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Why are you so fat?

All I wanna say is that I am really pissed that I missed the nudie pics posted on this thread :(
fasteddie_rr said:
Trust me on this...... you really did not wanna see that pic. :green

As much as I am all for the rights of fat people to be treated with respect... fasteddie's right; you did not want to see that picture.
Janna said:
As much as I am all for the rights of fat people to be treated with respect... fasteddie's right; you did not want to see that picture.

Vomiting is a serious, serious bodily function. I did not see the pic, however, if there was ever a time to trust fasteddie and janna, this is THAT time. On this....... trust me.
kickstand said:
...so healthy and youll be so pretty and people will want to have sex with you and buy you things.

Well, I'm about 10-15 lbs overweight because I'm so tired from having sex all the time. I don't have time to go to the gym. Sorry dawg. ;)
shite, I go for a little ride and Sveta's got this place turned upside down again. Naked fat chicks, man i missed all the fun....
Beetlejuice said:
shite, I go for a little ride and Sveta's got this place turned upside down again. Naked fat chicks, man i missed all the fun....

Me thinks you give her far to much credit. Just another opinionated and abrasive barfer. Nothing new round these parts. Could use a little help with the TOS and how to post links but otherwise harmless.

fasteddie_rr said:
Me thinks you give her far to much credit. Just another opinionated and abrasive barfer. Nothing new round these parts. Could use a little help with the TOS and how to post links but otherwise harmless.

Opinionated, annoying, and abrasive for sure, but funny nonetheless. I don't know must be a Ukranian thing, i kinda dig it. Ask me in about a week, I might be over it by then....:teeth
eisenfaust said:
What I want to know is how these people gain weight.

I'm frankly sick of being 6 feet tall and only weighing 135 pounds no matter what I eat.

i am so jealous!!!!!! you are tall!!!! damn you tell me how to grow? I've tried everything and the only way i grow is sideways! oh yeah and you don't gain weight. I am so jealous.
SVeta650S said:
Хорошо, давайте тогда говорить и писать ПО ПУССКИ.
Тогда мы будем спорить насчёт грамматики и всего остального.

ya tozhi gavaryoo pa ruski, no ya neznayu kak peecat pa ruski na computari...ya iz Donteska. Atkuda vi?
I don't think I want to read this whole thread...

But to answer the question - anytime I gain weight, it's usually because I am drinking on regular basis (lots of empty calories), eating some stuff I shouldn't and too much of it, and being lazy about going to the gym.

When I get all of that stuff in order (less or no booze, less and better foods, and more gym time) I can usually get my weight back down again.

Your thread title was a bit harsh though. IMO.

*edit* OK I read SOME of the thread and I have to say...

Bad Dad said:
why does that stripper look like she has breast implants in her ass? :wtf
I was about to ask the same thing!!!! She is wearing a bra on her butt!
As I look around the room I wonder "why am I not fat?"

12-13 hour rotating shifts sitting in a chair watching multiple monitors (mostly the PC monitor on barf). Full kitchen and 2 BBQ grills. 12 other guys doing the same thing and they all love to cook. Of the 12 guys here today I am one of 2 that does not qualify as medically obese.

Although I am the only one on the team that knocks the dust of the treadmill and stairmaster here I do not think it is that simple. So many people I know hit the gym and eat ok yet still seem to battle the bulge.

So I email the Company Doc about it and he says for the most part it is simple. "Genetics and metabolism. Given the same eating/lifestyle choices some folks are just fortunate to have a naturally high metabolism." He stressed that "even though the person with the higher metabolism may look fit this may not be the case. Full blood work, a stress test with ekg along with pulmonary function test are his true tests of fitness." He says you could add a test for % body fat for the athletic folks but the previous tests were all he needed to judge ones relative fitness.

He says he "has seen many people who qualify for the medical term over weight or obese per the BMI and yet are in good physical condition. These folks are usually active and their only real need is to do more stretching and focus just a bit on caloric intake."

Bored on a Sunday so there you go..... just cause you got the bulge dont mean your fat or outta shape, at least according to our Doc.

I think as a society we are brainwashed to think that rail thin women and chisel cut %10 body fat guys are the goal and the only true hotness. Sorry.... me no thinky so.

Props for the work (or torture) put into getting that way... just don’t judge me on your scale.
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Well i think my threads are usually interesting and at least make one person chuckle....this one might even remind someone that htey need to go for a 10 minute run tonight
kickstand said:
Well i think my threads are usually interesting and at least make one person chuckle....this one might even remind someone that htey need to go for a 10 minute run tonight

I got your point kickstand....I am going running now!

Oh, for the person who said it takes more than 45 minutes youre completely right. It takes me about two hours to drive to the gym, get massive, drive home, and eat healthy. I also plan my entire day around my workout so that i can eat and stay big and lean for sports. Of course once i finish school and go in the real world ill have to stop. Wont be able to eat all day adn wont have the enrgy to workout intensly, so I understand that i cant have complete and utter physical perfection fro ever....maybe only 2 more years and then im done. It takes me 4-5 minutes now to run a mile...It takes you 8-12 minutes to run and maybe 16 to walk....I KNOW That you can spare that amount of time before breakfest or before bed to simly ru or jog or walk one mile....once the pounds start soming off youll see that your mile time will slowly improve....just PUSH YOURESELF HARD tog et through that mile...its not how fast you do but how much strain you put on your heart to pump and to burn fat....Ive come to expect that when ill be working 14 hour days ill come back to my natural weight of 165lbs but ill still keep it lean and tight......and hopefully get blowjobs
Silence said:
A ten minute run will use up your ATP, glucose, glycogen and very little fat! :laughing :laughing

Very good!!! but for the very out of shape it will get the heart going and raise their metabolism thru out the day. Burn much more fat then a lean person would.... then theyll get a book...once they can do it theyll run for 20 minutes, thats what i do to stay lean and it works....but i push myself intensly for that 20 minutes...I may cover much more distance than somone else in that time but we shold be pushing our bodys equelly hard
(if youre superfat ask your doctor if you should do this to start...i dont know if its safe or not for you)
Silence said:
A 4~5 min mile is pretty damned fast especially for a guy that claims to be big.

It is...im 6'4 so i dont look as big as you imagine. my fastest mile right out of hisghschool was 4:22'49 when i really ran. Now its much closer to 5....and my long distance speed has slowed down drastically from the wieght.

It makes me feel bad when you say things like claim...i have feelings too you know