2024 Investment Thread

AAPL is becoming a turd, might have to flush it in favour of something else.

I did that with $200k in my IRA earlier this year and moved it all to SCHG as my wife has far more than me and we were Apple heavy in our IRA.

Almost a 20 point swing on that lucky decision.

I rely on luck when it comes to my stock market moves! :laughing
AAPL is becoming a turd, might have to flush it in favour of something else.

It's a good time to look for an AAPL exit, for sure.


The federal government’s aggressive crackdown on Big Tech expanded on Thursday to include an antitrust lawsuit by the Justice Department against Apple, one of the world’s best-known and most valuable companies.

The department joined 16 states and the District of Columbia to file a significant challenge to the reach and influence of Apple, arguing in an 88-page lawsuit that the company had violated antitrust laws with practices that were intended to keep customers reliant on their iPhones and less likely to switch to a competing device. The tech giant prevented other companies from offering applications that compete with Apple products like its digital wallet, which could diminish the value of the iPhone, and hurts consumers and smaller companies that compete with it, the government said.

The Justice Department’s lawsuit is seeking to put an end to those practices. The government even has the right to ask for a breakup of the Silicon Valley icon.
AAPL is becoming a turd, might have to flush it in favour of something else.


It's also dragging down dozens of ETF's, including VOO, VUG, SCHG, VGT, SPY and the magnificent Berkshire Hathaway. They, and many others have jumped on the magnificent seven bandwagon. Close to half of Berkshire's value is tied up in Apple.

The first analysis I do these days on ETF's is to look at the their holdings and ignore their names.
I did that with $200k in my IRA earlier this year and moved it all to SCHG as my wife has far more than me and we were Apple heavy in our IRA.

Almost a 20 point swing on that lucky decision.

I rely on luck when it comes to my stock market moves! :laughing

Good move. Even though SCHG has a large apple position, it's only 10%. I've been moving from SCHG, SCHD, and some ETF's to SCHV. That's been good for me.
Im probably gonna hold for a bit. Talking head guests on the popular shows seem to think the justice department doesn’t have a strong case.
It has a history of trading sideways for a couple of years before big breakouts and it been a couple of years.
Im probably gonna hold for a bit. Talking head guests on the popular shows seem to think the justice department doesn’t have a strong case.
It has a history of trading sideways for a couple of years before big breakouts and it been a couple of years.

The regards at WSB agree with you.


Last week I was beginning to believe we were about to enter a correction. I was mistaken. The markets are instead primed for an "erection".

Why? Well, for one I've been watching AAPL quite closely recently. The shadow puppeteers of the market threw out some headlines to pump and dump it this week. AAPL trying to get some AI on their phones with partnerships from Google and chinese companies. AAPL getting sued by Biden admin cuz Trump says he likes to suck off Tim Cook on his CNBC interview. Do these headlines truly affect price though? I doubt it. If there was such concern, their market makers wouldn't have taken the risk to stick AAPL to 172.5 (strike price) over the weekend.

If you follow AAPL closely, you'll notice these guys actually have so much control over their own stock price they regularly burn both sides on earnings. Opex almost always settles at max pain. Not only do they control their stock price, they control the Chinese and American governments. Their stock is a little bit down, but it hasn't diminished their power nor influence. They're still one of the biggest indirect employers in China via their supply lines. In the US they have mind control over about half the population of adult voters and are one of the largest sources of tax revenue.

SO WHY THE FUCK IS AAPL's STOCK DOWN RELATIVE TO THE MARKET!? It's simple. There needs to be an area of intense consolidation for investors to really dial into pushing price higher. Nobody wants to load AAPL at 200 to push for their next step at like 220-230. They want it at 170. That's a much better risk proposition.
I’m not sure random Reddit dude is someone I’d take investing advice from.
I’ve been holding aapl for a long time and hated it at times, like flat for the past two years. But will likely to continue holding since over the long run that’s what’s worked so far with this one.
Good move. Even though SCHG has a large apple position, it's only 10%. I've been moving from SCHG, SCHD, and some ETF's to SCHV. That's been good for me.

My wife will never sell her AAPL so I had to do something.

The year we turn 70 and start collecting SS our traditional IRA will have been reduced with our almost decade old strategy of whittling it down and paying lower taxes now to just $10k.

We'll zero it out the following year and not have to deal with RMDs and for our daughter it will be a piece of cake once she inherits it all and gives most of it to charity. :laughing

We will effectively have as much money in our combined Roths as we did in our IRA ten years ago as AAPL did much of the heavy lifting of solid growth in those intervening years and caught us back up despite the taxes paid.

I don't know a single other person, all with kids and biggish IRAs, that followed that strategy which is very odd to me.
I’m not sure random Reddit dude is someone I’d take investing advice from.
I’ve been holding aapl for a long time and hated it at times, like flat for the past two years. But will likely to continue holding since over the long run that’s what’s worked so far with this one.

Agreed. WSB is more entertainment than investing advice.
Loving the market today. I'm heavier than ever in cash/CD's and Tbills, and buying a bit of large caps. We're in for a period of excess volatility.

Depending on inflation and the mideast, monday morning could see the market open 200 points higher or 500 lower, lol. These are interesting times.
They say you can't time the market, but I'm pleased that 2 weeks ago I dumped half of the equities in my IRA. The proceeds are in T-bills now.

Also on Jan. 11 I took a small flyer on some IBIT shares, when they were first offered. I never thought I'd bet on Bitcoin but there has to come a point where you accept that it's here to stay. That's up about 40% since then.
They say you can't time the market, but I'm pleased that 2 weeks ago I dumped half of the equities in my IRA. The proceeds are in T-bills now.

Also on Jan. 11 I took a small flyer on some IBIT shares, when they were first offered. I never thought I'd bet on Bitcoin but there has to come a point where you accept that it's here to stay. That's up about 40% since then.

They say you can't time the market, but I'm pleased that 2 weeks ago I dumped half of the equities in my IRA. The proceeds are in T-bills now.

Also on Jan. 11 I took a small flyer on some IBIT shares, when they were first offered. I never thought I'd bet on Bitcoin but there has to come a point where you accept that it's here to stay. That's up about 40% since then.

I don’t try to time the market. I simply buy stuff and hold it for years and years.
I don’t try to time the market. I simply buy stuff and hold it for years and years.

You may, or may not, change your view when you reach the late stages of your life, and a ten year horizon is a much more likely scenario than a twenty five one. Lots of retired folks do.

I do believe we are entering a robust shit storm.

I do believe we are entering a robust shit storm.

Galoshes - check - Wellingtons - check - Rainsuit - check - Stillsuit - check.... batten down the hatches and hang on tight.