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Do You Mountain Bike?

I did 2 loops of Redwood yesterday --one CW (East to West) which wasn't as much of a climb as I anticipated -- and one CCW, which felt more of a climb than I was used to:laughing I think my legs were just about done after the 2nd lap. 3 laps?!?!?:green

Looks like I'll be running the next few days.

You rode UP west ridge?! I've done that exactly 3 times in my life, and each time I swear I will never EVER do it again! waste of some perfectly good gnar-gnar downhill :laughing

Okay, so I have to brag a little about my ride this morning...

Did the West/East loop in 40:02 this morning. I was gonna do a couple loops but the instant i made it back to the parking lot after loop #1 the sky split wide open.

Here's the trace: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/episode/view.do?episodePk.pkValue=4705393

42.5 mph max speed! :shocker and 187 AVG heartrate?! :wow

Now I just have to do that 3 times in a row.... shit.
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Oh, and since this storm is about to dump like 5 feet of snow on the Sierras, its time to hit the slopes. Anyone up for a daytrip to Sugarbowl on SUN or MON?
For sure. I'll be back there soon, those are some sick trails.

Did you remember the trails from when we all went together? Or did you have someone to show you the way? I'm usually pretty good with directions, but man - that set of trails seemed like a maze...

I dont know them very well, so if you know the way around, even better. I still haven't ridden Demo, and I've heard there are a few other good ones by campus...

People are betting on whether or not the road to Demo is gonna wash away with this weekends storm. I'm probably gonna be roadbiking a little more after this latest storm, but I'm all for a trip to Demo if we get a decent dry spell in.
BTW, I decided that I am going to go full xc race setup instead of trying to get to 6" travel and <30#, so the Specialized will be up for sale soon and I will be doing a build based on this:

Did you remember the trails from when we all went together? Or did you have someone to show you the way? I'm usually pretty good with directions, but man - that set of trails seemed like a maze...

I went solo, and thats only my third trip there so I had to backtrack a couple times. I went back the weekend after we had all gone together and did the same trails with Doug again, so that helped to learn them.

I am still hesitant to just expore on my own there, everything looks the same and there is some pretty gnarly stuff. The up side is that there are a lot of people there, and even though it was Wed morning I saw a couple dozen other bikers. Its not like you're off in the wilderness alone or anything.
Put the brakes on Bap!

Your specialized is a better working suspension than the the KHS, and weight difference between the 2 is negligable(if any). If you need to shrink some weight off the existing bike, put down the fork (that means loose weight) and buy some skinny XC racing tires. Bring the bike to me and we can reset your suspension to xc settings (stiff and sketchy). Your bike is already loaded with good stuff. It aint gonna get much better for XC racing.
Your specialized is a better working suspension than the the KHS, and weight difference between the 2 is negligable(if any). If you need to shrink some weight off the existing bike, put down the fork (that means loose weight) and buy some skinny XC racing tires. Bring the bike to me and we can reset your suspension to xc settings (stiff and sketchy). Your bike is already loaded with good stuff. It aint gonna get much better for XC racing.


this frame and shock weigh: 2 806 grams = 6.19 pounds
You rode UP west ridge?! I've done that exactly 3 times in my life, and each time I swear I will never EVER do it again! waste of some perfectly good gnar-gnar downhill :laughing

Okay, so I have to brag a little about my ride this morning...

Did the West/East loop in 40:02 this morning. I was gonna do a couple loops but the instant i made it back to the parking lot after loop #1 the sky split wide open.

Here's the trace: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/episode/view.do?episodePk.pkValue=4705393

42.5 mph max speed! :shocker and 187 AVG heartrate?! :wow

Now I just have to do that 3 times in a row.... shit.

I wanted to do some climbing so I went UP it:laughing

40:02!??!!? Impressive!:thumbup

Damn you:x
Your specialized is a better working suspension than the the KHS, and weight difference between the 2 is negligable(if any). If you need to shrink some weight off the existing bike, put down the fork (that means loose weight) and buy some skinny XC racing tires. Bring the bike to me and we can reset your suspension to xc settings (stiff and sketchy). Your bike is already loaded with good stuff. It aint gonna get much better for XC racing.

Free advise that will save money John... I also know 3 racers personally who ride on hardtails (acceleration), I kind of miss it too, the sketchy steering is something I want to get away from though. I'm still drooling on Mikes (PLUSHY) Enduro SL.
Nice, don't work against yourself, I was told sustaining 180+ was detrimental.

You're right. I wasn't monitoring it as i was riding and I was pretty surprised to see it that high afterwards. Probably shouldn't be doing that on the regular, but I felt okay throughout the ride, and no puking this time. :thumbup
Yeah, I felt like I was gonna puke with Mike and Lisa at China Camp when we got to the paved part. Remind me not to stay out drinking til 4am then drinking too much water too quickly. I felt like shit.

That paved part is hell!
Yeah, I felt like I was gonna puke with Mike and Lisa at China Camp when we got to the paved part. Remind me not to stay out drinking til 4am then drinking too much water too quickly. I felt like shit.

That paved part is hell!

Somehow I always manage to go drinking the night before a ride, and have some kind of outrageous leg work out days the week before. Everytime.....makes for more of a challenge :)

Hangover + Sore legs= hard mtn bike ride
You rode UP west ridge?! I've done that exactly 3 times in my life, and each time I swear I will never EVER do it again! waste of some perfectly good gnar-gnar downhill :laughing

Okay, so I have to brag a little about my ride this morning...

Did the West/East loop in 40:02 this morning. I was gonna do a couple loops but the instant i made it back to the parking lot after loop #1 the sky split wide open.

Here's the trace: http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/episode/view.do?episodePk.pkValue=4705393

42.5 mph max speed! :shocker and 187 AVG heartrate?! :wow

Now I just have to do that 3 times in a row.... shit.

I must chime in here --- 42.5mph is an INSANE maximum speed, I've only got up to 38.9 mph before my deralleur destroying and fork tube seal blowing *DOWNHILL PAVED ROAD* crash, however, back when I was out of shape I raced my dad back to the car, plopped down, and took my pulse, clocked in at 240 beats per minute. :twofinger

Bap -- I might be interested in that Xc you'll be selling? I'm afriad this is as fast a moving thread as PW can be.... hard to keep up, especially since you're all way above my league... like I'm a fan trying to talk to motogp racers... :party
Yeah, I felt like I was gonna puke with Mike and Lisa at China Camp when we got to the paved part. Remind me not to stay out drinking til 4am then drinking too much water too quickly. I felt like shit.

That paved part is hell!

Wait till you try Skeggs
180bpm is cool.

I have a contact for a trainer who has aVO2/ Anaerobic Threshold testing setup. Threshold is your maximum sustainable workload and should be danced with on a consistent basis. It does tend to make you barf though. A slight increase at threshold equates to huge speed increase at lower work loads. Pro MTB racers spend 2-2.5 hrs at 95-100% of threshold during a race.
180bpm is your best friend, and the two of you should hang out as often as possible.

I can do threshold testing at the gym too. If anyone is interested. It's not quite as accurate, but it's very close, and it free.
I am very interested in getting some real numbers for my VO2/AT and HR maximums, but the methods that use the 'standard' formulas can be pretty far off from what I've read. What method do you use at the gym?
Conconi Test.

Increase workload and graph heartrate. The graph will show the spot where you go anaerobic. it's pretty accurate, but not the same as VO2. It's $80 for the VO2 test and we need to get a small group together for it. Maximum heartrate is easy. We just go to a giant hill and run up untill you fall over. Whatever the HRM says is you maximum.