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Do You Mountain Bike?

You're most likely right, but whats done is done :(

Speaking of being done my body is feeling so fucked up recently. My wrists hurt , right hip hurts , lower back hurts etc I need to get into some Yoga or something and limber back up or im not going to be able to do this much longer.. im a gimp and im only 26 :thumbdown I think alot of it has to do with my futon..
Yuba River Inn at Sierra City -- 2 nights worth of credit --

If any of you are planning on heading to Downieville (other than race weekend) and plan on staying for 2 nights, particularly in Sierra City, let me know.

I have 2 nights worth of credit at Yuba River Inn -- $132 for 2 nights. http://www.yubariverinn.com/

I made the reservations for this weekend to preride both courses but can't go -- I was only given credit since they have a 10 day policy for cancellations.

Let me know which 2 nights you plan on staying so I can call them and check availability. Then we'll work out the $$, paypal, etc.

Phos just wait another 10 years and get back to me on that one

:| I'm already sure i'll be due for some robotic appendages in my old age. But by then that shit will be standard. Kiss my ass luke skywalker :twofinger
My wrists hurt , right hip hurts , lower back hurts etc

I was feeling that way last week: knees, lower back, joints in general -- I think this injury was the only way for me to back off and rest:laughing
I was feeling that way last week: knees, lower back, joints in general -- I think this injury was the only way for me to back off and rest:laughing

So we all know in general, good motorcycle riders always come away with a lesson or something to think about after a crash. I mean we even have a crash analysis forum just for those purposes.

What would you say you came away with after this crash? I don't know if you've had enough time to really think about it yet but I'm curious as to what you would of done different or what you plan on changing in the future to avoid things accidents like this. I know that mountain biking is a bit different than motorcycles as there are so many variables on the trail, anything can happen at anytime, but at the same time things happen on the street as well with gravel and oil in the road etc and there are things that you can do to help prevent and be prepared for these risks.

Its a dangerous hobby and there is a risk that we all take, however I think we all need to think about how to minimize those risks. I'm pretty lucky that I didn't get more injured after completely blowing that jump at Ashland like a squid. For me it was a good reminder to think before I act and not attempt things that are out of my reach or something that I don't normally practice doing. I'm curious to hear how you feel in retrospect about your crash and what you might of taken away from it. I think we can all learn from each others mistakes.
I was feeling that way last week: knees, lower back, joints in general -- I think this injury was the only way for me to back off and rest:laughing

I haven't been riding nearly as much. Like twice in a month from what is usually several times a week. I was taking it easy due to that shoulder deal I had a little while back.
So we all know in general, good motorcycle riders always come away with a lesson or something to think about after a crash. I mean we even have a crash analysis forum just for those purposes.

What would you say you came away with after this crash? I don't know if you've had enough time to really think about it yet but I'm curious as to what you would of done different or what you plan on changing in the future to avoid things accidents like this. I know that mountain biking is a bit different than motorcycles as there are so many variables on the trail, anything can happen at anytime, but at the same time things happen on the street as well with gravel and oil in the road etc and there are things that you can do to help prevent and be prepared for these risks.

Its a dangerous hobby and there is a risk that we all take, however I think we all need to think about how to minimize those risks. I'm pretty lucky that I didn't get more injured after completely blowing that jump at Ashland like a squid. For me it was a good reminder to think before I act and not attempt things that are out of my reach or something that I don't normally practice doing. I'm curious to hear how you feel in retrospect about your crash and what you might of taken away from it. I think we can all learn from each others mistakes.
Roxy, come out on the boat with us, we'll have a great time.
"Doug, is there definitely room in the car for me?" "Yes"
Roxy, we had a great day, why don't you come out on the boat with us tomorow. It's gonna be a blast, You can surf, wake board, chill out, rest, ... what ever. My friends are really cool and would love to have you join.
"I really want to ride."
Are you sure you don't just want to change it up a little bit and have some relaxing fun, both physically and mentally?
"No, I really wanna ride. I'm gonna stay!"
Okee Dokee. Be careful darlin'. :rolleyes
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Roxy, come out on the boat with us, we'll have a great time.
"Doug, is there definitely room in the car for me?" "Yes"
Roxy, we had a great day, why don't you come out on the boat with us tomorow. It's gonna be a blast, You can surf, wake board, chill out, rest, ... what ever. My friends are really cool and would love to have you join.
"I really want to ride."
Are you sure you don't just want to change it up a little bit and have some relaxing fun, both physically and mentally?
"No, I really wanna ride. I'm gonna stay!"
Okee Dokee. Be careful darlin'. :rolleyes

Yeah I know...

So we all know in general, good motorcycle riders always come away with a lesson or something to think about after a crash. I mean we even have a crash analysis forum just for those purposes.

