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Time to get Fit thread

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Bear in mind that water weight fluctuates wildly. If you eat high salt foods you're going to weigh a noticeably more because your body is holding water. Want to loose five pounds fast? Dehydrate. That's what most "miracle diets" are, speed and diuretics.

True but is more of a running gauge and usually weigh myself after morning toiletry to get rid of excess waste water first.

You're kidding right

Well, I had a problem with weight gain over the weekend so after modifying my habits I was excited to see that I was either staying static or losing weight. So there was a little history there.
What kind of scale are you using? The digital scales have gotten very accurate and consistent as long as they're on a flat surface.

As to the 2 pound swing, don't let that throw you, as said above that could just be poop moving through your intestines. I always weigh my self after peeing in the morning, that is the most consistent time, though part of the weight depends on what you ate the night before and is moving through your system.

I'm going to have to figure out how to get back the corded look in my forearms that I had in spades during my climbing days. :laughing

Yeah probably obsessing too much on the scale but it was nice to see it get as low as it was......

I have been doing a lot of static grip exercises and farmer walks to try and get my grip/forearm strength up. I had a hard time with grip last night on my deadlifts so think I need to work the grip/forearm harder.

10 min Row
6x10 - Benchpress
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x10 - Decline Cable X
5x10 - Cable X
5x10 - DB Curl


3 eggs and 1 potato
Nonfat Greek Yogurt w honey
2 Sees candies
Pro Shake
Japanes whisky
Yeah probably obsessing too much on the scale but it was nice to see it get as low as it was......

I have been doing a lot of static grip exercises and farmer walks to try and get my grip/forearm strength up. I had a hard time with grip last night on my deadlifts so think I need to work the grip/forearm harder.

I like the idea of ditching the scale for a little while and focus on some variation, etc to keep it interesting. Funny thing I learned about variation are the workouts where I'm crunched on time, but need to get the full workout in. I end up working through the workout hella fast, and find that I'm way more beat to shit after, but with better results when done every once in awhile. Trying to get your workout done within a time period has become a thing about once every 10 days or so and it kicks ass.

So....maybe don't work the scale, and work some variation. Scale in 30 days. Here's what'll happen; you'll work hard to get to the end of those 30 days; harder than if you were checking every day. IMO and IME.
I like the idea of ditching the scale for a little while and focus on some variation, etc to keep it interesting. Funny thing I learned about variation are the workouts where I'm crunched on time, but need to get the full workout in. I end up working through the workout hella fast, and find that I'm way more beat to shit after, but with better results when done every once in awhile. Trying to get your workout done within a time period has become a thing about once every 10 days or so and it kicks ass.

So....maybe don't work the scale, and work some variation. Scale in 30 days. Here's what'll happen; you'll work hard to get to the end of those 30 days; harder than if you were checking every day. IMO and IME.
I do that every lifting day, I do circuits so I'm varying my workouts through multiple muscle groups so that while one is recovering I'm hitting the next. I'm getting 36 18 rep sets done in under 30 minutes which leaves lots of time for cardio and steam room.

When I first started doing it, it beat me up, but now I'm used to it and I keep my heart rate elevated and can do as many circuits as I want.
I like the idea of ditching the scale for a little while and focus on some variation, etc to keep it interesting. Funny thing I learned about variation are the workouts where I'm crunched on time, but need to get the full workout in. I end up working through the workout hella fast, and find that I'm way more beat to shit after, but with better results when done every once in awhile. Trying to get your workout done within a time period has become a thing about once every 10 days or so and it kicks ass.

So....maybe don't work the scale, and work some variation. Scale in 30 days. Here's what'll happen; you'll work hard to get to the end of those 30 days; harder than if you were checking every day. IMO and IME.

I last stepped on the scale at the doctors officemore than a month ago. You should be able to tell if you are not where you want to be by just looking at yourself. Using a scale is just reenforcing either your positive progress (somewhat artificially if you are watching 1-5 lv swings) or negative progress (which is not productive).

Progress should be gauged by what you can actually see in the mirror and how you feel. Not based on a number from a plate you stand on.
I use the scale to kind of gauge my progress. I am not being super strict about what I eat and am trying to just eat healthier and use more reasonably sized portions so that when I hit my target weight it will be more of a lifestyle change rather than being on a diet that got me there. It can be frustrating but sometimes just venting to the people in here helps and gets me back to where I need to be.

Last night was running late but still got in about 255 calories on the treadmill and hit the chest area with weights. I had to stop a little early because my shoulder was starting to hurt a bit and did not want to take any chances with it. I did notice that I was able to incline dumbbell press more than I thought I would for more reps which was a nice surprise. I really wish I had a workout partner down here so I have someone to spot me so I could push harder on the bench presses and make faster gains I really don't relish pushing myself and having the bar drop on my chest.

