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Do You Mountain Bike?

thanks man i appreciate it .... i still say you shoulda toughed it out and tried to make your way over to the burmas ... next time for sure.

Just like you should tough out your NEW middle name!!! :rofl :twofinger

I always enjoy a good group ride.

Thanks to everyone, the fast, the slow(really weren't any. even the girls were rockin'), and everyone inbetween.

Rainy days are good for bike work.
Garage is open if anyone needs.

Special thanks to Mike for organizing.

For those of you wanting to go like Ryan, heres the secret.

Turn Legs on,
Turn brain off,
Ignore the pain,
Ignore the fear.

Everet has some skillz,
Sonny really has some skillz
Roxy has some ballz,
Dimitri is smoooth
Lisa has the first line of Ryans secret figured out,
John got cheated out of a great day,
Didn't get to see Pete much, but his bike gave me wood,

Sorry I missed everyone else. Too busy trying to avoid the pointy rocks and still keep the fast guys in sight.
thanks man i appreciate it .... i still say you shoulda toughed it out and tried to make your way over to the burmas ... next time for sure.

I actually had an alterior motive for going back the way I came.
On the way up, I had a little tumble off the side of the mountain, and did not realize I lost my polarized Oakleys in the fall until a while later. I figured I'd give it a shot and try to find them since I had a bunch of time. Good thing I did too, 'cause I found them 25 feet below the trail by the stump that stopped my downhill roll :laughing

Thanks to everyone, the fast, the slow(really weren't any. even the girls were rockin'), and everyone inbetween.

Rainy days are good for bike work.
Garage is open if anyone needs.

Special thanks to Mike for organizing.

For those of you wanting to go like Ryan, heres the secret.

Turn Legs on,
Turn brain off,
Ignore the pain,
Ignore the fear.

Everet has some skillz,
Sonny really has some skillz
Roxy has some ballz,
Dimitri is smoooth
Lisa has the first line of Ryans secret figured out,
John got cheated out of a great day,
Didn't get to see Pete much, but his bike gave me wood,

Sorry I missed everyone else. Too busy trying to avoid the pointy rocks and still keep the fast guys in sight.

I'm gonna take you up on that Gregory. When can I swing by? I'm swimming tomorrow, how about Wednesday night? We're gonna be doing a lot of work, but I think you'll like it.

The Specialized is definitely going to go back on the market, so if anyone is interested, please let me know. I'm gonna go with a two bike setup, riding my XC bike for training and racing, and building a 6" AM bike for "fun". Even as a well set up 4" bike, the fsr just isn't all that confidence inspiring on technical (read scary) downhills, my ass was puckered most of the way down 2 Quarry.

Riding with you, Sonny and Ryan the day before really helped me a lot. I'll be doing a lot more training at Redwood Park and at Chabot. I'm gonna keep spinning and really nail down my shifting as well. The data I got off my Garmin is invaluable, and I realize now I've been riding like a pussy. No pain no gain, I'm gonna try to go a little harder to bump up my threshhold.

Anyone know whether Chabot or Redwood are rideable wet?
I should have went.. it was soo windy and cold in the Eastbay on Sunday. I've never been to Annadel. :thumbup next time definitely!

According to Lisa's GPS, the majority of the group did 15 miles. There are another 10 or so miles of excellent singletrack to be ridden there - next time!

If we wanted or needed to, we could even split the ride up into two groups covering two different distances. I've seen the MTBR guys do that sort of thing at both Auburn and Demo - with the kind of interest that exists right now in mountain biking, there's no reason we couldn't do it as well.
I am at SportsBasement wed & fri

Thursday night is good or saturday starting in the afternoon or early-early morning.
Let me know.
I used to ride Annadel regularly (3-5 times a week) until I moved to Lakeport. Your pics brought back memories (I knew exactly where every one of those pictures were taken!). Fun times:)
I haven't rode much since I moved 2 years ago, but I'm slowly getting back in to it.
You guys ever ride Boggs?.
Chabot, I would imagine to be just as rideable.

I've tried Chabot a day after a good rain. The dirt on the climb up Brandon Trail from the golf course turned to clay in the wet, sticking to my tires while also building up huge messes of gunk where the tire passed through the swingarm. It was so bad, I could barely roll downhill when I decided to turn around.

Tilden / Wildcat is the same way, as are the majority of East Bay parks from what I'm told. Miller is an exception - since Redwood is in the same area, it may be an exception as well. Maybe Ryan knows?
I actually had an alterior motive for going back the way I came.
On the way up, I had a little tumble off the side of the mountain, and did not realize I lost my polarized Oakleys in the fall until a while later. I figured I'd give it a shot and try to find them since I had a bunch of time. Good thing I did too, 'cause I found them 25 feet below the trail by the stump that stopped my downhill roll :laughing

I'm gonna take you up on that Gregory. When can I swing by? I'm swimming tomorrow, how about Wednesday night? We're gonna be doing a lot of work, but I think you'll like it.

