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Do You Mountain Bike?

Lungs and heart felt ok. Legs were the part that still need conditioning.

I could climb OK in granny gear and sometimes one or two bumps up. But shit, I want to climb like Dimitri on the big ring!!!! :)

You will never climb like Dimitri, He's a Texan from Russia on a big ol Texa9er. :laughing

He really had some legs, (but picked his bike up over streams like a roadie) I caught up to him at while he carried that pretty Titus 29er across a stream and he asked "are you going to ride through stream?". I barely understood him as I mashed as fast as I could past him, he caught me shortly after that. :twofinger

I thought you did well EV, if you pick better lines climbing and get more legs we'll never catch you.
Things were a little chaotic at first with the group getting separated and the mechanical problems, but they seemed to smooth out nicely once we started climbing. I like riding at lots of different places, but Annadel is still at the top of my list. After yesterday, maybe most of know can understand why :)

There are another 10 or so miles of trails there we could have incorporated into the loop - you could consider yesterday to be the "condensed version". I'm glad everyone had a good time!

Some pics:



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More pics:



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Things were a little chaotic at first with the group getting separated and the mechanical problems, but they seemed to smooth out nicely once we started climbing. I like riding at lots of different places, but Annadel is still at the top of my list. After yesterday, maybe most of know can understand why :)

There are another 10 or so miles of trails there we could have incorporated into the loop - you could consider yesterday to be the "condensed version". I'm glad everyone had a good time!

Some pics:




I'd definitly be down to do a longer day, even though my legs cramped and I was lucky that the ride was ending it still seemed like it ended prematurely. Can't wait to do it again
:wtf I could feel my sack slowly retreating up into my pelvis as that video went on:nerd

It just amazes me how much talent some people have and how confident they are in their abilities.:thumbup
As far as some of the terrain (or lack thereof) on that run, ... doesn't matter how much confidence or ability you have, .... one unforeseen mishap or even a surprise mechanical will leave you wishing for better days :shocker
Great pics Mike. Wish we could have joined you, but we chose our poison yesterday... and her name was Kirkwood: :thumbup


Hope to pedal with you guys/gals soon...
That should be a little better. A quick side note:

Someone on MTBR was climbing Lawndale around the same time we were descending it. I'm not 100% sure he's referring to us, but whoever he came across had some riders in that didn't slow down or pull over. Most of you guys are probably familiar with it, but for those still new to trail riding, the "rule of the trail" is that uphill riders have the right of way.

I attached a map of yesterday's route - there's a lot more to cover there!


  • Annadel_Map.jpg
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According to the forecast, today is the first of 10 straight days of rain and showers. Hope you guys were able to get a good mtb fix in yesterday!

Hope you guys liked that burger joint we went to afterwards :) I love ending great Annadel rides with trips to Mikes Burgers!
That should be a little better. A quick side note:

Someone on MTBR was climbing Lawndale around the same time we were descending it. I'm not 100% sure he's referring to us, but whoever he came across had some riders in that didn't slow down or pull over. Most of you guys are probably familiar with it, but for those still new to trail riding, the "rule of the trail" is that uphill riders have the right of way.

I profusely thank uphillers who do pull over though, sometimes you Pakow snicker just can't slow to others satisfaction. Really great ride you put together Mike.
I don't believe I was the one who did that, as the person in front of me was always slowing down for the uphillers so I would have to slow and stop as well, but what a weird rule. Lot easier to pull over for an uphiller than it is to slam on brakes for downhiller.......of course if this wasn't the rule I could see people going downhill not slowing at all..........
I don't believe I was the one who did that, as the person in front of me was always slowing down for the uphillers so I would have to slow and stop as well, but what a weird rule. Lot easier to pull over for an uphiller than it is to slam on brakes for downhiller.......of course if this wasn't the rule I could see people going downhill not slowing at all..........

I believe the rule is such because it's often harder to start again after stopping when going uphill.

Like Sonny, I always express my thanks to riders going uphill who let me continue my descent (after slowing for them, granting them the right of way if they desire it). When climbing, I like returning the favor to downhill riders the same way.

The guy who pointed it out said it was a group of around 10 between 11:30 and 12:00 on Lawndale. We were a group of 15, and we started our descent at 12:15 (<3 that Garmin). Was it us? Who knows. We had lots of newer riders - I figured it couldn't hurt to go over it real quick :)
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I believe the rule is such because it's often harder to start again after stopping when going uphill.

Like Sonny, I always express my thanks to riders going uphill who let me continue my descent (after slowing for them, granting them the right of way if they desire it). When climbing, I like returning the favor to downhill riders the same way.

So how about passing riders going downhill that are going slower than you?

On the bigger group rides I find it less important to pass people as it is futile although at the time I'd like too. Better to pass someone ahead of time if you know the trail. Lately I've been pulling over temporarily and getting another run going until I come up on them again. Have any preferences for that?
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What a sissy boy:nerd

Dudes lucky I wasn't there. I'd have crashed into him full speed and taken us both over the cliff:laughing
So how about passing riders going downhill that are going slower than you?

I'm not sure if there is a rule for that. If I catch riders descending, they usually hear me coming and are courteous enough to let me by when we get to a part of the trail that's wide enough to pass. Any group I ride with is usually like that - no one wants to hold up anyone else.

On the bigger group rides I find it less important to pass people as it is futile although at the time I'd like too. Better to pass someone ahead of time if you know the trail. Lately I've been pulling over temporarily and getting another run going until I come up on them again. Have any preferences for that?

I usually try and start from the right spot from the beginning, and will ask the riders behind me if they want by if I feel like I'm holding them up. Most of the people I ride with do the same.
had to drop in and say whats up ... had hella fun with all you guys, i was the guy on the "old school" enduro (you guys all had 07s!) who showed up with the lowered acura and had the keystone ready to go for everyone afterwords :teeth

anyways next time im down in the bay we will have to do it again ... if any of you guys ever make it up north to the Chico area id be happy to show yall around