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Do You Mountain Bike?

Re: Killer frameset

redbull said:
Hey, anyone looking for a new ride should know I just put up one of my framesets on eBay here. I warn you not to look at her if you are in a faithful loving relationship with your current bike. She is a nasty girl she is.
I'm way tooooo old for shit like that. :( Not to mention way to poor.:( Not to mention that my babies, gixxer 6 and 1K would probably get jealous, and the only thing worse than jealous gixxers is, ...........Uh, ......Uh, ...... Never mind. There is nothing worse:wow ;)
squidhunter said:

Too bad I'm poor...
So what are you replacing it with?

Thanks man! I know poor right now as well. For now I am going to stick with my SC Chameleon. Single speed, Profiles, Vanilla RLC, etc.

Harpo said:
I'm way tooooo old for shit like that. :( Not to mention way to poor.:( Not to mention that my babies, gixxer 6 and 1K would probably get jealous, and the only thing worse than jealous gixxers is, ...........Uh, ......Uh, ...... Never mind. There is nothing worse:wow ;)

LOL! I know what you mean sometimes. Each time I am up riding the north shore I seemed to get passed by younger kids who ride off the biggest drops THEN look back and see how high it was! Of course BC simply has something in the water (air, dirt, donuts) that makes your nuts bigger younger.
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Annadel, Sunday 12/12

OK, Right now it's Mr Crash, myself and a buddy of mine.
We're gonna hit Annadel on Sunday (12/12) morning. Anyone else up for the journey?

If you haven't been there, believe me, it's worth the trip. If you have been there, .....you know!! :thumbup :teeth
MassiveAttack said:
I'm down - What time Sunday Morning?
Time not set yet but EARLY. Probably get there no later than 9:00 but I have to check with the other folks and see what they have in mind.
Dude, who are you kidding. You're not really gonna get up that early, ...... are you???:wtf:wow
After reading the review by Mr Crash and they hype Anadel gets... I can't pass this up!

I'll be up and on the rode by 8 - C'ya there!
Check The Thread Again!!

MassiveAttack said:
After reading the review by Mr Crash and they hype Anadel gets... I can't pass this up!

I'll be up and on the rode by 8 - C'ya there!
Sweet Dude!!
But, ...that time is not a definite. I will update the thread as soon as I know but it will be right around then. And maybe we can all meet up somewhere on the way like Emeryville and carpool up together.:teeth

Didn't realize you called about a meeting spot yesterday until I got home. How about 8:30, Starbucks in Emeryville on Powell / Christie? It's a compromise between getting there early, and giving those nocturnal Southbay party animals a chance to make it up without leaving before the crack of dawn.
MrCrash907 said:

Didn't realize you called about a meeting spot yesterday until I got home. How about 8:30, Starbucks in Emeryville on Powell / Christie? It's a compromise between getting there early, and giving those nocturnal Southbay party animals a chance to make it up without leaving before the crack of dawn.
Let me check with my buddy Dave and see if that's ok for him. He's got 2 kids and a wife and usually likes to head out early. I'll see if he can live with that time.

That said, I want a definite confirmation from the south bay boyz that they are going to make it. It really sux changing your plans for someone that doesn't show,:wow .... if you know what I mean.;) :teeth
I know what you mean... *cough*cough*

I'll be at Soquel - I mean Anadel :p at 9:00 if your friend can't make Mr Crash's meet spot.

Hopefully I don't hold up you fast guys climbing...
I'm supposed to be out of town this weekend, if I'm not, I'll come up with MA. Or, as MrCrash pointed out, if I'm hung over or still sleeping, then next time.... :twofinger :loco
The official meeting time and place

MrCrash907 said:
Didn't realize you called about a meeting spot yesterday until I got home. How about 8:30, Starbucks in Emeryville on Powell / Christie?
OK, This is it. The official meeting time and place, ..... provided it doesn't rain.

Not sure if my bud is going or not but either way I'm in and stoked like a Mudda-F@#KA.:thumbup :teeth
Joe, we have to rig up the helmet cams on Lawndale - that final stretch back down to the parking lot :)
MrCrash907 said:
Joe, we have to rig up the helmet cams on Lawndale - that final stretch back down to the parking lot :)
Dude, I have no gear. The cams I use belong to Jayman. I wouldn't even think of borrowing one because if I bailed with it, ........and broke it,...... well lets just say that I can't afford to fix it:wow ;)

PS. God I hope it's nice. I'm Jonesin' ta ride.:thumbup

PPS. I got a little surprise for you.:wtf
You got a full suspension bike, didn't you :)