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What are your favorite Motorcycle movies?

And :barf isn't a motorcycle website??
And :barf isn't a motorcycle website??
What are you getting at? Are you saying that barf is filled with extraneous b.s. that is not motorcycle related, but it is still a motorcycle site? :wtf Well it ain't the Huffington Post, that's for sure. They don't post many motorcycle crashing vids there. Wouldn't you rather be Arianna Huffington, anyway? :boobies
I liked Torque. Yea it's way over the top, but no other movie since has done a high speed chase scene that felt as fast. And they do a great job of showcasing some of the bikes.
If you have Netflix, check out Once Was a Jolly Swagman ☺ Its all about British dirt track racing in the 1940s. Pretty nice cinematography for its time.
Old timers will remember this one. Not a movie but still has a strong cult following. Sometimes youtube has a few of the episodes including the opener which really sets the stage for the entire series.Michael Parks at his best.

Parks was way cooler than Brando, it was a great show.
I always liked the chase in First Blood when Sylvester Stallone escapes from the police station. Wet pavement on a shity old bike. Some good bike chasing in that newest Bourne movie too. I wouldn't call them motorcycle movies but I'm a sucker for a good movie chase.
Thanks, russ69

Then Came Bronson appeared on TV in 1969.......45 years ago. Michael Parks truly captures the freedom associated with motorcycles. The opening scene has Parks stopped at a red light. In the station wagon stopped alongside is a father, wife and lots of kids. The father looks longingly at parks and says that looks like fun. Parks looks over at the guy trapped in what is a typical lifestyle for the time, and replies, "YOU HANG IN THERE.
Those of us who choose to ride , as well as most thinking non riders, get it.
Anglerdon, you forgot the most important line....

Driver: "Taking a trip?"
Bronson: "What's that?"
Driver: "Taking a trip?"
Bronson: "Yeah."
Driver: "Where to?"
Bronson: "Oh, I don't know. Wherever I end up, I guess."
Driver: "Man, I wish I was you."
Bronson: "Really?"
Driver: "Yeah."
Bronson: "Well, hang in there."

Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLzs14b2eVs
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Russ, thanks for reminding me. I forget a lot of things these days.

That was the era when dual sport bikes like the Yamaha DT 250 came out. These , go anywhere, bikes really spelled freedom and introduced people of all ages to motorcycling.

There were lots of places to ride locally in the dirt. Those spots are filled with Condos today.

Ride safe.
I always liked the chase in First Blood when Sylvester Stallone escapes from the police station. Wet pavement on a shity old bike. Some good bike chasing in that newest Bourne movie too. I wouldn't call them motorcycle movies but I'm a sucker for a good movie chase.

I love that scene man! He just steals the bike from some guy

That made me think of movie I would watch when I was a kid and I remember this one too:

I don't think I'd be sitting here right now with a broken foot and ankle without having seen Akira as a boy.

one of the best shitty movies around that happens to be about motorcycles.

This one has some truly amazing scenes.