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Time to get Fit thread

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Beau, you know the deal with burnout/ workout depression. Change something and give a new challenge. Reading your workouts, IMO, it's time...

I started a new run (with dog) which is nice, but whats getting me down is totally workout unrelated. Matters of the heart are the suck.

...the second week not so much - my chronically ill (but young) cat crashed and ended up passing away, and I was mostly a wreck - followed by the holiday (which I did nothing for, but didn't want to, either).

I'm so sorry, I understand that pain and the subsequent apathy.

20 minute row
35 minute weighted run (9 minute miles with 25lbs and 766ft elevation)
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
5oz spinach
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 pound roasted turkey
1 cup whole wheat stuffing
1/2 cup shitty vegan mushroom gravy
1 bag rice chips
1/2 cup unsweetened almond butter
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Sorry on the heart stuff Beau...they are way, way...the suck. I feel for you, brother.
Matters of the heart are the suck.

In times of heartache, I think of what my uncle once told me:

“Women are like buses. You miss one and another comes along in ten minutes.”

Tonight.... back at it:


20 min row
1x10 - Dead-Hang Pull Ups

6x10 - DB Shoulder Press
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
6x10 - DB Side Laterals
3x10 - BB Military Press
2x10 - OH 45-LB Plate Shoulder Rotation
2x15 - Face Pulls


• Smoothie - 24g spinach strawberries vegan protein banana almond milk
• 3 hard boiled eggs - 15g
• 1 Hershey’s Bar w Almonds :twofinger
• Starbucks Low Fat Turkey sammy - 18g
• Pro Shake - 24g
• Pre-Workout
• Vegan Chick’N, tofu, quinoa and vaggies (see below) - 30-35g?
• Pro Shake - 42g!!

Total Protein: ~150g

Happy Weekend, Everyone!

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Ran an hour this morning at 9:00/mi and then spent the day on the beach and ate dinner like there's no tomorrow. Ahhh tropical vacation.
Totally stoked.

I skipped the gym on Friday because it was the wife units B-day and she has been stressing lately so I took the day off and got her out of the house. Took her shopping and out to a B-day lunch at her place of choice. By the time we got home, I couldn't make it to the gym.

Saturday was a total wash as well I took my girls shopping for homecoming dresses and it was an all-day event when I had only planned on a few hours or time so Saturday was a wash for exercising as well.

Sunday, ah Sunday got up and then realized that the 49ers were playing the Saints. Got some food in me did a few lite chores and then sat down to a nail-biting 4 hours of TV as the 49ers finally pulled off a last-second field goal win. We finally did what the other teams do to us. Played about 45 minutes fo Bball with the girls, then started watching some other games and ate dinner.

Now for the totally stoked part. got up this morning and weighed myself and found that I had lost a pound over the weekend. I attribute this to eating more sensibly and not eating after dinner. Can't wait to get back to the gym this week and see if I can lose a few more pounds this week.
Great progress @Sharxfan - way to keep at it.

Got up this morning and did my planned workout. Did not want to get up, did not want to get out of bed, did not want to go to the gym, really did not want to go to work.

Did all the things anyways. The stress at work is killing me, but trying very hard not to let that halt my progress. There are days it's tougher than others....
Great progress @Sharxfan - way to keep at it.

Got up this morning and did my planned workout. Did not want to get up, did not want to get out of bed, did not want to go to the gym, really did not want to go to work.

Did all the things anyways. The stress at work is killing me, but trying very hard not to let that halt my progress. There are days it's tougher than others....

We are balls deep in "stay in bed and drink coffee weather."

Props for getting on it AJ. It will probably feel really good when you end your day to know you got shit done.
We are balls deep in "stay in bed and drink coffee weather."

Props for getting on it AJ. It will probably feel really good when you end your day to know you got shit done.

Not even sure about that, but it WILL be a requirement if next year's racing plans are going to happen, and this job ain't worth it's shit if I'm not racing, so, get up and do the things :loco

20 minute row
20 minute row
20 minute row

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
1 whole chicken
2 whole doughnuts
6 whole chocolate chip cookies


20 minute row

20ox protein shake
1/2 cup blueberries
6oz spinach
2 chicken breasts
1 cheeseburger
1 bag veggi chips (mostly cornmeal)


20 minute row
45 minute weighted run 25lbs with 9.5 minute miles 920ft elevation
Lat pulldowns sets of 8 to failure 13 sets @225lbs

20oz protein shake
8oz spinach
1 can tuna
1 beet
1 head of broccoli
1 bag bean chips
Currently camped (in the rental car) at 11k feet on Mauna Loa. Tomorrow we're going to hike to the summit. Wanted to do Mauna Kea (it's about 100' higher elevation) but protests over an observatory expansion have closed the road for months.
I really hate my scale. I was at all-time low on Monday morning and then after having a good day yesterday with watching meals and not overdoing anything with a solid 90-minute workout at the gym I wound up gaining 2 pounds back. I think my scale is not consistent and I need to maybe start weighing myself more at the gym on their beam scale and not use the inconsistent piece of crap in my bathroom. :(

50 minutes on the treadmill only roasted about 250 calories as I was having knee twinges so didn't want to run so did fast walk at 5 incline.

