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Do You Mountain Bike?

Everyone keeps telling me Chabot is boring as hell, whats up with that?

No legal single track, or very little. Basically a training run. Similar to doing Redwood East/West loop, or so I hear. Lotsa climbing, and some fast fireroad descents, but that's about it. Of, You get a nice view of the lake for a while too :laughing
Everyone keeps telling me Chabot is boring as hell, whats up with that?

Finding your way around the trail (if you don't know it) beats the boredom:rofl

I finally got it after the 2nd ride:laughing

No legal single track, or very little. Basically a training run. Similar to doing Redwood East/West loop, or so I hear. Lotsa climbing, and some fast fireroad descents, but that's about it. Of, You get a nice view of the lake for a while too :laughing

Yep, what he said. It's a good conditioning ride....the modified loop we do has lots of climbing (not too steep, but more continuous), descents that aren't technical at all, but you can carry A LOT of speed if you choose --yeah there's a lake too, and a few cows as well:p

I'd be more than happy to show you the loop we've been doing John.
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If anyone wants to travel a little, Lisa and I are heading up to Annadel up in Santa Rosa on Sunday if anyone's interested.

We're looking at just under 20 miles, with three or four really fun, flowy descents as rewards for all the climbing.
Hmmmmmm... Chabot Saturday and Annadel Sunday... sounds like a good weekend :)

Mikey, swim Sunday afternoon after the ride?
Mikey, swim Sunday afternoon after the ride?

I tried that once, and my hamstrings came dangerously close to cramping. As much as I love stacking my weekends with activities, I don't think I want to risk that again :)
I tried that once, and my hamstrings came dangerously close to cramping. As much as I love stacking my weekends with activities, I don't think I want to risk that again :)

really? improper warm up and cooldown? I always feel "longer" and looser after a swim.
really? improper warm up and cooldown? I always feel "longer" and looser after a swim.

Swimming first, I'm fine. Biking first, my hamstrings protested. Better hydration and post-ride stretching probably would have helped - not sure how much tho...
I've been told that you don't want to do extreme leg cardio without a days rest inbetween. You can do resistance workouts(ie weight lifting) on the days inbetween your cardio days. But that you need give whatever muscle that you worked a day off. So you could do a good bike ride one day, do some leg workouts in the gym the next, and then do swimming the third day.

So basically you can work the same muscle day after day, but it needs to be in a different way.

At least thats what I was told. It made sense though, after that 17 mile ride that we did where my legs cramped up and gave out at the very end. The very next day I went and did weight training with my legs( heavy squats) and they were feeling great. I didn't expect that.

Shit last week, I did squats Monday, Deadlifts Wednesday, mountain bike ride Friday, Squats Saturday, and another mountain bike ride Sunday, and then squats again Monday! Finally back to 225ibs on the squats though!

So does anyone ever hit the gym? Weight training?
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I've been told that you don't want to do extreme leg cardio without a days rest inbetween. You can do resistance workouts(ie weight lifting) on the days inbetween your cardio days. But that you need give whatever muscle that you worked a day off. So you could do a good bike ride one day, do some leg workouts in the gym the next, and then do swimming the third day.

So basically you can work the same muscle day after day, but it needs to be in a different way.

At least thats what I was told. It made sense though, after that 17 mile ride that we did where my legs cramped up and gave out at the very end. The very next day I went and did weight training with my legs( heavy squats) and they were feeling great. I didn't expect that.

Shit last week, I did squats Monday, Deadlifts Wednesday, mountain bike ride Friday, Squats Saturday, and another mountain bike ride Sunday, and then squats again Monday! Finally back to 225ibs on the squats though!

So does anyone ever hit the gym? Weight training?

No weights for me for now. I'm swimming, running, biking, and doing pushups.
^Thanks Timmmmmmmmmay!!!!:laughing

So does anyone ever hit the gym? Weight training?

Used to do resistance training 5 days a week before I "froze" my 24Hr Fitness membership. Now I just run/cycle.
I hope you guys save your legs for Sunday (BAP) ;) Total climbing numbers aren't accurate, but the elevation profile gives you a pretty good idea of how much climbing there is. The great part is that every climb has a mega-fun reward :)

No weights for me for now. I'm swimming, running, biking, and doing pushups.

good on ya, Bap. be careful with the pushups, tho. i was doing several hundred/day ... and i ended up needing a cortozone shot in my shoulder. big needle driven clean into your shoulder joint != fun.

getting old sucks.

*waves furiously to Roxy*
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I hope you guys save your legs for Sunday (BAP) ;) Total climbing numbers aren't accurate, but the elevation profile gives you a pretty good idea of how much climbing there is. The great part is that every climb has a mega-fun reward :)


Holy shit!!! I may have to pass on this one. Don't want to hurt myself.

good on ya, Bap. be careful with the pushups, tho. i was doing several hundred/day ... and i ended up needing a cortozone shot in my shoulder. big needle driven clean into your shoulder joint != fun.

getting old sucks.

*waves furiously to Roxy*

I'm doing "isometrics" I only do 2 sets of 15, but I do two seconds down, two seconds up twice a day.

I had left shoulder surgery 11/06 so I'm pretty careful with my shoulder. Getting back into swimming, the difference in my left and right is significant.
Suprised you guys don't do more resistance training, perfect complimment for those off days of cardio :thumbup . I was just the opposite, I only did weight training and realized that only doing one thing isn't good. So now I'm complimenting my weight training with more cardio. Even some low weight/high rep stuff would be good and as a bonus your less likely to bulk up and add weight if you stay away from the heavy stuff

Oh and bap, you might want to start doing some shoulder warm ups before doing those pushups. There are a few real real light weight warmup's you can do to help out that shoulder. Very important to warm up shoulders before doing anything strenous. I'll show you next time we meet up