Come on people, we can do better than this. J. F. C., let's keep a civil discourse going please. Bloody hell's flames......

I'm all about a civil discourse, seriously. To be civil, however, requires _not_ starting from a place of discussion which "others" some of the folks participating in the conversation.
It'd be like coming on this forum and saying "GOSH I wish all those sportbike riders would just stop riding. Sportbike riders are hooligans, and hooliganism is bad." There's a bunch of us on this forum who'd go "hey, I ride a sportbike, and hey, I do some of those hooligan things, and hey, I even self-identify as a hooligan some of the time." All of a sudden, that group is on the defensive- "hey, wheelies are okay, but yeah, wheelies through stopped traffic aren't" or "riding as a group is our right, but yeah, stopping or impeding traffic is wrong" and others are "wheelies ARE THE DEVIL!" and "all group rides should be jailed!" and so on. All it does is create division between us. Some folks are hooligans, and some aren't. Condemning the specific, unsafe behavior is appropriate- generalizing about large swaths of riders, using labels, is not. "All sportbike riders are hooligans, and hooligans are bad" is the same kind of generalization as "sluts should be ashamed" or "boomers should care more" or "young people don't want to work"- it maligns an entire group of people no matter their individual traits.
I'm a proud slut, and I know many, many folks, some BARFers, who are too. I use porn, frequently with my partners, and don't feel it degrades anyone. It's a puritanical mindset to find sex shameful- it's a consensual act between two adults, where's the shame in it- or porn shameful- which is consensually made by adult actors who choose to make porn. The observation I made above- "your wife cheating on you is a violation of your commitment and trust, but it doesn't make her a slut unless she was cheating on you with dozens of partners"- is accurate, and should demonstrate how folks try and use the term to shame those who do things they disagree with.
I appreciate the topic of this thread- because young folks choosing isolation over social interaction is a real thing and a real problem, but _definitely_ not the fault of the existence of porn- but I don't appreciate the slut shaming it devolved into, and I'm far past sitting down and shutting up when that sort of thing is happening.