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What happens when men prefer porn?

Women are the gate-keepers for sex, men for relationships.

The average and below average woman can have sex as often as she wants. The average man can’t. Gotta be a Chad to have women chasing you.
Who the fuck told you that? I gave up my V-card when I was 19. Do you think it was because girls didn't want it? No. I was the gate keeper for reasons I won't bother explaining to you because you won't understand.

Your opinions about women are like... really... not good. I feel bad for any woman who would date you.
Women are the gate-keepers for sex, men for relationships.

The average and below average woman can have sex as often as she wants. The average man can’t. Gotta be a Chad to have women chasing you.
But, as you said, it should only be in the context of a long-term relationship, so darned if you do and darned if you don't.
The only way you know if you're in a long term relationship, is after you've already been in a long term relationship. What are you going to do, wait five years until you bang?? Oh noes, then there's a new 4chan thread every day about how women never put out. Waaaaaay too much single-gai-group-overthinking and not enough go-outside-and-socialize experiencing. There's a degree of confidence that comes with going out and putting yourself out there and people tend to find some degree of confidence attractive. What's not attractive, is.....whatever all this is.
I'm actually kinda bothered by this opinion of women being the gate keepers for sex. I know guys think this way, I just didn't think It would be so bad and blatant here on BARF.

1) No one should be the "gate keeper" for sex. If you're in a relationship where that is your reality, something is wrong.

B) A was on vacation in Vegas with an ex of mine and she suggested let's not have sex until we get home. I laughed because if I'm not getting any, you're not getting any. Let's see who blinks first. Spoil alert, it wasn't me.
As for women feeding off "simps".......Here's the funny thing about that. They can do that because appearance is usually the biggest (or sometimes even ONLY) thing men look for in a woman. So, girls grow up thinking appearance is their #1 asset to exploit. Not their brain, not their other talents. So if you want women to stop objectifying themselves, maybe start showing them that you value their other qualities.

Truth, for the most part. Guys are very visual. Women trend towards secure and comfort. I can't count the times I've had friends say "what's SHE doing with that dude? I could totally take her..". To the guy, they couldn't. We see beautiful women with average to below average looking guys. If he flashes cash, that may be it, but not always. The biggest component to "getting the girl" and "keeping the girl" is how a guy makes a girl feel. Secure is good. Insecure is not good. Secure = faithful. Insecure may lead to unfaithfulness. Needed/ valued is the second critical component. Ever wonder why women stay with abusive assholes? Needed. There's more to it, but that's the basics I've learned going through all kinds of "lessons".

Women are the gate-keepers for sex, men for relationships.

The average and below average woman can have sex as often as she wants. The average man can’t. Gotta be a Chad to have women chasing you.

Agree with the first sentence when men are respectful. Relationships are usually ended when disasters arise, IME. Indeed, there does seem to be a greater supply of men wanting to sex-up than women; likely the result of women feeling a need to protect their reputations. Men (and other women) have done endless damage to women, bashing the reputation hammer on others.
Women are the gate-keepers for sex, men for relationships.

The average and below average woman can have sex as often as she wants. The average man can’t. Gotta be a Chad to have women chasing you.

True, a below-average looking woman can get sex easier than a below-average man.....But that doesn't speak too well for men, does it? Considering it means men will fuck anything that moves, even farm animals.

Also, your claim about "gotta be a Chad" is only true with regards to casual sex, not relationships. There's gobs of hotties married to average-looking Joes, or even dorks. All the "Chads" are too busy working Tinder and bragging to their buds about how they're supposedly gonna "age like wine".

Besides, the "modern red-pilled man" doesn't seem to believe in monogamy or marriage anyway, so what does he care?
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Yup. Weird and bad. Don't yuck other folks' yums. We are all different.

(Edit: clearly this doesn't extend to sociopathic or predatory behaviors. Porn consumption is neither.)

"I try not to judge. But why is judging bad?"

Why do you try not to judge? That is why judging is bad.
I was talking about shaming sluts. Someone in this thread tried to tell us not to shame slurs for some reason. I don’t see the issue with it, shame exists for a reason and the vast majority of men are disgusted by promiscuous women.
True, a below-average looking woman can get sex easier than a below-average man.....But that doesn't speak too well for men, does it? Considering it means men will fuck anything that moves, even farm animals.

