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What did you do to your dirty bike today?

Sub frame welded and re-installed yesterday, waiting for the USPS to deliver the frame braces I ordered from Manracks....


Tracking said it would be delivered yesterday. I hate the USPS. They can deliver loads of junk mail, every day without fail but when I pay them to deliver something an hour away it takes almost a week. UPS and FedEx kick ass.

The wife and I rode Foresthill today, (I rode my KTM) got some nice single track in and got some air off the jumps on T3. Really wet and slick out there, loads of fun.
While up in stony I felt like I lost rear brake pressure. Figured I was just due for a fluid flush. As it turns out, I lost both screws on the rear master so it was back there just floating around. When I would step on the pedal I got nothin'. Anyways, the screws were replaced and the fluid flushed for good measure.
Pulled the carb on the 300 and cleaned it all out. Moved the clip down a notch on the needle and took it for a rip around the neighborhood. I have to get it up to cow more often. The xr is just too easy to take everywhere.
Your 200 is set up perfectly!! For me anyway.
It took everything I had to give it back to you.
(Thanks for letting me blast it up the hill)


Seriously. I sold that bike once, and will NOT make that mistake again. :thumbup

I rode my buddy's KDX200 at Metcalf when it was brand new and I had very little dirt experience. It's shocking how good that bike is.

While up in stony I felt like I lost rear brake pressure. Figured I was just due for a fluid flush. As it turns out, I lost both screws on the rear master so it was back there just floating around. When I would step on the pedal I got nothin'. Anyways, the screws were replaced and the fluid flushed for good measure.

I lost both bolts out of the front caliper on a CRF250R at the top of a mountain in the Mojave. Almost went off a cliff. Both bolts were torqued to spec. I always loctite caliper bolts now.

Pulled the carb on the 300 and cleaned it all out. Moved the clip down a notch on the needle and took it for a rip around the neighborhood. I have to get it up to cow more often. The xr is just too easy to take everywhere.

Can you lug that beast like everyone says you can? People told me it was seriously easy to ride.
Finished up new graphics! After cleaning her up from a Carnegie trip!

Edit: Oh also fresh new MX52s!

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Rode the crap out of it in the rain and mud, then put it in the garage without so much as a wipe down. Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend. :laughing
Rode the crap out of it in the rain and mud, then put it in the garage without so much as a wipe down. Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend. :laughing

Just finished cleaning mine of all the dried on crusty muck and 2t spooge!

Can't wait for the next ride. Hoping to hit Carnagie again the weekend after next.
The wife has conquered China Wall T5, we're going for T6 next. I hear it is somewhat treacherous.
T5 is a walk in the park compared to T6, but if you only plan on doing T6 in a day and take your time and take breaks, it should be fine. I'd go counter-clockwise. Holler if you want a tag along.
T5 is a walk in the park compared to T6, but if you only plan on doing T6 in a day and take your time and take breaks, it should be fine. I'd go counter-clockwise. Holler if you want a tag along.

Yea, I did some searching, looks pretty tough but do able.

The wife is up for anything because she knows I'll ride her bike over the really hard stuff. :wtf Case in point, T5 at China wall....


Can't remember if I shared this or not....after I got the wife's bike over that obstacle I went back to help my sister in law. I looked straight down and saw something blue....


Turned out to be a 2013 WR250 about 6-10 feet down. The bit of orange is a tow strap tied around the rear wheel, someone tried to pull it up.
Wow! That looks like a really sucky spot to lose a bike!

That spot on T5 doesn't look familiar, unless that's the T5-6 connector? The hardest part on T5 is probably that 180 degree down to the creek and up/out, more so if it's all wet. But, if you guys did the T5-6 connector, it's actually a pretty decent trail, maybe 75-80% of T6, much harder than just doing T5.
Wow! That looks like a really sucky spot to lose a bike!

That spot on T5 doesn't look familiar, unless that's the T5-6 connector? The hardest part on T5 is probably that 180 degree down to the creek and up/out, more so if it's all wet. But, if you guys did the T5-6 connector, it's actually a pretty decent trail, maybe 75-80% of T6, much harder than just doing T5.

I thought it was the toughest spot on T5. We were traveling CCW. We've been on the T5-6 connector, I remember going across the road and then we went back across.

I think I know the creek spot you're talking about. That was a good one, too. This spot was way past that.

Of course, I've only been there twice so....:wtf

We did the trail again a few weeks later and the WR was gone. I'm sure who ever lost it got it back. Hell, four of us were standing right over it and I'm the only one who noticed it, and just barely at that.
I re-assembled the XR yesterday and remembered how much I dislike working on Hondas.
Can you lug that beast like everyone says you can? People told me it was seriously easy to ride.

Mine crawls along pretty good on the technical stuff. I'm sure the flywheel weight helps alot along with the super low gears. Great for tight stuff but you get it out on a fire road and you find top gear real fast.
I actually rode the xr650r for the first time tonight! Didn't go very far because the headlight is out and its dark but it felt great just riding from the trailer to the garage! I tried to take it to dmv to get the engine number changed on the title but they turned me away saying the chp has to inspect it for that, so I'm scheduled with them next friday.

Started first kick and felt really smooth. Maybe tomorrow I'll take it around town a bit to get a real feel for it. STOKED!!
^boy are you in trouble!!:laughing I remember when I got bit by the XRr bug. Hooligan mode......engaged.:thumbup
I've been bitten before. This is my xrr redux! :rofl