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BBQ Bake Sale Fundraiser ~ Sat, June 25th 2011 Concord

Wendy I can pick up to go things for the bake sale let me know if that helps.
Adam, how about BARF cooking lessons?
Hey Yana, that would be great :) but what I am thinking is we need more people to come and buy stuff, not more people bringing stuff :rofl

which come to think of it is exactly the opposite of regular barf meets, loads of moochers showing up empty handed :rofl :cry :rofl

I keed

Gwynne, no thanks, I have the Friday off next week (gotta love my boss :love) and I am going to Costco anyway so I can pick up them polystyrene box thingies eh?

All right people, we need more attendees!!! Empty handed attendees with lots of money in their pockets :banana

I think we are up to 38 now, oops, not including Adam and his mom. make that 40

And if everyone brings something to sell, everybody has to go home with something :rofl
awww, Judy and Tom can't make it, I'm a sad panda now :(

so long as you throw some money in the paypal bucket I'll survive :p
Updated list this evening
adding a FB note BRING wallets!!!
awww, Judy and Tom can't make it, I'm a sad panda now :(

so long as you throw some money in the paypal bucket I'll survive :p

you got it ... much success to the fundraiser!

Instead of "don't drink and ride", I say, don't be on a sugar high when you ride :)
I'm so excited about this event 'cause it's gonna be great. :banana

I'm so sad 'cause I can't come. :cry :cry :cry
... we need more people to come and buy stuff...
Put up a sign or two saying "Bake Sale --->" on the corners? :dunno Just a thought...

We can all buy a lot and share with family/friends/neighbors/co-workers! ;) ;)

That's all I'm bringing. 2 hands, an empty stomach and my wallet. :thumbup
hahahah Yana

I was thinking of doing that. Obviously I worry about liability and whatnot tho. Maybe we need a waiver for peeps to sign, like at a track day :party :p

good on you Paul :thumbup
Would you consider selling one spring form pan?

Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!!
I can give you one springform pan :thumbup

are we there yet :confused :party

Gwynne, I didn't get any updates from ya. Additionally, you need to be specific when sayning bring wallets. You need to say "bring wallets full of money" :rofl
Is this like that other party, where we have to take all our clothes off ?

either way, Please pm directions... :teeth
Favor for anyone in south bay attending:

Not sure if I can make the shindig so would someone coming from southbay be willing to take a helmet for me to be auctioned off? I'm in Sunnyvale.

For all I know you've moved since I was there last weekend :x
Haha, I always use my springform pans and have borrowed some from Jimmy! I can't make it that day - I committed to babysit 3 little ones for my cousins that weekend, but I'll send $$. Sorry to miss this! :(
Favor for anyone in south bay attending:

Not sure if I can make the shindig so would someone coming from southbay be willing to take a helmet for me to be auctioned off? I'm in Sunnyvale.
:wave I can doooo iiiit. :D

Let's hook up during the week. I'd auction off my spare helmet too, but it's over 8 years old! :laughing
