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Why are you so fat?

kickstand said:
Very good!!! but for the very out of shape it will get the heart going and raise their metabolism thru out the day. Burn much more fat then a lean person would.... then theyll get a book...once they can do it theyll run for 20 minutes, thats what i do to stay lean and it works....but i push myself intensly for that 20 minutes...I may cover much more distance than somone else in that time but we shold be pushing our bodys equelly hard
(if youre superfat ask your doctor if you should do this to start...i dont know if its safe or not for you)

What a pretty word, superfat.

But seriously... very large people should NOT run; not to start. Even without factoring getting their heart cleared for it by a doctor. It's far too much impact for their joints. It will hurt (in the wrong way) doing it, and hurt more afterwards, and this is not good for encouraging further working out.

But brisk walking can really start peeling the weight off. Lots of people have lost 40, 60, even 90 lbs with only walking as their form of exercise.
cmon man...everyone makes fun of smokers. drinkers. asians and women....fat people can take it too....i was superfat and did something aobut because people called me superfat. Maybe im not funny and simply an asshole but i got 11 pages of barfers at least thinking about their health
Just in terms of calorie consumption, running a mile is the same as walking a mile so people are allowed to start off slowly if they haven't worked out recently. Time and intensity have an inverse relationship. And yep, Janna is right. People that are out of shape can have a dangerously low VO2 max and if they exert themselves too much, they can potentially ASSPLODE their hearts.
calorie consumption is not the key....its making your body burn fat. Im all for people taking it easy at first and even asking your physician...i jsut went balls out when i got started and maybe i simply got lucky becasue of youth. I eat many many calories and many days dont burn that much, but i tirck my body with different stages of intensities into burning the fat and keeping the muscle....
Reducing calorie intake is the easiest thing to do since most American overeat by HEAPS for the level of daily activity they have in their lives.

From there, all you have to do is up the calorie usage by increasing the level of activity with mild exercise and eventually you'll start losing mass. Not the fastest way of going about it but you really don't need to get all psycho at the gym in order to be slim.

However body composition is very different from cardiovascular fitness and the countless health benefits associated with it which really should be everyone's main concern.
lizard said:
:x Whole life? Homes, you're only freakin' 30!

So if I were 40...would that take away the "I'm using my age as an excuse to stop working at staying in shape and eating in moderation" card you're playing?

I hear that shit all the time from everyone older than me when the subject of what I eat comes up. "Oh well, wait till you're my age. Then see how easy it is to stay thin." OK. So I have to work at it harder and eat less crap. I'm willing to do it so I don't have to worry about buying bigger clothes.

Instead of assuming I'm going to let myself go like that because it gets tougher when you're older, I think I'd rather just hear, "Well, I wound up looking like this because I'm lazy and have no willpower...but best of luck to you."
Silence said:
Reducing calorie intake is the easiest thing to do since most American overeat by HEAPS for the level of daily activity they have in their lives.

From there, all you have to do is up the calorie usage by increasing the level of activity with mild exercise and eventually you'll start losing mass. Not the fastest way of going about it but you really don't need to get all psycho at the gym in order to be slim.

However body composition is very different from cardiovascular fitness and the countless health benefits associated with it which really should be everyone's main concern.

Ah, people don't give a rat's about the health benefits. It's all about looking good and scoring the hotties/being one.

(fine. SOME people... OFTEN about looking good, etc. Sheesh, can't a girl make sweeping generalizations anymore?)
Janna said:
Ah, people don't give a rat's about the health benefits. It's all about looking good and scoring the hotties/being one.

(fine. SOME people... OFTEN about looking good, etc. Sheesh, can't a girl make sweeping generalizations anymore?)

Guys have to look good but also be fit. Can't be a pretty boy that can't lift a pencil or the gals at the gym will just giggle at you. :p
"I'm unhappy because I eat, and I eat because I'm unhappy. It's a vicious cycle."
Fat Bastard
I'm over 30 and married.

Married, definition; The end of trying to look attractive. :|
Janna said:
Ah, people don't give a rat's about the health benefits. It's all about looking good and scoring the hotties/being one.

(fine. SOME people... OFTEN about looking good, etc. Sheesh, can't a girl make sweeping generalizations anymore?)

I care about fitness more than looking good. The trainer that introduced me to my gym when I signed up was a bit taken aback by it. He was used to the whole, "I want to look good naked," attitude about the gym, perhaps because it was the Corte Madera 24hr Fitness, a notorious meat market. When he asked me why I joined the gym, I cracked my knuckles and told him, "I want to break bigger things, faster." :laughing I'll never forget the panicked look on his face.
Eldritch said:
I care about fitness more than looking good. The trainer that introduced me to my gym when I signed up was a bit taken aback by it. He was used to the whole, "I want to look good naked," attitude about the gym, perhaps because it was the Corte Madera 24hr Fitness, a notorious meat market. When he asked me why I joined the gym, I cracked my knuckles and told him, "I want to break bigger things, faster." :laughing I'll never forget the panicked look on his face.

Ah, but you are an exception to the rule. As usual... :laughing
Dont smoke, dont drink, only eat real food, and eat the amounts taht you need. Get enough sleep and push your body like it was designed to be pushed and you look good i swear it. Do you really know anyone who looks bad (according to my shallow opinion at least) who really does all of this correctly?
kickstand said:
Dont smoke, dont drink, only eat real food, and eat the amounts taht you need. Get enough sleep and push your body like it was designed to be pushed and you look good i swear it. Do you really know anyone who looks bad (according to my shallow opinion at least) who really does all of this correctly?

I've stayed out of this thread but it's not so cut-and-dried.

Yes - I have two close friends that eat right, don't smoke, drink lightly every 6 months, and are still over weight. It's gentic in both cases and runs in their family. It's very frustrating for them to deal with this because they've done everything in their power to fit the ideal image of the female form. But they are healthy and in good shape...

It's not so simple for everyone and until you see it (or experience it) you probably won't understand.