Also, your claim about "gotta be a Chad" is only true with regards to casual sex, not relationships. There's gobs of hotties married to average-looking Joes, or even dorks. All the "Chads" are too busy working Tinder and bragging to their buds about how they're supposedly gonna "age like wine".

Besides, the "modern red-pilled man" doesn't seem to believe in monogamy or marriage anyway, so what does he care?

You’re right, lots of thirsty simply men, I guess it’s biology. Still, the average modern woman has way more sexual partners than the average man. An average or above average attractive woman might be with an average looking guy in a relationship/marriage but she probably feels she’s settling even if he’s the bread winner. And she’ll probably divorce rspe him. 80% of divorce initiated by women.
I was talking about shaming sluts. Someone in this thread tried to tell us not to shame slurs for some reason. I don’t see the issue with it, shame exists for a reason and the vast majority of men are disgusted by promiscuous women.
Yep. When my first wife told me she was sleeping with other guys, I was not only heartbroken but I was also disgusted with her. Then she told me she wanted to reconcile so we met at a Palo Alto restaurant to discuss our reconciliation. The first thing I said to her was she must stop seeing other guys while we were working on our marriage. She said she couldn’t do that and at that, I got up from the table and left the restaurant. She broke my heart a second time.
I was talking about shaming sluts. Someone in this thread tried to tell us not to shame slurs for some reason. I don’t see the issue with it, shame exists for a reason and the vast majority of men are disgusted by promiscuous women.

You’re right, lots of thirsty simply men, I guess it’s biology. Still, the average modern woman has way more sexual partners than the average man. An average or above average attractive woman might be with an average looking guy in a relationship/marriage but she probably feels she’s settling even if he’s the bread winner. And she’ll probably divorce rspe him. 80% of divorce initiated by women.

No, disgust is the most accurate feeling for this situation. Not insecurity like some women claim.
Tell us more about your insecurity
I was talking about shaming sluts. Someone in this thread tried to tell us not to shame slurs for some reason. I don’t see the issue with it, shame exists for a reason and the vast majority of men are disgusted by promiscuous women.

What you consider shameful is someone else's most joyous experience. Don't shame sluts. Celebrate their freedom to be who they care to be.

Nobody's forcing you to be a slut, and nobody wants to hear your judgement or condemnation for their lifestyle choices.

It doesn't make you righteous to do it, it just makes you rude.

Yep. When my first wife told me she was sleeping with other guys, I was not only heartbroken but I was also disgusted with her. Then she told me she wanted to reconcile so we met at a Palo Alto restaurant to discuss our reconciliation. The first thing I said to her was she must stop seeing other guys while we were working on our marriage. She said she couldn’t do that and at that, I got up from the table and left the restaurant. She broke my heart a second time.

That would be called cheating, which is a violation of trust, and has nothing to do with promiscuity. She violated an agreement- broke your trust- which is wrong. Hate her, but just because she slept with others doesn't make her a slut. Sleeping with dozens of randos would.
You’re right, lots of thirsty simply men, I guess it’s biology. Still, the average modern woman has way more sexual partners than the average man. An average or above average attractive woman might be with an average looking guy in a relationship/marriage but she probably feels she’s settling even if he’s the bread winner. And she’ll probably divorce rspe him. 80% of divorce initiated by women.
Your opinions on men, women, and sex are so terrible...

People like you remind even sometimes though it was a one night stand, it's because she believed I was a good person.
Men could also just not get married if they're worried about divorce and alimony and whatnot. It's almost as if the real problem is a man's inability control women. Almost...
Men could also just not get married if they're worried about divorce and alimony and whatnot. It's almost as if the real problem is a man's inability control women. Almost...
you are my current barf crush, even if you are a pen0rface.
No, disgust is the most accurate feeling for this situation. Not insecurity like some women claim.

Doubt it. Why would men be "disgusted" by promiscuous women and then turn around and watch porn? Makes no sense.

The more likely explanation is that certain men hate it when a woman arouses them without giving him the chance to bang her right then & there. They think that's "unfair", lol. Same reason many Muslim countries force women to cover up.