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What happens when men prefer porn?

We have a big problem with dating/relationships in the west and many other countries are screwed as well such as China.

Generally, most women are going after the top 20% of men? And maybe more like top 5% of men. Kind of always been this way. Especially to sleep with him, then find a cuck to marry and divorce him later and take child support and alimony. Nature is cruel, most men are invisible to most women. If the women doesn't like the guy more than the guy likes the woman, I think the relationship is doomed. She most be the adorer and the guy must be the adored. Women have much higher standards and understandably.

Here's a few of the issues. It might look like I'm blaming women, but men are at fault too. I have no answers, just a few points.




Social Media - Women get a ton of attention from simps, over-inflating their sense of worth, and also compare their life to other women that have a "higher status" guy. Also, women are getting flown out to rich men's houses all over the world. So now a man isn't competing with other men in the local area, he's competing with men from all over the world.

Women earning more money - I'm not against it, great for women, but now women are more independent and don't rely on men for financial security. Allso due to society don't need a man for physical protection. Imagine just 100 years ago, the average woman depended on a man for protection, so she had no choice but to "settle".



Promiscuous young women that sleep with lots of men, they become alpha-widowed and can never be satisfied with a man on their level after that, unable to pair bond. The more men she sleeps with, the more likely she is to get divorced if she chooses to marry someday. They think just because a man that's more attractive than them sleeps with them, that they are on his "level". Major delusion.

Marriage laws

Bay Area - A tougher dating market for "average" men. Plus women are a little more feminist/masculine/independent/promiscuous here.

Men not earning enough money. Ironically women want to earn as much as men but they still want a man that earns more than they do.

If women like me live alone, we need to earn more money. Our bills aren't any less just because we have tits. We stopped relying on men for financial security because there are countless tales of housewives being dumped for a younger, newer model and being left destitute. Hence alimony.

If you're going to blame women for being promiscuous, men deserve that blame just as much. It takes two to tango.
Simps reads like a supply and demand complaint from a vhs manufacturer.
Kind of a funny phrase if you think about it, because it's trying to tell you that beauty goes beyond appearance, but then it's referencing appearance as the meaning of beauty.
women are like motorcycles, the higher the cost the faster the lap time.

oops sorry this isn't about motorcycles, I think maybe. Ducati.
If women like me live alone, we need to earn more money. Our bills aren't any less just because we have tits. We stopped relying on men for financial security because there are countless tales of housewives being dumped for a younger, newer model and being left destitute. Hence alimony.

If you're going to blame women for being promiscuous, men deserve that blame just as much. It takes two to tango.

The rise of the millenial polycule is being driven in part by the exorbitant costs of living in urban America.
This thread is a good one to issue a reminder that states are looking to revoke no-fault marriages. What kind of values are you communicating? When you specifically write laws that don’t allow women, only men, to dissolve a marriage?

Long-term relationships have always been difficult to maintain in the healthy sense, but the rise of the red pill movement has given young man the excuse to be the incells that they always were, but not be ashamed of it.
The rise of the millenial polycule is being driven in part by the exorbitant costs of living in urban America.
i am housing not one but two folks right now in rural southern oregon. one is a platonic nesting partner and the other is a friend since middle school. i jokingly call the nesting partner my wife but he watches the cats when i am away and fixes stuff around the house (and knows how to fix motorcycles!). my friend just returned from a year long world tour and is responsible for cooking because he used to be a chef. i don’t know how long he will stay here. that depends on his work situation. i pay the bills here and because i have two folks helping with stuff i have a lot more free time and less stress. its great if not a traditional arrangement.
When I occasionally look at the state of the dating scene, I am yet again reminded of how incredibly fortunate I am to have found my life partner 44 years ago and that we entered into this partnership with nothing but lust, trust and the lint in our pockets.
Everything from there on, was built together.
I think that one of the reasons for the increased interest in porn is due to the proliferation of the internet. Besides making it so much easier to access, the internet has had negative impacts on people’s ability to interact in person. People are far less skilled in making connections in person. They don’t know how to talk with someone. They don’t know how to make real connections.
so I'm thinking I may have to enter a relationship with 2 larger younger men that will be violent, me against them at the same time. I would like to avoid this cus Ima get my ass kicked but it may be necessary for the future of the association that I'm a member of. Yeah I know what's this got to do with men and porn but if you've never been in the pit then you don't know what it takes to come out. gotta get in to get out.
I think that one of the reasons for the increased interest in porn is due to the proliferation of the internet. Besides making it so much easier to access, the internet has had negative impacts on people’s ability to interact in person. People are far less skilled in making connections in person. They don’t know how to talk with someone. They don’t know how to make real connections.
I would agree with a lot of this and add that dating apps make people seem disposable.
This thread is a good one to issue a reminder that states are looking to revoke no-fault marriages. What kind of values are you communicating? When you specifically write laws that don’t allow women, only men, to dissolve a marriage?

Long-term relationships have always been difficult to maintain in the healthy sense, but the rise of the red pill movement has given young man the excuse to be the incells that they always were, but not be ashamed of it.
Whether you are for our against no fault divorce. How does revoking it equal only men can dissolve a marriage and women can't?
What’s wrong with slut-shaming? I actually think it would help society.

Not saying I do it, I try not to judge, I’ll just avoid women like that. I like women that only have slept together in long-term relationships.

Why are more men single? Because a higher amount of women are sleeping with the same few men especially when they’re younger.
Dude... What?
And the use of abbreviations in texts and emails only worsens a persons communication skills.
Some porn videos state a "warning" that the situations portrayed are nowhere near resembling real life situations. And that the behavior of the actors is not realistic.

Maybe that's why they're popular.... :cool:
If women like me live alone, we need to earn more money. Our bills aren't any less just because we have tits. We stopped relying on men for financial security because there are countless tales of housewives being dumped for a younger, newer model and being left destitute. Hence alimony.

If you're going to blame women for being promiscuous, men deserve that blame just as much. It takes two to tango.
Women are the gate-keepers for sex, men for relationships.

The average and below average woman can have sex as often as she wants. The average man can’t. Gotta be a Chad to have women chasing you.
You sound like you're getting your views on women's behavior and beliefs from social media instead of directly from them. If women were really going after the top 5% or 20% of men, then why are most of the husbands and long-term boyfriends I know just average-looking guys with average middle-class jobs? Am I supposed to believe their wives/girlfriends just "settled" for them, and that they all have a "Chad" on the side? Come on.

As for the "pair bonding" theory, that's a very self-serving theory for men. I see dudes on Instagram using it to justify shaming women with a "high" bodycount, while claiming men's bodycount doesn't matter. How convenient.

As for women feeding off "simps".......Here's the funny thing about that. They can do that because appearance is usually the biggest (or sometimes even ONLY) thing men look for in a woman. So, girls grow up thinking appearance is their #1 asset to exploit. Not their brain, not their other talents. So if you want women to stop objectifying themselves, maybe start showing them that you value their other qualities.
I've been courting a lady for the past few weeks. Courting... very old timey word.

But in our conversations, one time I said very clearly that I like her because I care more about what's going on between her ears than what's going on between her legs. I wasn't intending to be crass and she understood my intent. If I didn't think she would, I would not have said that.
Buttholes are genderless, so the cool thing for people with furious wieners looking for a place to put them, they also have buttholes. It's just a simple trade/negotiation at that point.