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Do You Mountain Bike?

Rounded nipples are a good thing on titties, not so much on the bike... :twofinger

All this nipple talk... yee-haw!

I think Im just gonna keep it looking stock. Maybe stainless spokes instead of the black ones, but thats about it. I don't think they're special enough for the fancy nipples. :teeth
I met a girl once with Fancy Nipples, . . . Yee Haw!!
If anyone is gonna try riding soon, keep in mind there's probably a lot of fallen trees on the trail. Here's a shot of one of the trails @ Skeggs:


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Is it dry enough to ride anywhere?

I was thinking Rockville. It deals with the rain pretty well.
Anywhere else? Saturday morning ride?
Went to Tamarancho today. It was wet and mucky but a lot of fun...................until it got dark and realized we forgot our lights.......................:(
I'm up for a ride tomorrow:teeth Where?

How about a "brick" workout?:p
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I'm up for a ride tomorrow:teeth Where?

How about a "brick" workout?:p

I'm game for whatever. Your neck of the woods or mine?

I only know what you've shown me out there. We could do GG, Stern Grove and Mclaren parks out here. I've got a really good CX/XC endurance type route that spans a good portion of the city but actauly has minimal pavement.

I just ran another 7.5 mile loop yesterday. I had an epiphany regarding my running for at about the 4 mile mark. I'm ready for a 10K.
I meant to type that I had an epiphany with my running form (I typed for)

Basicaly I wasn't swinging my arms out enough and pivoting my torso around my spine properly. I almost gave up around 3 miles but decided to keep going. I know I'm supposed to do what I've mentioned and I was trying but I wasn't exagerating the motions enough. It felt odd at first to pivot my torso so drasticaly and pump my arms almost comicly but once I started doing it it took a very noticable amount of strain off my legs.
I got to Fishermans Wharf around mile 5 and turned back towards downtown/soma by running up Columnbus and stockton (not very steep hills, but hills none the less). I iced my knees that night and here I am ready to run again 2 days later. I still have alot of work to do but I think I'm starting to get it.

Any run even less than a mile used to be a painfully debilitating experience for me. I've been reading the Chi Running book (though I'm barely into it). I think the class is going to change alot for me.
If you at least ran beside a mountain bike I would undestand why you posted in here. :twofinger