What would you say you came away with after this crash? I don't know if you've had enough time to really think about it yet but I'm curious as to what you would of done different or what you plan on changing in the future to avoid things accidents like this. I know that mountain biking is a bit different than motorcycles as there are so many variables on the trail, anything can happen at anytime, but at the same time things happen on the street as well with gravel and oil in the road etc and there are things that you can do to help prevent and be prepared for these risks.

Its a dangerous hobby and there is a risk that we all take, however I think we all need to think about how to minimize those risks. I'm pretty lucky that I didn't get more injured after completely blowing that jump at Ashland like a squid. For me it was a good reminder to think before I act and not attempt things that are out of my reach or something that I don't normally practice doing. I'm curious to hear how you feel in retrospect about your crash and what you might of taken away from it. I think we can all learn from each others mistakes.

A few things:

Coming out of a left hander right before I launched that drop...I didn't attempt to correct the position of the bike to make sure I landed parallel with the singletrack below. Hence the squirly landing.

Would flat pedals have helped? I'm not so sure...I'm not comfortable enough on flats to ride gnarlier terrain, especially at Northstar. I chose to ride clipless because that is what I am comfortable with.

I also pushed it a wee bit more the 2nd day at the park -- We were halfway through the day, I might have started to get tired without realizing it. It's hard to get off the hill when the lifts are still running because there will always be that "one more run"....

It is what it is, I took the risk and now I'm dealing with the injuries as a consequence. I'm not beating myself up over what happened, I had the best weekend I've ever had on a mountain bike -- with awesome company:)
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I have a buddy who can unclick mid air...do a trick then click in before landing. He raced DH with clipless pedals. He's an exception though. ....platforms for me! just gives me the confidence to go big...knowing I can bail in a heartbeat if needed.:thumbup
I actually sharpen the teeth on mine and wear soft soled shoes so it grabs better. Helps when pedaling/sprinting but murder on the shins if ya don't wear gaurds:laughing.
Yeah I know...
I also pushed it a wee bit more the 2nd day at the park -- We were halfway through the day, I might have started to get tired without realizing it. It's hard to get off the hill when the lifts are still running because there will always be that "one more run"....


I fee like part of becoming a more experienced rider is not always gaining better technical skills. In my case especially and I think yours too, its gaining better judgement. I really hope you heal up properly and quickly and that you get back on the horse but at the same time, its worrisome that you might be leaving a really big lesson behind that could help you out and prevent future injuries down the road.

I don't wanna bag on ya though, crashing is a part of the sport, sometimes we get lucky, sometimes not so much. But don't accept it! Fight it!

Well wishes for your upcoming surgery :thumbup
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Joe, when were you going to d ville?? i can do saturday, but need to be back sat night for a birthday.

im down for a 9 am and 1pm shuttle? should be done with each in an hour and a half tops i think?
Joe, when were you going to d ville?? i can do saturday, but need to be back sat night for a birthday.

im down for a 9 am and 1pm shuttle? should be done with each in an hour and a half tops i think?
I'll get bak to you tomorrow. Waiting to her from another (non barf) buddy and also trying to coordinate with Ryan and Dan. Would be super kule if we could all do a run together. But keep in mind, I can handle the terrain just fine and I've been doing some hiking but I'm no place near your endurance level. You will have to stop a few times and wait for my old, broken, tired arse. :wow :(
Straying from previous posts, sorry.

What's up with Sutro Heights overgrowth!? My tune-up rides there now have me concentrating more on avoiding the multitude of thorned branches that are now dominating parts of the trail. Just a short rant, sorry.

I think I'm gonna walk the trail with a machetti and whack away at that shit for a few hours. :ninjaryde
North Star / Downieville / Tahoe

Hey all, I'm gonna be in Tahoe City for the entire 4th of July weekend. My buddy has a cabin so I'm gonna be up there Fri - Sun. I'm planning on hitting N* at least one day. I'm not picky about which day it is but I'm trying to find at least one person to go with me. (Hate riding alone) If you need a place to crash you are more than welcome to spend a night at the cabin (my buddy told me it was cool) Let me know i anyone is interested.

Also, I'm thinking that I might like to ride Downieville on Thursday, July 2nd. Anyone interested???? Let me know. If so I'll have to meet you there. I can't carpool as I'm just gonna go from there to Tahoe for the weekend.

hey wassup joe. northstar would be good way to get my ass back in. :ride and a way to celebrate the 4th.

mid-day july 5th would be the only day i can possibly get away...
let me how that works with your weekend schedule.
hey wassup joe. northstar would be good way to get my ass back in. :ride and a way to celebrate the 4th.

mid-day july 5th would be the only day i can possibly get away...
let me how that works with your weekend schedule.
See if anyone else jumps on board and make a decision closer to end of week :teeth