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What happens when men prefer porn?

I think that the rise in misogyny in this country is a contributing factor, both in men's attitudes and expectations towards women and for women's response to some overtures from men. If a portion of the male population is treating a portion of the female population in bad ways, there is going to be a reaction from at least a portion of the female population.
On Reddit there's even guys who say they're abstaining from dating until they enlarge their penis (even if it's already average/above-average), or get leg-lengthening surgery. They're convinced that western women will laugh and cheat on them unless they're 6'2" with an 8-inch cock. All because they take what girls say on social media literally. In fact some are borderline suicidal. It's really disturbing.
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On Reddit there's even guys who say they're abstaining from dating until they enlarge their penis (even if it's already average/above-average), or get leg-lengthening surgery. They're convinced that western women will laugh and cheat on them unless they're 6'2" with an 8-inch cock. All because they take what girls say on social media literally. In fact some are borderline suicidal. It's really disturbing.
Social media is just regular media turned up to 11, and media has always played on peoples insecurities, fears and desires.
I'm glad I don't have an 8in cock. I'd get in so much trouble with an 8in cock. YOU, OVER THERE, LOOK AT THIS. HEY LADY, CHECK THIS OUT.
Actually what happens is a lot of “hell no that’s not going inside me” or “ouch” but I digress. Carry on about porn and dating.
He never had to hear “honey I think the sofa would go better over there” or “ I don’t want a burger, can we get sushi?”.
I'll move that fuckin sofa up on the roof if I need to... and eat whatever she tells me to eat. How 'bout now? :devil
speaking of pron, pron on the moon, that's moon pron

just so you differentiate between pron and shrimp

Meet girl, have tons of sex, get married, wonder what happened to the sex, audible to porn, can't get away from hairy balls and shaved asshole guys pumping doggy on a faceless girl, file for divorce. Rinse/ repeat.
I was making a point about how some guys don’t want to commit to a partner and are happier for it. Society tells us to fund a mate but here’s a guy who rejected that notion.

And yeah, porn probably figured in to his life.
I actually envied the guy in some respects.
He never had to hear “honey I think the sofa would go better over there” or “ I don’t want a burger, can we get sushi?”.
Bring in a committed relationship means having to compromise on pretty much everything which sometimes comes at the expense of your own happiness.
I don't understand being focused on such a ridiculous topic.

But it is your right to start a thread about anything you're thinking about.
I think that the rise in misogyny in this country is a contributing factor, both in men's attitudes and expectations towards women and for women's response to some overtures from men. If a portion of the male population is treating a portion of the female population in bad ways, there is going to be a reaction from at least a portion of the female population.
The only part of what you're saying I don't agree with is the rise of misogyny.

There is no rise in misogyny. It's just not as many men not feeling they should be ashamed anymore as they used to for their shitty personality.

I would bet the percentage of men with misogynistic thoughts and actions compared to [insert decade] is about the same.
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Whether or not misogynistic thoughts are on the rise, misogynistic posts and statements definitely are. Social media and Youtube have amplified those voices, as have certain political movements.
Oh that's for sure. Undeniable. That's what I meant. Social media has given a lot of people a way to out themselves as the shitty people that they are.