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Do You Mountain Bike?

hey I''l be at St Theresa ready to roll at 6.

Lessee. I'll wear very green shorts...
it looks like some actually want to start a bit earlier so I'm hoping to get on the trails by 5:30. I'll be checking here before then, post up or PM me if you're gonne be able to make it or need the extra 20 minutes or so :cool
I'll be ready to roll before 5:30...

who is in on this ride?
MrCrash907 said:
That place should be no problem after Coyote Hills, no?

Sorry about dragging you up and over the three hills - I should have suggested you go take the easier grade up "Mount Motherfucker".

How ya feelin?


LOL, still recovering from Mount motherfucker.
Please tell me we're going down Rocky Ridge and not up.

I'd rather climb a fire road than trek my ass up a over nasty rocks...


What's the loop gonna be Hyper?

i left a note on one of your cars. well i hope it was one of yours :laughing
rsrai said:
i left a note on one of your cars. well i hope it was one of yours :laughing

:laughing wasn't mine. Man, every single one of us was late and I wasn't even able to get my bike ready til I was there (nded up working on some stuff later than I expected :cry). To top it off: I thought I hadn't brought my pedals with me and was ready to call it a day. They fell out of the last place I would have thought to look as I was putting my camelbak back into the truck <whew!>. Gawd I haven't felt that stupid in, well, hours :blush.

Yup, we went got going about 6 along Fortini trail, up to Mine and then up Hidden Springs to the radio tower on Coyote Peak. We went down Rocky Ridge and then back to Mine and Fortini. We would have hooked over to Stiles Ranch if we had more time but it was getting dark so we split up at the bottom of Rocky Ridge and savored what turned out to be a great ride. I'll have to take pics next time :)

We'll have to see when you're free Calvin, just lemme know :thumbup

Next time Rsrai, we'll have to coordinate this better :)
damn so if i would have waited another 10 mins i would have run into you guys?? hahahahah feel sorry for the guy i left a note for hes gonna be all wtf?? i even put a :twofinger on it :laughing

i got there 5:28, left about 5:35-40ish
rsrai said:
damn so if i would have waited another 10 mins i would have run into you guys?? hahahahah feel sorry for the guy i left a note for hes gonna be all wtf?? i even put a :twofinger on it :laughing

i got there 5:28, left about 5:35-40ish

J-crew...I may be out for tomorrow mornings ride, its late and I need my beauty rest....unless I can some how manage to get up in 5 houurs....
no problem j-snooze. it was a good ride.

saturday 6:30 am same place
Anyone here interested on a Medium Intense 5.5 Frame? It has the Manitou 4-way Swinger rear shock. It is brand new.
No, it's a 5.5. Spider is a same frame except it only has a 4" travel on the rear. The 5.5 have 5.5 inches travel. It's more of a cross country/trail bike. If you want a Spider I can hook you up with a good deal. If you want more info. go to "www.intensecycles.com" and click on frames and then click on 5.5.
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Who Here Uses Hayes Hydraulic Brakes?

I've had these brake levers for a couple years now. Who in here honestly can use them? If you can honestly use them they are yours for "FREE" They are brand new, but a few years old. I better not see them on CL's or Barf for sale...
