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Do You Mountain Bike?

If humpty dumpty Joe can ride N* with one robo-rotator cuff, and one detached rotator cuff, I thought I could at least pedal a bit.

He's inspirational like that :rofl
lul this showed up today. contender #3 in the phos rear wheel deathmatch, can it survive?

If humpty dumpty Joe can ride N* with one robo-rotator cuff, and one detached rotator cuff, I thought I could at least pedal a bit.

He's inspirational like that :rofl
You idiot, . . . hasn't anyone ever told you that stupidity is contagious. :laughing :laughing :twofinger
Which trails did you hit and can you give a bit of a summary on any of them? Thanks mang:twofinger


we did: sunrise - butcher - pauly - third divide - upper first - lower first

I totally got caught off guard on Sunrise, since I thought it was gonna be a mellow start, but, holy freaking switchbacks, batman! The minute you step on the trail, there's surprises on every corner already! :shocker


Butcher was so fun with all the air you can get, but I was taking it very easy since it was my first time there. :blush


Pauly Creek was fun with all the rocks and roots you have to maneuver around to get thru while maintaining a less-embarrassing speed. :ride


Then there's the damn climb. :ride


We took the third divide since the two ladies we were with got scared when they heard descriptions about the second divide.

Third divide was smooth and fast! Lots of shale or whatever you call those sharp flaky rocks at the end. :shocker


Then when we got out of that trail, we made a left on Lavazolla(?) rd to get to Upper First Divide. Pretty fun trail.

Then the Lower First Divide. I was a lil bummed out coz the trail was ending :x and theres a climbing section about a couple of miles before the end.

I did not crash the whole day! I had a few close calls where I was glad I was not clipped on. I usually crash or fall once or twice every weekend. lol :thumbup

It was a GREAT day all in all. Although I had to take a couple of people back to Packer Saddle to pick up their car, I didn't mind.


When we got back down, I decided to eat first before heading home, and my buddy Chris and I went to the pizza joint to get the quickest item they can dish out: Hamburgers. We waited 45 damn minutes to get those burgers, but I was still ALL smiles. Lots of eye candy walking around. We sat at the back patio overlooking the swimming hole and I told myself, I'm not leaving till I jumped in that emerald-green water.

After eating half of that burger, I gave up. I headed down to the water, kicking myself in the ass for not bringing the camera with me (major hottie in a bikini by the shore :teeth)
Jumped in the water, and OMG! The most exhilirating experience of my life!

Did not take a lot of pictures since I was having a lot of fun, But now I'm thinking of going back there this friday.

How's the crowd on 4th of July weekend up there?
F$%^ Creatine, .... F$%^ Cytoblahblah, .... Icecream, chocolate chip cookies and donuts will fix your problem. Just let me know if you want to get on the Harpo, old, fat lazy (razy if your asian :twofinger ) Diet. :laughing:laughing:laughing:rofl


Im chugging two, two cup milkshakes with 2-3 scoops of cytogain in each a day. On top of the regular 4 meals I eat a day (which I have bumped up to 3 eggs, yogurt, toast and an Ensure for breakfast)

Freeking fast metabolism! ahhhhhh:rolleyes
Im chugging two, two cup milkshakes with 2-3 scoops of cytogain in each a day. On top of the regular 4 meals I eat a day (which I have bumped up to 3 eggs, yogurt, toast and an Ensure for breakfast)

Freeking fast metabolism! ahhhhhh:rolleyes
Go 4 eggs but loose 3 yokes.

I used to do weight gain crap when I was younger. Just made me young and fat. Now I save all that money I used to spend on weight gain and just eat crap and I'm old and fat. Pretty soon I'm gonna look lik an old, fat, bald, crumpled up Buddha. LOL :laughing :laughing :cry
Im chugging two, two cup milkshakes with 2-3 scoops of cytogain in each a day. On top of the regular 4 meals I eat a day (which I have bumped up to 3 eggs, yogurt, toast and an Ensure for breakfast)

Freeking fast metabolism! ahhhhhh:rolleyes

Run, run again, run some more. What's your MOS?

OT, I heard they plowed "baby heads" :(
Run, run again, run some more. What's your MOS?

OT, I heard they plowed "baby heads" :(

Something along the lines of Turbo prop mechanic. I'll be working on planes in one way or another.

Did 6 miles this morning. Hot as Fack!

