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Do You Mountain Bike?

After yesterday's ride, I'm going to be mellow today. I'm happy to run a pace that keeps whatever group shows up together.

Noon at the main parking lot to start, and then we'll be back there around 1 or shortly after for the late-comers that want to join up.
Noon at Skyline gate, should be crowded. If you wait John, I'll find you fou a second lap.
Jeff (MassiveAttack), I am down to ride Saratoga gap today if you want. I live near Westgate which is about 10 minutes away. I PM'd you my #.

I'm definitely in for Annandel tomorrow.

Pakow, I'll take you up on that carpool ride from the east bay. It will be a 2+ hour drive from San Jose if I go solo. PM what time I should be at your house and the address. If you're still going..
I'm definitely in for Annandel tomorrow.

Pakow, I'll take you up on that carpool ride from the east bay. It will be a 2+ hour drive from San Jose if I go solo. PM what time I should be at your house and the address. If you're still going..

Still going, but I just told Bap and Bikemech I would take them. 3 is the max in my truck, and even that is a little tight for the guy in the back.

If your truck can do 4 guys plus bikes we could do that, otherwise 2 vehicles between the 4 of us would work....?
I think I'm gonna skip the whole breakfast thing. I'm just gonna have some good ole oatmeal in the morning. I'm down for some dinner afterwards possibly though. See everyone tomorrow
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See you at 9!

If you can, you might wanna get there a little earlier - we should be rolling out of Berkeley by 8:45 to be there on time.

I think I'm gonna skip the whole breakfast thing. I'm just gonna have some good ole oatmeal in the morning. I'm down for some dinner afterwards possibly though. See everyone tomorrow

I think we're going to be skipping the breakfast too - but we'll meet everyone @ the breakfast place between 8:30 - 8:45, all fueled up and ready to go. We should probably be rolling by 8:45, to get there by 10 - there are a few non-BARFers going and I don't want to leave them hanging.

I posted the tinyurl link earlier, but I've also attached a map of the area. Basic directions:

101 North
12 East
Left on Farmers Lane
Right on Montgomery
Right on Channel

The dirt area where people park is on the left.

Arghhhh!!! I get up at 5:30 in the friggin morningon a sun and BART doesn't run until 8:30:wtf :rant

See you all next time. :(
oooh that was fun, cant' wait till the next time! Good seeing everyone again, really a great bunch of people, makes the ride even better
Ha ha ha. That was an awesome time, even if I didn't get to finish the ride with you guys. It's not a BARF ride unless either someone goes down or has a mechanical. The rest of you should be happy I took two for the team on this one :teeth

Until next time :Port
Just checking in, ..... Coooooooggghhhh,,...... Haaaaaaaaack, ..... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhh, ...... :(

Waaaaa, ... I wanna play. :( Make the cold go away, Pleeeeze. :cry :cry
You were looking good especially on those downhills, how did you do endurance wise?

Lungs and heart felt ok. Legs were the part that still need conditioning.

I could climb OK in granny gear and sometimes one or two bumps up. But shit, I want to climb like Dimitri on the big ring!!!! :)
Annadel was a blast:ride

Mike, I can see why its one of your favorite places to ride:) Thanks for showing us around!:thumbup

I look forward to exploring the rest of Annadel.