3 sets of 5 deadlifts
3 sets of one arm dumbbell rows
3 sets of lat pull downs
GUYS! Ive been having crossfit dreams. I think I miss working out :laughing Finally managed to get my ass up and sweat a bit. Had to come to CA to get it done but I did.

25mins on the elliptical followed by 3 set of 6 push-ups and 3 sets of 10 air squats. short and sweet but I finally managed to break my cycle. Hoping to keep it up and get back into it. I fell off the wagon pretty hard.
I really hate my scale. I was at all-time low on Monday morning and then after having a good day yesterday with watching meals and not overdoing anything with a solid 90-minute workout at the gym I wound up gaining 2 pounds back. I think my scale is not consistent and I need to maybe start weighing myself more at the gym on their beam scale and not use the inconsistent piece of crap in my bathroom. :(

50 minutes on the treadmill only roasted about 250 calories as I was having knee twinges so didn't want to run so did fast walk at 5 incline.

3 sets of 5 deadlifts
3 sets of one arm dumbbell rows
3 sets of lat pull downs

A 2 lb fluctuation is nothing. Take a big shit and you can drop that. I think you are stressing too much on a number. How do you feel?
I really hate my scale.

Forget the scale, use your mirror and feeling of well being. I step o the scale once a week, other than that I mostly rely on how I'm feeling, how my body is reacting to what I'm doing. Kinda sore is good, powerful is good, unmotivated or tired is less than ideal.

Granted, I suffer from bouts of mild depression and low self esteem so these factor in, but overall I find the scale is not an accurate barometer of where I'm at. And besides, muscle weighs more than fat so you might be getting the good gains!

Row 20 minutes
Shoulder press sets of 8 to failure (205lbs for 12 sets)
Row 20

20oz protein shake
10oz spinach
2 chicken breasts
(more food to come throughout the day)
Thanks Mike and Beau. I try to use the scale as an indicator of how my daily intake is going instead of weighing everything. It was just disheartening to see that if I was doing what I thought was right I seemed to be going in the wrong direction.

On the plus side though I feel good at the gym and my treadmill sessions are getting easier. I am having some issues with lifting so I am thinking I may need to research a new routine to break out of my rut and maybe take a week off from lifting to get back my intensity.
Thanks Mike and Beau. I try to use the scale as an indicator of how my daily intake is going instead of weighing everything. It was just disheartening to see that if I was doing what I thought was right I seemed to be going in the wrong direction.

On the plus side though I feel good at the gym and my treadmill sessions are getting easier. I am having some issues with lifting so I am thinking I may need to research a new routine to break out of my rut and maybe take a week off from lifting to get back my intensity.
What kind of scale are you using? The digital scales have gotten very accurate and consistent as long as they're on a flat surface.

As to the 2 pound swing, don't let that throw you, as said above that could just be poop moving through your intestines. I always weigh my self after peeing in the morning, that is the most consistent time, though part of the weight depends on what you ate the night before and is moving through your system.

In my case, after moving and being out of a gym for a couple months with Track Nationals (coach) in the middle of it all I was down to 202 lbs, my lowest weight in several years. But, since joining the gym, I've steadily gone up as I put back on muscle without increasing fat. I'm now at 222.6, all muscle gain, currently working at getting my tone back in my arms, I'm used to a permanent sharp indent in my triceps at rest at all bend positions that is taking awhile to get back.

I'm going to have to figure out how to get back the corded look in my forearms that I had in spades during my climbing days. :laughing
Thanks Mike and Beau. I try to use the scale as an indicator of how my daily intake is going instead of weighing everything.

Bear in mind that water weight fluctuates wildly. If you eat high salt foods you're going to weigh a noticeably more because your body is holding water. Want to loose five pounds fast? Dehydrate. That's what most "miracle diets" are, speed and diuretics.
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Now for the totally stoked part. got up this morning and weighed myself and found that I had lost a pound over the weekend. I attribute this to eating more sensibly and not eating after dinner. Can't wait to get back to the gym this week and see if I can lose a few more pounds this week.

You're kidding right
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