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Do You Mountain Bike?

Head count for this Sunday:


Non BARFers:

Francois (MTBR)
Anne (Lisa's friend)

Gregory? Ev? Jeff?

8AM @ Sam's Log Cabin in Albany - 10 AM @ Annadel Trailhead (location posted above)

Sound good?

Sounds good to me, I'll be bringing my friend Hayden along as well. Only problem is Sams restaurant is fairly small. I'll try calling them saturday and see what they say about the crowd. Can we get a list of people attending Breakfast? Thanks
I love how the discussion turns from a bunch of weight weenies talking lbs and ozs and which bike is lighter to where are we all gonna meet to have a fat preride breffast wif pamcakes n' snausages.... :laughing :laughing :p
Oh yeah, and thanks to bikemech1 and the Fox warranty department, I have my Epic back - and it is RRRRRRRIIIIPPPIN! Went to tamarancho today and rode until i crashed (in all senses of the word). Then went and had beers 4 bar stools down from Gary Fisher - ohyeah!

Please mark me IN for Sunday @ annadel (I can take 2 from the EB if needed), and I'll probably be doing laps of West/East on Saturday morning, woohoo!

yes i am a little excited.
Oh yeah, and thanks to bikemech1 and the Fox warranty department, I have my Epic back - and it is RRRRRRRIIIIPPPIN! Went to tamarancho today and rode until i crashed (in all senses of the word). Then went and had beers 4 bar stools down from Gary Fisher - ohyeah!

Did you get a lap time? :)
Dude, I tried but failed. The batteries ran out on me. we came up a different way that dropped us in at the top of the B-17. I even dropped all the way down to ironsprings while the group kept going just so i could get a number to compare. i had my shot blocks and was all ready to put the hammer down, i went to push the lap timer and the screen was blank. dead. bummer.

Here is what i did catch of the ride:http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/episode/view.do?episodePk.pkValue=4805510

I'll try to get out there next week and get a lap time. ;)
I'm really looking forward to riding sonny's Intense (Sonny you can't weight my bike with Betty sitting on it thats not fair:|). My Giant was fun to ride but the suspension was in such bad shape that I couldn't really get a feel for what's it's really like. I'm just gonna bully into Sonny's Toyota in the early morning and hitch a ride:twofinger

Greg sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet. I went to push's website and realized I need to call them before sending in my fork so they know what to expect when it arrives. The repair is gonna be more complicated than the rebuild options they list on their website. I'll contact you shortly.
I am a yes for Annadel on Sunday.

I would like to ride Eastridge/Westridge or W/E or whatever on saturday, so what time and where for the meet up?
anyone know if the road to demo is open to the parking lot yet?
Noon at the gate it is.

That's the main parking lot?
Anyone care to join us?
I don't think I will be riding at Ryans pace, so some company would be nice.
Roxy, Sonny, anyone??
I might try to drag Joe along with us. He was talking about an easy lap alone at Tamarancho, but I might be able to talk him in to going with us.
anyone know if the road to demo is open to the parking lot yet?

From the sounds of things, it's been an on/off deal. County puts up K-Rails, locals push them over the cliff. At the moment, it's supposed to be closed.

According to one of the gals who does trail work, the latest storm caused part of the road to wash away,making it a little narrower at its most narrow point. If the K-rails were moved, anything wider than a narrow passenger car is supposedly risky. I believe it's an additional 1.3 miles from the lot - people are just parking there and riding in.

These pics on mtbr were taken three days ago:





P.S. You guys interested in joining us up at Annadel one of these days? I actually prefer it to Demo - there's more flowy singletrack up there, and I don't find myself being daring enough anymore to hit the built-up stunts I used to hit...
High Noon at Skyline Gate?

Are you guys set on East Ridge / West Ridge? I was thinking of doing China Camp today. The "other stuff" there is fun :)
If we don't end up at Kirkwood tomorrow, I'd like to join you guys...

If so - we'll be at Annedel @ 1000 hrs? I'll be with Marilou (S2RGRL).
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That's the main parking lot?
Anyone care to join us?
I don't think I will be riding at Ryans pace, so some company would be nice.
Roxy, Sonny, anyone??
I might try to drag Joe along with us. He was talking about an easy lap alone at Tamarancho, but I might be able to talk him in to going with us.

I'll probably be right there with you. After my last get off (still sore from that one) and having just got over what I am sure is the same bug Joe has got over 20 days for me (take it very easy Joe, every time I went out and pushed myself when I felt better it would set my recovery time back and I'd get sick all over again) I'd rather not tempt fate:ride

Oops, I thought you were refering to Sunday. Crap, have to work today.
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Just a note to everyone coming to Annadel tomorrow.

Bring a spare tube and the tools needed for tube / tire repair. Pinch flats in the faster rocky sections are not uncommon - both Joe and I have fallen victim to them.

These are some of my favorite trails anywhere. Should be fun!
Hey Greg, Roxy and I were planning on JMP at 1:00 p.m. today, I have a couple of things to do this morning and can try to make it by noon to join you and Ryan. I'll get a hold of Rioxy, but realistically, the earliest I can be there is probably 12:30. Ryan will be on his second lap shortly after we get started. :laughing

Ryan, if Jeremy gets a ride from Sonny and Rox, I'd carpool with you tomorrow. Hope to see you on the trail today.
I think I'll save my legs for tomorrow's ride and go for a run today instead.

I'm thinking of a swim myself. I really want to ride tho...
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