The Specialized is definitely going to go back on the market, so if anyone is interested, please let me know. I'm gonna go with a two bike setup, riding my XC bike for training and racing, and building a 6" AM bike for "fun". Even as a well set up 4" bike, the fsr just isn't all that confidence inspiring on technical (read scary) downhills, my ass was puckered most of the way down 2 Quarry.

Riding with you, Sonny and Ryan the day before really helped me a lot. I'll be doing a lot more training at Redwood Park and at Chabot. I'm gonna keep spinning and really nail down my shifting as well. The data I got off my Garmin is invaluable, and I realize now I've been riding like a pussy. No pain no gain, I'm gonna try to go a little harder to bump up my threshhold.

Anyone know whether Chabot or Redwood are rideable wet?

What size is the XC frame? Let me know how much you want, any travel is better than the no travel I have now :teeth
I've tried Chabot a day after a good rain. The dirt on the climb up Brandon Trail from the golf course turned to clay in the wet, sticking to my tires while also building up huge messes of gunk where the tire passed through the swingarm. It was so bad, I could barely roll downhill when I decided to turn around.

Tilden / Wildcat is the same way, as are the majority of East Bay parks from what I'm told. Miller is an exception - since Redwood is in the same area, it may be an exception as well. Maybe Ryan knows?

Yes it would be nice to find out the few odd trails around here that are rideable during or post rain since thats gonna be the weather for the next few months most likely! Need to get my fix!

EDIT: I'll start, I did Tamarancho, I think week before last. It had been raining for most of the week and I believe we went there the second day after it cleared. It was decent. Definitely plenty of puddles with mud but still it was rideable. I'd say probably bearable but just to the point of acceptability. I wouldn't hesitate to do it again after some rain.
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What size is the XC frame? Let me know how much you want, any travel is better than the no travel I have now :teeth

Hey Cody, if it's for you, the frame will be way small, it is a small sized frame. If you can snag your old lady's frame and give her this one, it might work. However, I am probably going to put the bike back together with the original components, and maybe some upgrades and try to sell it as a complete bike.

I've tried Chabot a day after a good rain. The dirt on the climb up Brandon Trail from the golf course turned to clay in the wet, sticking to my tires while also building up huge messes of gunk where the tire passed through the swingarm. It was so bad, I could barely roll downhill when I decided to turn around.

Tilden / Wildcat is the same way, as are the majority of East Bay parks from what I'm told. Miller is an exception - since Redwood is in the same area, it may be an exception as well. Maybe Ryan knows?

Roxy has a modified loop she does at Chabot. I'll try to run that and see how it is after the rain. I have this Saturday off, so as long as it is not still coming down hard, I will be exploring in the neighborhood.

Thursday night is good or saturday starting in the afternoon or early-early morning.
Let me know.

I'll move my workout Thursday to Friday and come out to see you on Thursday night. Thanks G.
I've tried Chabot a day after a good rain. The dirt on the climb up Brandon Trail from the golf course turned to clay in the wet, sticking to my tires while also building up huge messes of gunk where the tire passed through the swingarm. It was so bad, I could barely roll downhill when I decided to turn around.

Tilden / Wildcat is the same way, as are the majority of East Bay parks from what I'm told. Miller is an exception - since Redwood is in the same area, it may be an exception as well. Maybe Ryan knows?

Redwood stays not only rideable, but pretty damn fun the longest, the problem is that once it gets too wet to ride it stays that way. Like Roxy said, the clay on canyon is usually the first to go. Eastridge is the next problem, but Westridge usually stays pretty decent.

Miller is a little different, Bayview gets so much traffic that its like a cement path so that trail stays rideable no matter what. Downside there is that unless you can get out at off-peak hours, you might as well go ride on a crowded sidewalk.

if you have to get your fix and everything is drenched (like today) here is a good loop starting from Skyline Gate:

Westridge (past the Observatory to the Redwood Bowl) > Graham > Dunn (cross skyline blvd and enter JMP) > Sequoia Bayview > Castle Park Trail (cross skyline blvd, pass FAA tower) > Westridge.

Thats the easy loop. Once you're on Bayview you can drop down to Sunset (which is always rideable) on either cinderella or chaparral (my choice is chappy when its wet, cindy turns into a stream) and sunset takes you up $2 hill almost to the beginning of bayview, so you can do as many loops of that as you have in you.

here are the maps:

just be sure to wear your plastic undies...