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Do You Mountain Bike?

I want to get one of those happy birthday car washes.
I just bought this beauty...I am on it at lest 4 times a week!!

2005 Specialized FSR-XC for sale - $650 obo

2005 Specialized FSR-XC for sale

- Manitou Black fork
- X-Fusion shock
- IRC Mibro tires
- XT rear derailleur
- LX front derailleur, LX crank
- 27 speed
- Small frame

$650 obo

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Hello all, I'm a long time motorcyclist, but new to BARF. I'm also an avid mountain biker... actually I'd rather mountain bike than ride my R1 on the street... (I know, I know) ...on the track is another story.

Anyway, just introducing myself. I usually hit up Fremont Older or Saratoga Gap once a week. Was going to FO today, but my riding buddy switched to tomorrow. If anyone want to join us, we're meeting in the lot at the end of Prospect around 5:45PM.

If not tomorrow, let me know when and I'll see if I can make it. Tuesdays and Fridays are usually not good for me.

FYI, Downieville shuttles are starting next week(5/15), for those that want some really sweet singletrack. I *might* be doing a day trip on Sat 5/26. Anyone interested?
dking said:
FYI, Downieville shuttles are starting next week(5/15), for those that want some really sweet singletrack. I *might* be doing a day trip on Sat 5/26. Anyone interested?
Hmmmmmm!! Maybe..... Crash, Bichmech, anyone else????
whats up dking?

too bad fridays is not a good day for you cause I usually ride my mtb. bike or f4i on fridays.

you guys mind if i hook up with you all for downieville.

never been there. only been to northstar, joaqin miller, demo, and pacifica(crack, mile, & boyscout).

How is saratago gap and FO like?
SG and FO are nothing like JM, Demo or Pacifica. I've ridden those places as well.

I try to hit JM on the weekends. Either there, Pacific or UCSC, where it's hard to get to during the week. Those are my favorite places. I haven't really ridden the crack, just checked it out from the bottom. We usually just do One Mile and Boyscout, but I haven't been there in a while. Mostly JM lately and I may go there on Saturday.

Parts of Downieville are similar, but you take a shuttle up so there's very little climbing. Approx 5000' descent in 15miles with maybe 500' of climbing. It's frickin' sweet. They do a race there in the middle of the summer too. I think this years race entries sold out in like 15 minutes.

FO has a loop that's mostly singletrack, but nothing technical. Just good beginner singletrack that's close to where I work. It's a great place to break in singletrack noobs. One loop is about 3.5 miles and 400' up and down. I usually do two loop plus a little extra to get over 5 miles and 1000' feet of climbing.

SG is a little better, with some rocky technical sections. The best part is the southern section nearest to the Hwy 9/35 intersection. There's another descent singletrack loop in the northern section of Longridge that you can connect to. There's also supposedly another good downhill section, but it's marked one-way only going up. Some people ride it, but there's usually too many rangers around for me to take the chance.

We just found out about Downieville shuttles starting up next week. We try to go a few times a year... more last year with Northstar being closed. We're just starting to talk about it and nothings 100% yet. Right now it looks like a day trip on 5/26. You're more than welcome to come along when we do go. That's how I got started. One of my first trips, I tagged along with the RideSFO guys. I'll post or PM you when I know for sure.

Can't wait until Northstar re-opens this year... 6/29 seems so far away.
May is insanely busy, but I'm in for a D-Ville trip in mid-June. Northstar is a given once it opens - I miss that place!

Anyone else doing the Downieville Classic in July?

dking, the RideSFO guys are the ones in the Hella Greasy / East Bay Grease videos, right? That's some bad ass stuff they do :)
Hi Mike,

Yeah, many of the riders you see in the East Bay Grease DVDs are affiliated with RideSFO. Especially the footage on the local trails. There quite a few pro riders in there as well. Definitely cool videos if you want to see some awesome riders on local trails. I recommend the first one for the best local stuff.

We haven't gotten as far as planning a D'ville trip for June yet, but I'm sure we'll be going. I figure we'll be going to N* or D'ville at least twice a month for the summer. I'll let you guys know when the dates get more concrete.

No plans for going to the D'ville classic... it's a zoo up there race weekend!
dking said:
FYI, Downieville shuttles are starting next week(5/15), for those that want some really sweet singletrack. I *might* be doing a day trip on Sat 5/26. Anyone interested?
Dude!! Lets talk. Think I( might be jonesin' for a Downieville trip.
Check your pm's
Anyone want to ride Saturday morning?

My usual stomping ground is Tamarancho (Boy Scout Camp) but if anyone is interested in riding elsewhere I might be up for it. Just let me know.
I did it

The ultimate all-mountain trail weapon is mine.

This is going to be a good summer.


JnglstTICAL said:
Lets ride!!!
Yea Yea Yea, All friggen talk. It's one thing to say lets ride and another to actually wake up, get to the trail, put your leg over the bike and then start peddling. .... Well, at least you have the first part down. :wow :teeth
HAHAHAHA!!! I know....lol Shipping for forks off to PUSH, once my bike is back in order.....then we'll ride...like, actually go to the trail!!

I'm "looking" at an enduro right now.... Just not sure if i want a 32+ lb bike when i'm used to my 24lb. i guess suspension travel has a price somewhere.
zookrider98 said:
I'm "looking" at an enduro right now.... Just not sure if i want a 32+ lb bike when i'm used to my 24lb. i guess suspension travel has a price somewhere.

I took a gal to Demo who had a 22 lb Titus with 5" of travel on either end. It was a pretty damn impressive machine :)
