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World swimming bans transgender women from competing

Apparently Ernie is now the same as Tucker Carlson.
That is utter hogwash and a mischaracterization, not surprising since it's hard for people to see their own actions subjectively.

I agree with your characterization on once side, at least for one of the extreme groups, but on the other side is a socialist, never punish criminals, give everybody whatever they want regardless of whether they want to work for it or not and tax all rich people so that they have no more than the people who don't want to work at all.

Can you find anyone, anywhere in the US, that advocates for exactly what you just said?
Yea, I don't get it.

It's really easy to just apologize for feeding into the rhetoric of people conflating LGBTQ people with pedophiles, and if it was an honest mistake I don't see why he wouldn't. Not doing so after being made aware of why people are bothered sort of indicates that it might not have been an accident after all.

Amen. Let's hang that reactionary bastard. He's obviously a crypto nazi reactionary right wing shill. :twofinger

Again, you want me to apologize for saying something that offended you, regardless of my intent. I don't intend to apologize to you because you're super sensitive and looking for an enemy. On the contrary. I have no use for snowflakes who look for reasons to hate others. That's you.
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Amen. Let's hang that reactionary bastard. He's obviously a crypto nazi reactionary right wing shill. :twofinger

My first comment on it was that it was probably a mistake and you probably didn't know about all of the rhetoric being spread by reactionaries calling LGBTQ people pedophiles. Why are you so hesitant to admit that and apologize for accidentally feeding into that rhetoric?
My first comment on it was that it was probably a mistake and you probably didn't know about all of the rhetoric being spread by reactionaries calling LGBTQ people pedophiles. Why are you so hesitant to admit that and apologize for accidentally feeding into that rhetoric?

I already admitted that it was a poor choice of words. As to apologizing to you for my mistake, why do you feel the need to pursue this so? Let's get something clear. I'm not running for office or trying to meet whatever progressive standards you currently believe in.

I made a poor choice of words and regret it. Why are you so incredibly bent on an apology? To whom am I supposed to be apologizing? To all the trans folk who have read this thread, LOL? Or perhaps you just want a "mea culpa" from me, where i shame facedly admit that i offended society by careless use of words.

Perhaps you don't understand just how offensive your behavior is, and how it borders on, if not reaches into ageism and disrespect.
Can you find anyone, anywhere in the US, that advocates for exactly what you just said?
San Francisco city council members.

The shit coming out of those people give a constant stream of 'material' for people like Carlson to exploit and malign anybody who is Left of Right.

Of course you won't agree, but refer back to my earlier comment on why you won't see it. :afm199
San Francisco city council members.

The shit coming out of those people give a constant stream of 'material' for people like Carlson to exploit and malign anybody who is Left of Right.

Of course you won't agree, but refer back to my earlier comment on why you won't see it. :afm199


Berkeley as well. In Oakland we have a city council member who literally believes that there should be no prosecution for crimes committed by a certain group.
What difference does it make? The point wasn't to connect pedophilia to trans people. The point was that I was responding to a poster who chanted "Diversity and inclusion" and I made an example of why "Diversity and inclusion" isn't necessarily a good thing. Bad example? Yes. Good point? Yes.

I don't want diversity in my life to include living next door to pedophiles, murderers, rapists, and con men. I did, in fact, share a house with a convicted murderer who was a truly evil man who got out on a technicality. He was a vile, bigoted, misogynistic and violent man. He had the upper flat, I had the lower. I moved out to get away from him. When he was drunk he threatened me with a gun. And we both know there are progressives out there who believe that guys like him are just misguided people.

Nobody thinks pedophiles should be tolerated except pedophiles. The suggestion that inclusiveness should also apply to violent/sexual criminals is ridiculous slippery slope nonsense.

To address your second paragraph, many progressives believe there is a possibility that criminals can be rehabilitated. I'm sure it's possible for some. I also acknowledge that some people are just defective and should be removed from society.

Berkeley as well. In Oakland we have a city council member who literally believes that there should be no prosecution for crimes committed by a certain group.
True, as you transition from one end of the extreme scale to the others, on one side they believe that shoplifters should be executed when caught over to a murderer should be understood, rehabilitated then realeased with a living wage back into society.

