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Do You Mountain Bike?

cal: our mornings have been thrown off sched with all the rain. But we will prolly still do some road riding.
actually cal, next week with the time change it will be perfect, it will be easier for you to wake up.
Does anybody have a rear wheel in good condition they can sell me? Urban bombing/Disc Brake/9 Speed hub? Pls. PM me!

wow. and no motor. wanna buy the artbike for $3800?

There has been a lot of discussion lately about Nisene Marks and a lawsuit has been filed in an attempt to close the area to mountain bikers. The premise of the complaint is that the conditions of the original land grant prohibited horseback riding, which the petitioners are equating with mountain bikes (due to similiar impacts on the trail. Note - the last land grant was in the 60's, so mountain bikes weren't even around then....)

Long story short, here is the basic information, if you want to preserve riding in this area, which may include parts of Soquel (by bascially taking away the access via Aptos Creek fire road), then do something. Write an email, call a representative, get the word out.

I find it reprehensible that mountain bikes are villified by horseback riding community, then the hikers basically say that horseback riding and mountain biking are the same thing.....

Can't have your cake and eat it too...... :wtf

PS - for those lawyers out there (or those that have lots of time) a copy of the petition is available...http://tinyurl.com/53fjx

From: David Green Baskin [mailto:dgbaskin@baskingrant.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 9:08 AM

The following is an article that will be published in the Bay Area. It has
been provided to Shaun Reid, who is the President of the Northern California
Mountain Biking Association (www.norcmba.org <http://www.norcmba.org/> )
and the San Francisco Bay Area Rep for the International Mountain Bicycling
Association (www.imba.com <http://www.imba.com/> ).

It has important information that we all should be aware of. It also
requests that people send e-mails to David Vincent of State Parks,
expressing our concerns about this matter.

This e-mail may be forwarded as appropriate.


Nisene Marks State Park, in the Santa Cruz Mountains is a popular riding
area for many Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley riders. It provides access to
the Soquel Demonstration Forest, a bit of a destination trail for Bay Area
riders and home of the Braille Trail, which has some of the only legal
constructed obstacles on trails in California. Due to a recent
interpretation of the deed used to grant these lands to the State of
California, bicycling in Nisene Marks may be prohibited.

Nisene Marks is a park of approximately 10,000 acres, which was
formed in 1963 when approximately 9000 acres was donated to the state by the
children of Nisene Marks in 1963. The language of the deeds states that the
Donors intended to prohibit the use of motorized vehicles in most areas
except by park personnel; that they intended to prohibit horseback riding,
that they wanted the property to be held in its natural state, with the
exception of trails, drinking and sanitary facilities in keeping with the
natural surroundings, and that special portions of the property were to be
limited to camping, nature study, hiking, and associated activities. There
is no specific prohibition of bicycling within the park. The Nisene family
deeds stated that if this restriction was violated, state parks would lose
the property; it would revert to the heirs of Nisene Marks. The heirs of
Nisene Marks later assigned this reversionary interest to the Nature

In 1982 California law changed. As a result, the reversionary interest to
the Nature Conservancy, and the related deed restriction concerning activity
in the park, is no longer enforceable.

For the past 15 years or so, State Parks has allowed mountain bikes in the
park, limited to the fire roads and certain trails below the steel bridge.
It allowed mountain biking on the portion of the park donated by the Nisene
Marks heirs, believing that it was a permitted activity under the deed
restriction. State Parks wanted to honor the donors' intent, even if the
deed restriction was not enforceable. Bicycles were not specifically
prohibited from the park, and State Parks considered bicycling to be an
activity associated with camping, nature study and hiking. The main fire
road through the park provides an essential connection to the Soquel
Demonstration Forest.

In 2003, after a lengthy public process, the California Department of Parks
and Recreation adopted a new general plan for Nisene Marks. One of the
components of the plan provided for an expanded trail network in the park,
which would allow for mountain biking on singletrack in the park, either on
new or existing trails, the exact locations to be determined. Which trails
might be open to biking was left for further action as the specific trails
plan was developed.

Shortly after adoption of the plan, a group called citizens for the
preservation of the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park and an individual
named Sany Henn filed a lawsuit which was intended to stop State Parks from
implementing that portion of the General Plan which would allow mountain
bikes in the park.

In September, 2004, Judge Hersher of the Sacramento Superior Court issued an
Order finding that State Parks had failed to consider and act in compliance
with the intent of the donors by allowing mountain biking within the portion
of the park granted by the relevant grant deeds. The judge rejected the
numerous arguments submitted by State Parks, including that the deed
restrictions were unenforceable as a matter of law. The Order prohibited
State Parks from implementing the General Plan pending a final ruling by the
court on the impact of the court's ruling on the General Plan. The case is
set for further hearing on November 12, 2004, at which time the court is
expected to issue its ruling. Once this ruling is issued, State Parks will
be forced change the General Plan and to prohibit all mountain biking in
that portion of Nisene Marks covered by the family deeds. This will
essentially close the park to biking, and close the fire road link to Soquel
Demonstration Forest to bikers.

Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz and other concerned individuals are urging
State Parks to appeal this ruling. We believe that the Court of Appeals
will enforce California's statutes, find the power of termination and
related restriction to have expired, and therefore reverse Judge Hersher's
decision. If successful on appeal, State Parks will be allowed to proceed
with its General Plan and allow mountain biking in Nisene Marks on fire
roads and on appropriate single track. The importance of this appeal cannot
be over emphasized.

It is important that we let the folks at State Parks know that we want them
to appeal Judge Hersher's ruling. You can write letters or e-mail:

David Vincent, Superintendent of the Santa Cruz District

Department of Parks and Recreation

Santa Cruz District

303 Big Trees Park Road

Felton, CA 95018



I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you make your voices
heard on this matter.


David Green Baskin, Treasurer, Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz
Baskin & Grant, LLP
730 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, Ca 95060

Phone 831/425-8999
FAX 831/425-8853
Anyone up for riding this weekend - Sunday?


Just got a new bike - wanna test ride it.
Clear Creek on my ATK for me...
M.A., What did you buy?

And I just can't picture Ravi on a road bike.

ATK = Dirt Bike / Motocross
Clear Creek = Dirt Bike trails in South Bay
kiltwearinfool said:
M.A., What did you buy?

Picked up a Santa Cruz Blur - Been watching this bike the last few weeks and its finally here!

kiltwearinfool said:
ATK = Dirt Bike / Motocross
Clear Creek = Dirt Bike trails in South Bay

Ahhh... thanks for clearing that up for me.

Butch - thanks for sharing...
M.A., just don't get any poison oak this weekend, OK? It sux. Thank God for Prednisone (from a doctor), or I would have missed a trackday tomorrow...

kwf, just picture a 6'2'' overweight indian guy in tights. :thumbup

MA, good bike! i have a bullit, and one guy i ride with has a blur, loves it. i need the extra weight to not be so overweight anymore :)
Anyone down to try Rockville this Sunday? I've been told it's pretty rideable when other places are mud pits.
MrCrash907 said:
Anyone down to try Rockville this Sunday? I've been told it's pretty rideable when other places are mud pits.

Let me know if you guys decide to go to Rockville on Sunday. I can give you guys a tour. Just have a lot of patient waiting for at all times, especially when it's time to climb.