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Do You Mountain Bike?

EC70 said:
Now if you old fellows need a guide up there maybe we can arrange something :laughing :laughing
Only a couple weeks to go
You Sooo Crazy!! <spoken with Asian accent> :wow :wow
I'm planning on doing a N* trip at some point this summer with 'Crash, ... and a guide wouldn't be a bad idea, but dude, I'm basically a glorified laborer and I could see you puttin' an evil hurt on me.

Break Down - Evil Hurt = No Workey, ... No Workey = No Money, ... No Money = Very Unhappy Joey:cry :(
Re: Re: N*

EC70 said:
I am definitely not getting any younger that's fo sure :laughing

But I have also been riding a bicycle / mountain bike / motorcycles professionally since 14 years old in one way or another so that helps a little.

N* is a definite this summer so let's make it happen

BarfMainia :barf Meets North Star 07 :green Who's In ?

And have a great time at T Hill, who’s hosting?

Monte Bello off Page Mill Road is some great riding also.

Those are Bomber Forks Hapro.

I'm down for a barffest at N* so long as you promise me that if you see me trying to follow you, you kick my ass or at least steel my handlebars so I can't ride.

Yes, my Maverick fork is the bomb. I've had a couple of other really hi-end forks to compare it to and the Maverick pretty much blows them all away. :teeth
Harpo: Is that a new-ish Maverick fork? I had one a bit more than a year ago on a Heckler and didn't really care for it. It was noisy, klunky and started leaking oil in a couple of rides, which really sucks on an upside down style fork. I heard they were having seal problems back then, so I hope they've fixed them. It's super light tho and the hub is pretty trick. :thumbup

EC70: Kegwinn's is doing Monday's T-hill day. I have one of their ten day packs, so I mostly go with them. I'll be doing their Intermediate school (again) in a couple of weeks and some more open days the first weekend in July. Fun, fun, fun!! :ride

I'm sure I'll be trying to get up to N* as soon as possible. I can't make the opening weekend b/c I'll be at T-hill, so I'll just have to suck it up. It may be a zoo that weekend anyway after them being closed last year. I can't make the following weekend either... prior obligations :( ...maybe the weekend after that.

I'll know more as it gets closer. Heck I'm still trying to figure out what to do tomorrow. L8r.
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dking said:
Harpo: Is that a new-ish Maverick fork? I had one a bit more than a year ago on a Heckler and didn't really care for it. It was noisy, klunky and started leaking oil in a couple of rides, which really sucks on an upside down style fork. I heard they were having seal problems back then, so I hope they've fixed them. It's super light tho and the hub is pretty trick. :thumbup
I believe it's an '06. When I first got it I was unhappy with the way it was working and I had almost no control over rebound dampening. I brought it back the the shop that sold it to me, and he sent it back to Maverick. I spent about 25 minutes on the phone talking to the tech at maverick. He found out everything there was to find out about my weight, riding style, terrain, blah blah blah. 3 or 4 days later I got back a fork that fit me like a glove. I'm sure I have a few hundred miles on it by now and it still works incredibly. :thumbup :teeth
Tamarancho / Boy Scout Camp

Gonna be riding early Monday morning.
If anyone wants to join in let me know and we can arrange a meeting time.
Northstar Roll Call

Less than one month to go. I'm thinking Saturday July 7. Who's down?
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CityBikeMike said:
Northstar Roll Call

Less than one month to go. I'm thinking Satuday July 7. Who's down?

Crap!!! Can't go opening weekend (T-hill)... can't go that weekend... earliest I can go is the following weekend; 7/14-15.
CityBikeMike said:
Northstar Roll Call

Less than one month to go. I'm thinking Saturday July 7. Who's down?
I can probably do that weekend or the following.

How about Downieville on Saturday June 16.
Anyone up for it? maybe Downieville on Saturday, find a place to stay overnight and hit Auburn on Sunday?
CityBikeMike said:
Northstar Roll Call

Less than one month to go. I'm thinking Saturday July 7. Who's down?

I can prob do that weekend. How about we get shit-faced in Reno afterwards? :barf :Port
Downieville Daytrip ... June 16

Drive up early. Gonna try and get 2 runs (provided carnage on the first is kept to a minimum) and then driving back.

Right now it's Myself, Solis, and my friend Dave.

Let me know if anyone else is interested so we can carpool and save some gas money.
N * is a definite, June looks good also.

Will let you guys know about the conditions.

1st time there
EC70 said:
Downeville Sunday guys?


I'll be up there the whole weekend with three others. You can hook up with us on Sunday if you want. There's even room if you want to come up Saturday. Too bad cell phones don't work up there. Anyway, we'll be at the D'ville River Inn (just to the right across the first bridge by the pizza place) in the "pink house". It's not pink (go figure :confused ) so you'll have to ask. We're planning on a 10AM shuttle on Sunday. Let me know so I know to expect you.