And ya... Baby heads was plowed, but the word is that its back to its gnarlyness due to the snow run off? iono
Great pix! Sadly I didn't take any during my ride. Wish I could have hooked up with you guys. I got lonely on that ride:laughing Hopefully I'll catch you some other time out there!

we did: sunrise - butcher - pauly - third divide - upper first - lower first

I totally got caught off guard on Sunrise, since I thought it was gonna be a mellow start, but, holy freaking switchbacks, batman! The minute you step on the trail, there's surprises on every corner already! :shocker


Butcher was so fun with all the air you can get, but I was taking it very easy since it was my first time there. :blush


Pauly Creek was fun with all the rocks and roots you have to maneuver around to get thru while maintaining a less-embarrassing speed. :ride


Then there's the damn climb. :ride


We took the third divide since the two ladies we were with got scared when they heard descriptions about the second divide.

Third divide was smooth and fast! Lots of shale or whatever you call those sharp flaky rocks at the end. :shocker


Then when we got out of that trail, we made a left on Lavazolla(?) rd to get to Upper First Divide. Pretty fun trail.

Then the Lower First Divide. I was a lil bummed out coz the trail was ending :x and theres a climbing section about a couple of miles before the end.

I did not crash the whole day! I had a few close calls where I was glad I was not clipped on. I usually crash or fall once or twice every weekend. lol :thumbup

It was a GREAT day all in all. Although I had to take a couple of people back to Packer Saddle to pick up their car, I didn't mind.


When we got back down, I decided to eat first before heading home, and my buddy Chris and I went to the pizza joint to get the quickest item they can dish out: Hamburgers. We waited 45 damn minutes to get those burgers, but I was still ALL smiles. Lots of eye candy walking around. We sat at the back patio overlooking the swimming hole and I told myself, I'm not leaving till I jumped in that emerald-green water.

After eating half of that burger, I gave up. I headed down to the water, kicking myself in the ass for not bringing the camera with me (major hottie in a bikini by the shore :teeth)
Jumped in the water, and OMG! The most exhilirating experience of my life!

Did not take a lot of pictures since I was having a lot of fun, But now I'm thinking of going back there this friday.

How's the crowd on 4th of July weekend up there?

Thanks for the summary, I'll be up there in mid September with my boy. This is what I have been waiting for forever!:shocker So would you say 5.5 inches of travel from my StumpyFSR is decent enough for it, or do I need to rent a better bike?
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That'll be plenty. I rode my Stumpy and it was enough...

Thanks for the summary, I'll be up there in mid September with my boy. This is what I have been waiting for forever!:shocker So would you say 5.5 inches of travel from my StumpyFSR is decent enough for it, or do I need to rent a better bike?
enduro or nomad

got myself a few good leads on a rig... wondering if anyone can share some detailed experience regarding the two:

- enduro 2008-09 w/ dual crown 160 forks
- nomad

i like the two, enduro looks odd but ppl seem to really dig it.

anyone here own either of the two... i haven't ridden in over 2 years but use to like xc/am --- nothing too serious.

any insights would be a great help.

... and thanks in advance.
got myself a few good leads on a rig... wondering if anyone can share some detailed experience regarding the two:

- enduro 2008-09 w/ dual crown 160 forks
- nomad

i like the two, enduro looks odd but ppl seem to really dig it.

anyone here own either of the two... i haven't ridden in over 2 years but use to like xc/am --- nothing too serious.

any insights would be a great help.

... and thanks in advance.

Im not a fan of the spechilized poopy in house suspension. They have done re-works and upgrades on it for the last 3 years and it still doesnt feel "right"

I would go Nomad. Hands down. You can pick a great spec'd Nomad for a decent price.
Thanks for the summary, I'll be up there in mid September with my boy. This is what I have been waiting for forever!:shocker So would you say 5.5 inches of travel from my StumpyFSR is decent enough for it, or do I need to rent a better bike?

Your stumpjumper will be fine. I had 4" of travel on my heavy-ass bike and I had a blast. I saw a guy who was on a ridgid, there's a guy on a singlespeed, few guys on hardtails, and then, there's these guys:


SICK Ventana tandem. I have no idea how they did it. :shocker
got myself a few good leads on a rig... wondering if anyone can share some detailed experience regarding the two:

- enduro 2008-09 w/ dual crown 160 forks
- nomad

i like the two, enduro looks odd but ppl seem to really dig it.

anyone here own either of the two... i haven't ridden in over 2 years but use to like xc/am --- nothing too serious.

any insights would be a great help.

... and thanks in advance.
First you were gonna get some old piece of crap and have me help you with it, ..... then you specifically wanted a Nomad and Fox Talas 36 RC2, .... now Enduro, :wtf ......... Dude, I can build you an awesome rig, but again I say, ..... YOU"RE ALL OVER THE BOARD!!! You're pretty, ridiculously hard to help/work with!!!!!
