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Why are you so fat?

By the way, why no one ever complains about ALANRIDER7 doing the same thing?
Double standards, again?
show us where and it will be removed as well.

no double standard. try approaching how you post differently. most people do just fine.
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rsrider said:
Start with the pig sticker and the cloths. You can keep the heels on.......;)

Bastard beat me to it. :twofinger

Tho, I was gonna say, first the pants, then the shirt. You can keep the heels and the sword :blush

As for the OP - I was a fat kid for a while too. Then I got into Karate, cycling - did century rides most weekends. I could never understand why my older sister complained about not being able to lose weight - 'just make the time, it's not that hard'.

Well, then I went to college, blah blah. Still stayed in shape...

Got my first full-time job. Still stayed in shape. I worked at a gym, however...

I got into climbing. I was 165lbs at 5'11 and could do single-arm push-ups and pull-ups, could bench 240.

Then I moved here. 60 hour weeks, 2 hours of driving every day and stupid-sized portions saw me balloon rapidly, but I still stayed 'OK' compared to the average.

I started mountain biking, dropped more weight, gained some muscle. Had a stupidly minor spill and temporarily lost the use of my left arm, was on prednisone for a while, got all the way up to 220.

Now I'm FIT but not THIN at 200. I barely have 20 minutes in the morning after getting up at 6am to look after my son, before the day-care arrives. I have 40 minutes TOTAL time to myself every day in the morning. I get home at 8, eat, then wash the dishes, do the laundry, clean the house, all the other stuff I have to get done. If I'm lucky, I have an hour to be barely compus mentis before I have to sleep.

You aren't wrong, for the record - people SHOULD look after themselves more. But it's symptom, not a cause, nor an inability of self-discipline.

I would guess it takes far more self discipline for me to sacrifice what amounts to about a quarter of my free time a day due to responsibilities I cannot 'get out of' or 're-prioritize' than it does for you to get your 40-minute workout in every day.

Those are my 'excuses', each person has their own. Maybe they aren't physical and maybe they are mental, but that doesn't make them any less valid. My girlfriend has her own personal demons to deal with about weight and is besting them on her own. Many others have no demons, but either really don't give a fuck what you think, or are too busy to be that dedicated to their bodies, or both.

FWIW, I think the obesity epidemic IS a major problem, but if it were really as simple as 'just do it' then there wouldn't BE a problem. Yes, it's personal responsibility, but the modern way of life stacks the cards against you. Look at changing the silly work ethic and wasteful way of life and it would go a long way to changing these things.

Change the Cartesian dualism attitude that seems to persist in the Western mind and you might start to get somewhere - the mind exists IN the body, and the better shape the body is in, the better the mind will work.

However, the mind is the reason for the body being out of shape in the first place. The reasons the mind is doing that to the body must first be overcome or it becomes simply a matter of will-power over subconscious hungers, and the subconscious always wins.

So, it's not as easy as 'eat less, workout more' except on a purely practical level, and nobodies mind works that way, except the young and naiive.
Semanthical subtleties only divert everyone's attention from the real issues.
"obliviousness" is just the opposite of insecurity, thus becoming a simple matter of degree of the definition itself.

Thank god for pharmaceutical industry and neuroscience reserach. Drugs wont cure all problems, but they can definitely help to alleviate many symptoms.
rumpofsteelskin said:

Ahhhh must... resist... urge to calculate the volume of pancake man! :laughing
SVeta650S said:
Semanthical subtleties only divert everyone's attention from the real issues.
"obliviousness" is just the opposite of insecurity, thus becoming a simple matter of degree of the definition itself.

Thank god for pharmaceutical industry and neuroscience reserach. Drugs wont cure all problems, but they can definitely help to alleviate many symptoms.


Lest we forget the purpose of this thread:

Yer all a bunch of judgmental asshats who ned to take a engrish course and you all smell like soiled kity liter.

Now then..... fook off mates.
I intentionally became fat so I could outlast all the skinny people if food suddenly becomes scarce. Then it'll be easy for me to club them and eat them. I've found that thin people produce an especially toothsome, if somewhat tough, variety of hickory-smoked jerky.

Quoth Frank Zappa, "To all the beautiful people in the world: there are lot more of us ugly motherfuckers out here, so watch out."
Хорошо, давайте тогда говорить и писать ПО Ð_УССКИ.
Тогда мы будем спорить насчёт грамматики и всего остального.
fasteddie_rr said:
Lest we forget the purpose of this thread:

Yer all a bunch of judgmental asshats who ned to take a engrish course and you all smell like soiled kity liter.

Now then..... fook off mates.

OOPS..... wrong thread. Carry on mates. :blush
Janna said:

It's typical for some people when they run out of arguments to focus on other issues which have nothing to do with an argument itself.
For the future: those language-related remarks dont really bother me because I type fast, have a damaged wrist and I can still express myself in five languages better that most of you can do in your mother-tongue.

:p :p :p
SVeta650S said:
It's typical for some people when they run out of arguments to focus on other issues which have nothing to do with an argument itself.
For the future: those language-related remarks dont really bother me because I type fast, have a damaged wrist and I can still express myself in five languages better that most of you can do in your mother-tongue.

:p :p :p

What does any of this have to do with my mothers tougue :confused
why does that stripper look like she has breast implants in her ass? :wtf
SVeta650S said:
It's typical for some people when they run out of arguments to focus on other issues which have nothing to do with an argument itself.
For the future: those language-related remarks dont really bother me because I type fast, have a damaged wrist and I can still express myself in five languages better that most of you can do in your mother-tongue.

:p :p :p

Out of curiosity, when was the last time you were laid?
rumpofsteelskin said:
I intentionally became fat so I could outlast all the skinny people if food suddenly becomes scarce. Then it'll be easy for me to club them and eat them. I've found that thin people produce an especially toothsome, if somewhat tough, variety of hickory-smoked jerky.

Quoth Frank Zappa, "To all the beautiful people in the world: there are lot more of us ugly motherfuckers out here, so watch out."

keep it up, I think fat people will taste better
SVeta650S said:
We are working to hard!
This can;t be good....

I better go lie down.
Sounds to me like alot of "gentleman" (loosely used) would be willing to offer their assistance in that.:laughing