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Do You Mountain Bike?

if you have to get your fix and everything is drenched (like today) here is a good loop starting from Skyline Gate:

Westridge (past the Observatory to the Redwood Bowl) > Graham > Dunn (cross skyline blvd and enter JMP) > Sequoia Bayview > Castle Park Trail (cross skyline blvd, pass FAA tower) > Westridge.


I think I might do that today
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this might help:

Hey Ryan, how would a short short course involving just Dunn > Graham > Westridge (looks to be a 4 mile loop with a little of everything) be as far as rideability?

I figure that way I can get multiple laps in and focus on where I need to improve.
my choice is chappy when its wet, cindy turns into a stream

Conversely, the last time I did Chap when in the wet I took a pretty good fall. Those wooden water bars get really slick, and have zero grip - careful!
Hey Ryan, how would a short short course involving just Dunn > Graham > Westridge (looks to be a 4 mile loop with a little of everything) be as far as rideability?

I figure that way I can get multiple laps in and focus on where I need to improve.

Absolutely, I think that multiple laps of the same loop is the way to do it. Your loop would work just fine.

The only downside could be that you may end up going up some stuff you would be better off going down, and there is a bit of elevation there.

Here is another idea for a small loop starting at moon gate, it might be 3mi or so:
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Hey Ryan, how would a short short course involving just Dunn > Graham > Westridge (looks to be a 4 mile loop with a little of everything) be as far as rideability?

I figure that way I can get multiple laps in and focus on where I need to improve.

4 miles? :shame:shame

I used to ride Annadel regularly (3-5 times a week) until I moved to Lakeport. Your pics brought back memories (I knew exactly where every one of those pictures were taken!). Fun times:)
I haven't rode much since I moved 2 years ago, but I'm slowly getting back in to it.
You guys ever ride Boggs?.

ive been to boggs in 04 and 05 ... dont think ive made it over there since ... you guys enjoying the snow youre getting over there? Was watching cbs5 news last night and they have that "backyard weather" think they do now and so someone sent in a pic from cobb and it looked like they had a good 2 - 3" of snow!

Heres some pics i took back in 04 when i went to boggs

I think I might do that today

Damn, put anything new on that bike and she has to test ride it.
Make sure you get a nice long down hill to break in both rotors, and I don't mean all at once at the bottom.
Damn, put anything new on that bike and she has to test ride it.
Make sure you get a nice long down hill to break in both rotors, and I don't mean all at once at the bottom.


I've got anti-weightweanie fatty tires and new disc brakes ...what'd ya expect?:laughing
The Specialized is definitely going to go back on the market, so if anyone is interested, please let me know. I'm gonna go with a two bike setup, riding my XC bike for training and racing, and building a 6" AM bike for "fun". Even as a well set up 4" bike, the fsr just isn't all that confidence inspiring on technical (read scary) downhills, my ass was puckered most of the way down 2 Quarry.

What kind of bikes in particular are you thinking about for XC and All Mountain stuff?
Conversely, the last time I did Chap when in the wet I took a pretty good fall. Those wooden water bars get really slick, and have zero grip - careful!

Good point. I picked chap over cindy because cindy is a pretty delicate trail. At least on chap you destroy your bike or your body and not the trail...:p
Thinking of riding Thursday locally, if anyone's interested. Probably sometime early afternoon, do like 8-10 miles
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Good point. I picked chap over cindy because cindy is a pretty delicate trail. At least on chap you destroy your bike or your body and not the trail...:p
Is that garmin like an iGadget, does it know when it is being turned ass over tea kettle over and over again? Can it call EMS if after that the GPS shows no movement. If so my FFH wearing monkey needs one, Oh and Jeremy too. :twofinger
Is that garmin like an iGadget, does it know when it is being turned ass over tea kettle over and over again? Can it call EMS if after that the GPS shows no movement. If so my FFH wearing monkey needs one, Oh and Jeremy too. :twofinger

I just look around. Adrenalinebikes.com has some good stuff. Just really gotta look around, check mtbr for reviews, find what you're looking for and shop til you find what you want at a price you're willing to pay.

Let me know what you're looking for and I'll see what I can find for you.