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what got you suspended in high school?

fighting. Kid half the size of me came at me and just hit me. I looked at him and said "was that it?"

he then tried to punch me again but i stepped back and then socked him in the face. he went down hard.

got 5 days.
disc-man? e-mail? vending machine? video tape?
when I was a kid, we had to build our own trouble, out of dirt, and we liked it!


Eh, I dared a kid to see if his head would fit inbetween the wood slats in the back of a chair. It did fit in...just, not out. He got stuck and they had to cut the chair off of him. I didn't get suspended, just a stern talking-to.
Never did. Bought the Dean and most of the teachers a round my sophmore year at my local bar hang out. The look on there face to see me there:rofl Also didn't have to go to many classes, since I was told by most teachers to only show up on test days.

Good having hook ups and beingable to cause trouble:teeth
Hmm, I never got suspended for the following: Putting a guy through a locker after he wouldn't stop messing with me, doing a burnout in the school parking lot, throwing one of the tightends out of the locker room into the gym in his underwear and socks when the girls volleyball team was practicing, bringing my walkman to school and having the security take the headphones away when they saw me in class with it and then calming pulling out my second pair of headphones when they left, getting a tardy to school 146 times for the year.. The most I got was 1 day of afterschool detention for the tardiness.. I was a good student with a mischievous streak.. :p
-Me and this girl were drinking vodka poured into a water bottle in psych class, and she spilt the bottle right next to the teachers desk:laughing.

-Leaving campus for lunch
-installing porn on the computer and changing the wallpaper to porn
-Me and this girl were drinking vodka poured into a water bottle in psych class, and she spilt the bottle right next to the teachers desk:laughing.

-Leaving campus for lunch
-installing porn on the computer and changing the wallpaper to porn

hahaha, your my new bff.
I'm in my mid 30's and already retired, so:twofinger. You can keep your piss ant job you petty tyrant.

We weren't harming anybody, and we asked him once to be cool, and then warned him twice. The principal did not seem all that mad because he was being a pain in his side as well with his constant need of attention.

I was not a bully, nor were my friends, in fact we socialized very well across the board and many of the fights I was involved in were actually defending the smaller folks from the bullies. Occasionally a few of them were with people because we didn't see eye to eye, but they were even matches. And yes - I'd lost as many fights as I won.

This kid had it coming, and if you were that kid then I hope that your the one that changed.

I've left my fighting in High School. How you doin'?

Reread my post, since it was pretty clearly not recieved in the spirit that was intended. :|
I was in my locker and a friend thought it would be funny to kick the door shut, but it hit me in the side of the head and the corner split my temple open and I started bleeding everywhere, I immediately stood up and punched him in the face, and then the campus security comes by with me bleeding from the head and my friend with a black eye. It sucked because we weren't mad at each other and were friends, but we both got 3 days for "fighting" which sucks since I got away or talked my way out of everything else and got in trouble for some bs
I went to 4 different high schools because I kept getting suspended/expelled for fighting. :laughing
Mostly got suspended for fighting. I didnt start fights though just ended them. I refused to take shit from anyone and if they were talking it they had better have brought it as well.
Nothing at all in HS (I went to an application only arts HS and they kept me entertained and challenged)

Junior High was pretty spectacular though; all penalties were ISS - In School Suspension; full day of no talking, no moving, no nothing, sit and do your required work in a separate building, they even brought lunch to us, lets see...

A week for passing out and spewing vodka/wine/beer on my 1st period desk- and a bunch of the kids around me. Obviously before I knew what order to consume those in, and to eat first

Three days for the old sticky plastic fishing worms on the ceiling trick; they'd take between two and three periods to fall and scare the crap out of someone, and were 300 for like $3 so I had the rest of my 'gang/posse,' sharing the joy

Three days for disassembling those massive science class desks/bus seats/lockers/doors/AV equipment (anyone remember filmstrips with the built in cassette player?) - lets just say I was a genius with a crescent wrench: if I'd only had a leatherman, aahhh the chaos I could have caused

Three days: Random egg throwing in the long 2 story hallways which progressed to sandwich bags of instant oatmeal, 'casuse mom didn't miss the oatmeal - but eggs

Multiple single days for merciless teasing, to the point of them crying, of the kids who now probably run IBM and Apple (we're too old for Google), unless I was really successful and they're still blobs of jello

One day and the best one was being 'overtly sexual,' or some such crap with the lead singer of our air guitar band- ahh Emily in her moms leather pants.... Yeah, shy, mullet boy me grinding with a Pat Benatar (it was the early 80's) look-alike, inspired by that new cable phenomenon called MTV, before going into some rockin' Loverboy tune; there may have been booze involved that night too, although that might have actually been high school. By comparison, those kids today with their 'freak dancing,' would have thought we were Amish and had the night off from making fireplaces.

Lesson for you parents: Is it obvious my parents were having relationship issues and forgot about me for a couple of years? I just wanted attention.
Nothing really happened to me in High School :dunno

I got teased a bit in middle school, one day 6 guys got in a circle and started punching me. After taking it for a few seconds, I let my fists fly. So when a teacher walked up, there is big me beating the tar out of the two little guys that weren't fast enough to get away. One day ISS for that.

Another day a guy was mouthing off to me in class and I had had enough. I got out of my chair in the middle of class and belted him in the mouth in front of the teacher and everyone. Don't know how I managed to only get one night of detention for that.

Nobody really bothered me after that and I went back to being my normal peacefull self. :p

*edit* I almost forgot, a guy punched me in the locker room one day and not only had to go through the humiliation of me telling him, "Is that all you've got," and not throwing a punch back, but also getting suspended for 3 days for "assult" :laughing
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getting into fights:teeth

stabbing someone's hand with a pencil:p

some kid was fuckign with me so i stabbed him with a pencil once and he was fucking crying and whining about it so i took another pencil and stabbed myself a few times and said "IT'S FUKCING NOTHING DAMMIT!"

he stopped crying and never fucked with me again.:|