitely gonna yoga and get some hiking/trail running.
20 minute row (while texting Mike)
20 minute row
20 minute row (10pm couldn't sleep)

20oz protein shake
7oz spinach
1 banana
1 large chicken breast
1/2 box Barbara's oat squares
1/2 cup heavy cream
10oz protein shake

I'm really fighting the blues right now so everything seems harder, but reading this thread and watching the success of my peers gives me the little bit of stoke I need. Thanks for keeping it alive.
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Put 2000 yards in the lap pool in about an hour and then dragged the kids around the warm water pool till my quads gave out.

Ate their pizza crusts after.

Also bought 50 swims that gave to be used by March 1st. I’m going to schedule them all. The goal is to use every one before they expire.

Repeat after me: I will not fall off this winter. I will not fall off this winter. I will not fall off this winter....

I won’t tell anyone how you can txt with both hands and feet on the row machine Beau....
20 minute row (while texting Mike)

I'm really fighting the blues right now so everything seems harder, but reading this thread and watching the success of my peers gives me the little bit of stoke I need. Thanks for keeping it alive.

B-Dog, I can’t tell you how much I look forward to your posts. They always motivate me, man. I’ve even copied how you post your nutrition.


1x30 - Push Ups

6x10 - Bench Press
6x10 - Bodyweight Squat

2x15 - Face Pulls
2X10 - Bodyweight Squat

5x10 - Cable X-Over
5x10 - Burpees

3X10 - Incline Cable X-Over
3x10 - Burpees

3x10 - Hanging Knee Raise

3x10 - Decline Cable X-Over
3x10 - Burpees

3x10 - Incline Cable X-Over
3x10 - Burpees

5x10 - DB Curls

3x10 - BB Military (lightweight)

3x10 - Leg Press
3x10 - Calf Raise


2 eggs, 1 white, and 1 potato
Pro Shake 24g
1 pack Raspberries
Lunch: Spinach, Pumpkin Seeds & Vegan Chick’N (see below)
Pro Shake 24g
Dinner: Broccoli and grilled tofu
3 Tangerines
Pro Shake 24g




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Bench 7 sets
Cable Crossover 5 sets
Cable extensions 5 sets
Skull Crushers 5 sets

Total time: About 60-70 minutes.

Generally, I keep the set count down to 20-25 and workout time to about 60 minutes or less. For me, doing much more to too much volume since I workout 5-6 days a week.
That can be a motivation zapper. Hang in there dude.

Even when motivation wanes, discipline should kick in. No doubt how you mentally feel can affect a workout, but getting in an doing it generally helps you feel better about whatever the problem is.

I actually was depressed when I couldn't work out.
Hang in there Beau....... I have those same highs and lows and when I am low it is hard to make it to the gym and to go through the whole routine. Maybe find something you enjoy and take a break from the grind of working out. I know you like other activities I think I remember surfing and soccer somewhere in this thread. Do those for a few days and see what happens. When I started playing basketball with the kids it really upped my enthusiasm for going back to the gym.
Even when motivation wanes, discipline should kick in. No doubt how you mentally feel can affect a workout, but getting in an doing it generally helps you feel better about whatever the problem is.

I actually was depressed when I couldn't work out.
So much this. Working out is the best way to deal with major stress, it reduces the chemicals in your brain that contribute to feelings of depression.

No matter how lousy I feel, once I'm inside a gym, instinct takes over.

Hang in there Beau, things will get better.
Agree with you guys. When don’t feel like working out, I drag myself to gym and just do a light workout. It really helps my mindset as I feel I’ve accomplished something.

But I’m not perfect so sometimes I just say fuck it.
Hang in there Beau....... I have those same highs and lows and when I am low it is hard to make it to the gym and to go through the whole routine.

That can be a motivation zapper. Hang in there dude.

B-Dog, I can’t tell you how much I look forward to your posts. They always motivate me, man. I’ve even copied how you post your nutrition.

Thanks guys, today is definitely a little better, much love! #amindisaterriblething

20 minute row
35 minute weighted run (9 minute miles with 25lbs and 766ft elevation)
Shoulder press sets of 8 @205lbs to failure (currently doing this prolly end up with 12+ sets)

20 minute row @10pm

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
1/2 cup blueberries
1 motherfuckin sausage calzone
1 big ass poppy seed mandarin salad
10oz protein shake
2 cups Barbara's oat squares
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Beau, you know the deal with burnout/ workout depression. Change something and give a new challenge. Reading your workouts, IMO, it's time...
Was back to the gym this week after a two week break - first week was kind of planned with the pet sitting I was doing, the second week not so much - my chronically ill (but young) cat crashed and ended up passing away, and I was mostly a wreck - followed by the holiday (which I did nothing for, but didn't want to, either).

This week picked up where I left off, and am paying for it in DOMS - well, everywhere LOL.

Still not quite 100% back to my normal eating plan, taking steps on getting that back to where it should be. Monitoring the scale to be sure I'm not letting things slide too much though.
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