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Do You Mountain Bike?

so as that I am currently not working, everyday is basically vacation, and the bike just got some new goodies, would anyone care to give up the location of some of these places that I keep reading about in this thread?

Just a few of the local goodies.

Annadel State Park


Skeggs Point

Sutro Heights (Short/Tune-Up course)

China Camp
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You guys had a "Barf Ride" 3 riders down :laughing

Camera guy with a nice pass down Westridge, complete with leaves an shit stuck to his gloves from hitting all the plants. :thumbup

lol is that how barf rides go? Havent been on one personally. Yea I had to granny some of the corners on west ridge only been down it twice. Friend was yelling out the turns as we went :laughing
Heres another short clip I just finished editing. I was dirt jumping solo in the Oakland hills. I used my camera phone to record a few jumps and spliced them together , came out kinda neat. I was recording in low res on accident , can't wait till I get a fookin HD camcorder..... :x

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/DoWh-V2tq_E&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/DoWh-V2tq_E&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Heres another short clip I just finished editing. I was dirt jumping solo in the Oakland hills. I used my camera phone to record a few jumps and spliced them together , came out kinda neat. I was recording in low res on accident , can't wait till I get a fookin HD camcorder..... :x
Very kule dude!!

How old are you???

so as that I am currently not working, everyday is basically vacation, and the bike just got some new goodies, would anyone care to give up the location of some of these places that I keep reading about in this thread?

Joaquin Miller Park aka "JMP"


Redwood Regional Park aka "West Ridge/East Ridge"

Soquel Demonstration Forest aka "Demo"

Wildcat Canyon


El Corte de Madera aka Skeggs

Purisima Creek



Pine Mountain

Marin Headlands

Mt Diablo
http://www.mdia.org/PDF Files/MtDiabloBrochure.pdf


China Camp


Info on trail @ MTBR


  • Annadel_Map.pdf
    48.9 KB · Views: 112
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Shameless plug for myself

Got a Fox DHX 5 Coil (9.5x3.0) that I need to get rid of ASAP.

$170, its in MINT condition. Only ran for 2 months, was a back up shock...

Help me out!!!

Joe -- FYI this is the shock I was telling you about :)

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3vDOUpSOEGw&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3vDOUpSOEGw&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]

they make it look sooooo damn easy:wow
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Yea I took a different line , thought it was good but the rock got me. We had a good group going. Im working on getting an HD camcorder for some good east bay footage.

Heres the rest of the footage of us goofin off. Dude with helmet cam had bad luck off the line :ride


I have crashed in that same exact spot on palos before. But I ended up 40 feet down into the creek. Not fun. I feel for the Jeff, ouchies. :rofl

Good gawd I miss my Turner.
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Thx, I R 26.Why ya ask?

Not sure if I'm more jealous that I can't pound out stuff like that anymore without my G@# D@#$ tendons falling off the bones, ..... or if I'm just jealous that when I was 26, capturing the crazy ass shit on video that we were doing really wasn't an easily achieved option. ...

Hell no, I'm keeping it for ever and ever and ever.

Best riding frame EVER.

Might be picking up an Evil Imperial frame for shits n giggles as well.

o_O Rays?

Not sure if I'm more jealous that I can't pound out stuff like that anymore without my G@# D@#$ tendons falling off the bones, ..... or if I'm just jealous that when I was 26, capturing the crazy ass shit on video that we were doing really wasn't an easily achieved option. ...

:laughing thats why I ride soft tails now. I'm still in pain pretty regularly but the bounce back is still there. :p I cant wait till I get my first electrical stimulator. My Chrio was shockin me the other day , that shit was great :shocker
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Downieville Classic 2009

Despite the fact that my legs were still fried from 14+ hours of Ironman Coeur D'Alene three weeks ago...

And my lack of hill training or mountain biking for the past three months...

And my the way my Cannondale backup bike wheelies instead of going forward with each pedal stroke...

I was able put it on the box with a 3rd place in Downieville :)



Great you can have my 888 , find me a single crown :p

If you need a single crown I have 2 Domains. 160mm and a 180mm both 1.5 steer tube.

PS. Had a Neurostim implanted over the winter. Didn't do shit. Actually caused more chaos. Had it pulled out 15 days later.

Finally on some good drugs for the F@#$ED up nerves. Cymbalta, Lyrica, Valume cocktail) that help the pain some but they don't do shit for the ligaments and tendons falling off though. Just found out that aside from the newest torn rotator cuff right (got the left one on 5/8/09, completely detached) that was supposed to be operated on end of this month, I now have to put that on hold so I can first reattach my left thumb to my hand. Aaaaaaaarrrrrggghhhh. My shit is just falling off :(