Of course, the vast majority of people are nowhere near those extremes, but both sides have their share of nutcases. The level of mental illness in this country has gone up, IMHO, aided by the massive amount of propaganda getting shovelled out onto the public.
True, as you transition from one end of the extreme scale to the others, on one side they believe that shoplifters should be executed when caught over to a murderer should be understood, rehabilitated then realeased with a living wage back into society.

LOL who the hell thinks shoplifters should be executed while also suggesting murderers be shown leniency? You're making shit up :laughing
Nobody thinks pedophiles should be tolerated except pedophiles. The suggestion that inclusiveness should also apply to violent/sexual criminals is ridiculous slippery slope nonsense.

To address your second paragraph, many progressives believe there is a possibility that criminals can be rehabilitated. I'm sure it's possible for some. I also acknowledge that some people are just defective and should be removed from society.

I believe that many criminals can be rehabilitated. I've seen it happen. I've also seen chronic violent felons continue. What Oakland has done goes a few steps beyond believing in rehabilitation.

Look up John Spain. When he got out of jail, I was the first person to offer him a job. Unfortunately, I couldn't put him on for two months, and he ended up on a different and better career path. He learned the electrical trade at San Quentin.
San Francisco city council members.

The shit coming out of those people give a constant stream of 'material' for people like Carlson to exploit and malign anybody who is Left of Right.

Of course you won't agree, but refer back to my earlier comment on why you won't see it. :afm199

SF doesn't have a city council, they have a Board of Supervisors.

That being said, you are going to provide some specific examples. Looking at recent news from said city council, I get:

Approving a plan to expand housing options
Potentially asking voters to shift more money towards schools
A 'shelter for all' program for homeless people
A minor win pushing 2.6 million towards addressing climate change
A zoning change to get rid of Single Family Home Zoning

And other stuff like that. Nothing about taxing the rich into poverty, nothing about never punishing criminals, nothing about 'giving anybody whatever they want regardless of not working'

I looked up the Oakland City Council, for Ernie's benefit, as well.

I get:

Oakland A's new stadium discussion
Calling racism a 'public health crisis'
a rent increase cap (rent control)
Adding new divisions to address issues like climate change, homelessness, etc.
Bike lanes

Not exactly a radical socialist agenda there either.

I don't really care what Tucker Carlson has to say about any of this, he's a lying turd of a propagandist.

I already admitted that it was a poor choice of words. As to apologizing to you for my mistake, why do you feel the need to pursue this so? Let's get something clear. I'm not running for office or trying to meet whatever progressive standards you currently believe in.

I made a poor choice of words and regret it. Why are you so incredibly bent on an apology? To whom am I supposed to be apologizing? To all the trans folk who have read this thread, LOL? Or perhaps you just want a "mea culpa" from me, where i shame facedly admit that i offended society by careless use of words.

Perhaps you don't understand just how offensive your behavior is, and how it borders on, if not reaches into ageism and disrespect.

The bolded is fine, All you really need to say. Every other time you acted defensive about your post and/or the underlying point. It seems like you are really angry that this dragged on for a while but your defensiveness is what caused it to drag on. I never asked for some big mia culpa, or for you to personally apologize to me.
I do not find these sorts of concerted attempts to force a member to justify their character to be in good taste.

If you want to attack an issue, so be it, but no one here is under any responsibility to defend themselves or be accountable for their identity in such a fashion to the group.

AFM and I have disagreed on more than one thing over the years, but I'm good with him and all of y'all, even the usual suspects that so often disagree with my positions.
in this thread:

a bunch of men arguing over whats right for women.

in this thread:

a bunch of men arguing over whats right for women.


Technically it's a bunch of men arguing about a decision that a bunch of other men made about excluding a bunch of women from a women's space.

But yes, this is a time honored tradition with centuries of reinforcement.
Technically it's a bunch of men arguing about a decision that a bunch of other men made about excluding a bunch of women from a women's space.

But yes, this is a time honored tradition with centuries of reinforcement.
Oversimplification to achieve an impression, but don't stop now. :twofinger
in this thread:

a bunch of men arguing over whats right for women.


Dude. Are you calling out women? Anyone can participate at any level they choose. No one asked you to put pressure on how anyone experiences teh Barfs.

in this thread:

a bunch of men arguing over whats right for women.

At least we're just talking about it rather than being a bunch of old men (and a woman of questionable credentials) actually taking away women's rights. :twofinger