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Cars that make your jaw drop.

Did you see in the description where it says:
Car is slow, the navigation system continually makes wrong turns and there is a BUNCH of Ukrainian cash in the trunk.

I didn't mention any politician.
It's not my fault that everyone knows who I'm talking about!

He's not entirely incorrect. Cue is horrible..and compared to it's steroid injected bigger brother, it is a *tad* slow! I do like that Cadillac lets them run unrestricted off the showroom floor. 189 top speed. Let's GO!
Mazda Iconic SP concept car.





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Great looking Mazda.

They should have made the current Miata look more like that.
Definately a great looking car.


  • '18 ATS-V.jpg
    '18 ATS-V.jpg
    65.4 KB · Views: 23
That Mazda looks like it came out of a tube of toothpaste.

+1 FLHO.
Did you see in the description where it says:
Car is slow, the navigation system continually makes wrong turns and there is a BUNCH of Ukrainian cash in the trunk.


As opposed to:

"Cheese colored orange stains that smell like shit. Must pay in rubles. Rear passenger seat with adderal and Depends dispensers.

This is fun!!
Got to drive a Roma recently. If there ever was a car to make Enzo roll in his grave, it’s that thing. If that is somebody’s first entry to experiencing a Ferrari, good way to make sure they don’t need another one.
Got to drive a Roma recently. If there ever was a car to make Enzo roll in his grave, it’s that thing. If that is somebody’s first entry to experiencing a Ferrari, good way to make sure they don’t need another one.

So underwhelming compared, for example, to the latest Corvette?

Great looking car though.
So underwhelming compared, for example, to the latest Corvette?

Great looking car though.

The looks of the Roma are interesting in person. There are some angles you catch it from and are just completely disgusted by it. The direct side view is fine. The controversial rear, that looks like someone at Ferrari is a real big fan of the Camaro, I’m fine with too. But that front end. The way it points out…I dunno. No like.

Doesn’t sound all that great. It’s decently fast, but not $300K+ sports car kind of fast.

Where it really lets you down is the parts you interact with. The gauge cluster is very pretty and all. But everything is touch control. Even the ignition switch. Maneuvering the cluster menus with touchpads on the steering wheel is a gigantic pain in the ass. The shifter are these tiny little toggle bars. And I know this is how the SF90 and 296GTB are also, but at least those look great and are obnoxiously fast.

A Lamborghini Huracan looks great, is fast, and makes absolutely glorious noises. So I forget about the fact that the interior is too small (for me), the infotainment system is maddening to operate, and other controls (like wipers and turn signals) are stupidly located as thumb toggles on the steering wheel.

The Ferrari Roma didn’t wow me with looks. Wasn’t as fast as I thought it would be. And engine note could’ve been a lot better. Other brands can do a twin turbo V8 and still sound great (The AMG 4L V8 sounds great). So it was already an uphill battle. Then that interior really just sunk the ship.

As far as the mid engine Corvette? I know some folks who got one (had previous Corvettes so not new to the brand) and were just kinda meh about it after awhile). I drove a Stingray not too long ago, and I kinda get it. It’s just too refined. A sports car has to have the ability lurking under the skin to kill you if you do something stupid, and I can’t feel that is there in the C8. Maybe a Z06 will be a different story, but I have t touched one of those yet.
I don't agree on the C8. I've got a C7 and CTS-V as well and the C8 is more Euro refined, but still a brutal experience when driven near the limit. That limit is much harder to get to in a mid engine setup and I suspect those who say it's not "edgy" enough weren't able to get close enough to the limits. It's tough because of the trust factor and the lack of the back or front doing anything extreme. It's a mid-engine thing, IMO. But the car is still, epic and a large jump from the C7.

The CTS-V, OTOH, is downright brutal at pace. It makes the C7 look tame AF. I think that's because of the amount of movement and noise/ thrust @ on full boil. That car is as close to an Aussie Supercar or NASCAR as can be had, IMO.

The SL55, SL63, XKR, M5, C63 Black Series, S8...all of those are great, but aside from the Black series, just fell behind in the excitement factor. The V has been off the hook IME...although the trip I ripped up to Clearlake two weeks ago in an S8 was pretty darn fun...
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I don't agree on the C8. I've got a C7 and CTS-V as well and the C8 is more Euro refined, but still a brutal experience when driven near the limit. That limit is much harder to get to in a mid engine setup and I suspect those who say it's not "edgy" enough weren't able to get close enough to the limits. It's tough because of the trust factor and the lack of the back or front doing anything extreme. It's a mid-engine thing, IMO. But the car is still, epic and a large jump from the C7.

The CTS-V, OTOH, is downright brutal at pace. It makes the C7 look tame AF.

I do have one friend who’s pretty fast on track and he got out of his C8 after less than a year. Had track alignment and everything. Just wasn’t that excited by it compared to the fully prepped C6Z he came from. My experience driving C8 was maybe 10 miles, so of course I didn’t come close to finding the limits. But just in the short time, my gripes with it was that it was too quiet and the steering while being more immediate, just seemed too artificial. While I imagine the opinion would be very different from the passenger seat, I very much liked the interior. Displays, controls, etc. Yeah it’s puts power down very well and is super quick in the sane speeds, I know it just doesn’t pull as hard on the top end. There’s a lot about it I like. It would make a fantastic “only” car since it’s has such a good performance envelope yet has plenty of refinement and usability.

But it’s that refinement that takes me a bit out of it. I don’t need it for a daily. So I am happy to have the car a little more “raw” so to speak. Goes back to why I think I preferred the C5Z to the C6Z.

And what C7 do you have?
You know, now that we have 12 foot more of wall space to rearrange things so that doors and whatnot in the single car parked in there can be more easily opened after moving the laundry inside, I think one of these could actually fit, maybe.

So what if it means selling a rental, a man's gotta..............................

Oh, never mind.


I hope the number and name are decals

No idea, that's a mega dollar option.

Wouldn't go that way personally but the car itself is very nice and ridiculously priced of course.

Another "bare bones" Porsche GT3 spin off that they upcharge for.

Reality is I'd probably not drive any faster in the twistiness around here in it vs my Miata because of "stuff around the corner."