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BBQ Bake Sale Fundraiser ~ Sat, June 25th 2011 Concord

Wendy, do we need an official roster as to who is bringing what?
I second that. If it seems we'll have more food than appetite, I'd like to reallocate my baking budget (in addition to my eating budget) directly to Adam's pocket, since that's the ultimate goal. I can also bring liquid food instead of solid food, if ya'll know what I mean. :)
budget) I can also bring liquid food instead of solid food, if ya'll know what I mean. :)
if you mean beer or booze,don't bother.this is a fundraiser,not an opportunity for people to get sh**faced at Wendy's house.how about water?
god, too many things to respond to :rofl so please excuse my brevity here

Hooli - :thumbup

Sam, thanks so much. if we get any grief you will be the go to person

Heather - bring whatever you want, however many you want, and sell however you want

Yana - no need for people to bring tupperware stuff, too late I already bought take out boxes. Which if they don't get used can be used for Harpo when he comes over for dinner and goes home with a doggy bag :rofl

PG - :kicknuts you leave my bloody cats alone :cry

Gwynne - I am not worried about a roster. If we go there I will go into overdrive obsessive mode and it will upset me too much. This is bring what you got, sell it :p doesn't matter if we have multiples of the same, OK (gotta save me nerves a bit ;)) Oh, and no need for tables. I got 6. Plus me kitchen table that can come out if needed, and I won't have room for any more. thanks anyway :)

MadEnglishCow - there is only room for one mad english cow in my garden, and that spot is occupied by ME :x then again, if you are bringing bacon, I can share :p


InNohurry - Not sure what you mean "directly to Adam's pocket" all ALL proceeds from sold items will go to Adam. But if you just want to buy stuff that's fine. no problem with that. You may bring beer to contribute. We cannot sell beer, but I will be asking people to donate $ if they partake. But like Jimmy says (spdt509) this is NOT an opportunity to get rat arsed at my house. This is not an OFG party. I am crotchety :p

Jimmy, :kiss

if anybody needs the address, please pm me

Sweet. Heck, maybe I'll bring a cooler and just bring the cookie dough. :cool
I need to buy some tupperwares to put it into, due to the raw egg content. And I need to figure out how to carry a cooler on the bike! :laughing I might freeze it before just to make sure it stays cold.
Hey Wendy slap me if I'm out of line....

A friendly reminder to all, this is a fundraiser for one of our members.

Wendy has very graciously opened up her home, busted her crotchety old ass, and sprung for a lot of food . Please do what you can to make this an event worth repeating.
not a problem Gwynne :thumbup

couple of points to make me less crotchety

Please do not go upstairs in my house. The cats will be sequestered up there and they don't need to be disturbed


Please recycle plates and bottles and whatnot :) In the blue bin thingy

Heather, are you looking to bake cookies or sell cookie dough :confused
Can I please watch that? :teeth

only if you donate :p

I like the idea of cookie dough :) That way I have DH goodness i the freezer ready to bake a little at a time

I'm afraid I'm looking like a buyer not a contributor :(
Hey anyone that needs baked goods picked up and delivered please send PM to me-do not ask Wendy to coordinate this too.
Heather, heck no, just wondering what I might have to prep by way of cooking cookies for ya :thumbup

Gwynne, you are contributing!!!! What are you talking about, you are helping in many ways, doesn't matter if you don't bring anything to sell. Don't be silly :shame

(I wonder how many people have decided not to attend cos I stated some rules :rofl)

Oh, I snagged some Caution tape from the construction guys so I can tape off the driveway for wheelchair access only :party
Heather, heck no, just wondering what I might have to prep by way of cooking cookies for ya :thumbup

No cooking necessary. If you want to turn the ice-maker on so that we can refresh the cooler, that'd be good. Don't want anyone to get sick.
MadEnglishCow - there is only room for one mad english cow in my garden, and that spot is occupied by ME :x then again, if you are bringing bacon, I can share :p

:x Well, ok, seeing as you're the generous, gracious host, I'll let you take the mad cow center stage. I shall just go into full W.I. fund raising mode and try and trump you with some mad offerings. So I mentioned bacon brittle, well now I've just found a recipe for chocolate cake that uses stout :teeth

Also bringing 100 brown paper sammich baggies so we can take delights home. Hmmmmm, just thought they might absorb fat :nerd so I'll bring some plastic wrap too. I think that should easily cover transportation for those that don't want to totally gorge themselves on the day.
^^ oy, no bags needed. I already got that covered. And you'd better not sit in me chair either :x i'll set Robbie on ya if ya do :twofinger or should that be onefinger to a fellow brit

W.I :rofl um, do you need the address or what?

OK, What I will need if I can get a few volunteers to bring one over = COOLERS with ICEThank ya, thank ya very much :party
One small cooler full with ice. Check.

We'll stop at the nearest petrol station before your house and pick up an extra bag of ice.
I can bring a large cooler and some ice too - I haz no oven so I'll be buying only.