On a side note still got some muscle soreness from Monday nights deadlifts I must have done a good job stressing those muscles and making micro-tears.
IMO, as I've gotten older I stay away from bars. Too much shoulder pops and cross strain. I'll use mechanical machines / free weights instead and drop the weights down if needed, slow the rep, palm facing, etc.

I like your diet description. Pretty much what I do too.
IMO, as I've gotten older I stay away from bars. Too much shoulder pops and cross strain. I'll use mechanical machines / free weights instead and drop the weights down if needed, slow the rep, palm facing, etc.

I like your diet description. Pretty much what I do too.
It's always good to do lower weight and do it correctly than greater weight and doing it wrong to push that weight.

At every gym I see people who don't do their lifting right and in a potentially damaging, or at best not accomplishing what they expect, because they're getting out of form to bump the weight up.

Then there are the short-stroke folks who might get greater size by not doing the full range but are limiting the extent of usefulness of their muscles by only pressing for a short range.

10 years ago I switched to 18 reps for a set and don't move up until I could easily do 20 reps. This helps to keep me out of trouble.
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Same hear Brett...and non-stop. Heart rate runs 125-165 for the whole workout. I never rest. 50-70 minutes of work, depending on the workout. Then stretch and leave. It parallels what I use it for (functionally in my sports) very well.
It's always good to do lower weight and do it correctly than greater weight and doing it wrong to push that weight.

At every gym I see people who don't do their lifting right and in a potentially damaging, or at best not accomplishing what they expect, because they're getting out of form to bump the weight up.

Then there are the short-stroke folks who might get greater size by not doing the full range but are limiting the extent of usefulness of their muscles by only pressing for a short range.

10 years ago I switched to 18 reps for a set and don't move up until I could easily do 20 reps. This helps to keep me out of trouble.

There are reasons bodybuilders often use short range of motion in exercises. Mostly maintaining tension.

Also, someone doing "ass to grass' squats for example might be using that extra range of motion to bounce through to build momentum to get out of the hole.

I am of the belief that correct form and use of free weights is an excellent way to maintain the integrity of your skeleton, joints included.
It's always good to do lower weight and do it correctly than greater weight and doing it wrong to push that weight.

At every gym I see people who don't do their lifting right and in a potentially damaging, or at best not accomplishing what they expect, because they're getting out of form to bump the weight up.

Then there are the short-stroke folks who might get greater size by not doing the full range but are limiting the extent of usefulness of their muscles by only pressing for a short range.

10 years ago I switched to 18 reps for a set and don't move up until I could easily do 20 reps. This helps to keep me out of trouble.

There are reasons bodybuilders often use short range of motion in exercises. Mostly maintaining tension.

Also, someone doing "ass to grass' squats for example might be using that extra range of motion to bounce through to build momentum to get out of the hole.

I am of the belief that correct form and use of free weights is an excellent way to maintain the integrity of your skeleton, joints included.
Feeling good. I put in 15 mins on the rowing machine and 5 sprinting on the stationary bike yesterday. Followed that with a light upper body lift. Still working around a fickle shoulder but lifting was kind of fun.

Today was pool day. Did a 650 easy warm up and then followed that with 4 500’s on 10 minutes. The 2650 total is 1.5 miles which is the Alcatraz swim. I need to be able to kick the shit out of this distance in open water come June....

Scheduled for a yoga class tomorrow. Calling it a good week.
I had a night meeting at work but dragged my ass to the gym for a short but effective workout. Ever have one of those days where you feel like fat fuck slob?


5x15 - DB Military Press
5x15 - DB Side Laterals
10x10 - Burpees
2x15 - Face Pulls
5x15 - Calf Raise
5x15 - Leg Press


3 eggs, 1 potato
Nonfat Greek Yogurt w/1 TB honey
Starbucks Reduced Fat Turkey Bacon sammie
1 Hershey’s bar :twofinger
Pro Shake - 24g
Hooter’s grilled chicken sammie w/o bread & grilled vaggies
Pro Shake - 24g

20 minute row
45 minute weighted run 25lbs with 9 minute miles 870ft elevation
30 minute row
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
1 apple
1 banana
2 chicken breasts
1 head broccoli
1 bag bean chips
2 nut bars


20 minute row
60 minute weighted run/hike 30lbs and 1300ft elevation
Incline bench press sets of 8 to failure (currently 6 sets in)
Got a call and went surfing, so 7 sets.

20oz protein shake
6oz spinach
1 banana
3tbs almond butter
1 turkey breast
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