On another note, if any of you ride Saratoga Gap/Long Ridge, watch out!! I was out there today and there was a ranger with radar at the bottom of the hill exiting Long Ridge back towards S.Gap at Skyline. They said there have been a few bad bike accidents there, so they're beefing up patrols. Be safe. :cool
Last weekend, I went out to Demo for the first time in what must have been a year.

When all you ride is XC stuff like Tamarancho and Annadel, those stunts at Demo look HUUUUGE. It's almost like making a trek all the way down to Magic Mountain in Southern California, and being too chicken to do the good rides. Easy stuff, like small cut log platform drops, tabletop jumps and the like. I'm thinking some time at the Northstar skills area or a small BMX park might be in order.

Did my first descent down Coral - that's a lot of fun! It'll be even more fun if I'm able to commit to my jumps and hit the small table tops.

Cable stretch on the new Enduro kept me slipping out of gear for a good portion of the day. A trip to the man with the bike tuning skills is definitely in order.

Route for the day was Highland > Buzzard Lagoon > Ridge > Corral > Sulpher > Ridge > Sawpit > Hihn's Mill > Tractor > Ridge > Braille > Hihn's Mill
1st trip to Downieville

Got the map and report

Tune in at 7 pm for full report

Good riding but whats with all the climbing?
Downieville was awesome this weekend. Great weather and light crowd... very nice. A wonderful weekend, although on Saturdays run there were six flats amongst the four of us... and we know better!! :loco It took us almost four hours to get down with all the flats.

And we weren't alone... we stopped to help at least four others fixing flats... darn rocks!!! :rant If you don't know, air up to at least 40psi your first time... some of the locals run as much as 50psi. Even at that, hit the wrong rock the wrong way and viola!! instant pinch flat. Thankfully, I only got one and there was only one in the whole group on Sunday... yes, we too can learn from our mistakes. :ape

At least Sunrise was clear and "open" on Sunday. We tried it on Saturday before they did the final clearing and one of my buddies belly flopped down a patch of snow. Pretty funny with a VP free on his back :rofl Otherwise the trails were perfect... even getting a little dusty.

EC70: So you made it up Sunday? What time did you go up? We may have seen each other and didn't even know it.

My group took the 10AM shuttle on Sunday and were down a bit after 1PM. We didn't come across many other people on the trail. Fortunately, we missed the MXers. Was that you with the two ladies? ;)

Climbing? D'ville? What climbing? You're supposed to take the shuttle up :laughing Well, there is the one climb out of First Divide up to the top of Third, but that's well worth it. Third is one of the best parts.

Well, maybe I'll catch you next time... thinking maybe in three weekends. L8r. :cool
dking said:
Downieville was awesome this weekend. Great weather and light crowd... very nice. A wonderful weekend, although on Saturdays run there were six flats amongst the four of us... and we know better!! :loco It took us almost four hours to get down with all the flats.

And we weren't alone... we stopped to help at least four others fixing flats... darn rocks!!! :rant If you don't know, air up to at least 40psi your first time... some of the locals run as much as 50psi. Even at that, hit the wrong rock the wrong way and viola!! instant pinch flat. Thankfully, I only got one and there was only one in the whole group on Sunday... yes, we too can learn from our mistakes. :ape

At least Sunrise was clear and "open" on Sunday. We tried it on Saturday before they did the final clearing and one of my buddies belly flopped down a patch of snow. Pretty funny with a VP free on his back :rofl Otherwise the trails were perfect... even getting a little dusty.

EC70: So you made it up Sunday? What time did you go up? We may have seen each other and didn't even know it.

My group took the 10AM shuttle on Sunday and were down a bit after 1PM. We didn't come across many other people on the trail. Fortunately, we missed the MXers. Was that you with the two ladies? ;)

Climbing? D'ville? What climbing? You're supposed to take the shuttle up :laughing Well, there is the one climb out of First Divide up to the top of Third, but that's well worth it. Third is one of the best parts.

Well, maybe I'll catch you next time... thinking maybe in three weekends. L8r. :cool

I think we were with different companies Dking, we went with Downieville Outfitters.

I was out on a Specialized SX and my buddy was on a Blue Kona

A bunch of guys passed us while we were fixing a flat as well :p was that you?

A great place to ride for sure but as you can see on the map with the yellow over the trial was the areas where we had to climb and please correct me if I am wrong Dking

It seemed like quite a bit fo those free ride bikes even with the grannie gear up front.

But the elevation is what kills you and the fact that you are wearing all that protection as well.

A good place to good but N* is a better choice once it opens I think.

I'll still give it 2 thumbs up :thumbup :thumbup

See you at the trail

Going to try to make it for the June 15 -16 weekend

Anyone riding local Saturday 6/9??

If no better offers arise I will be hitting the usual, Tamarancho, but I'll travel if anyone is up for a ride somewhere else. Hmmmm, like maybe Demo...

Anyone up for it?