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Do You Mountain Bike?

MassiveAttack said:
Crash - will this ride need knee and elbow pads?
I won't be wearing any. There are no major obstacles and you can go as fast or slow as you want. If I remember correctly, there are no "All or None" type of descents.

And don't call me "crash." :laughing :laughing :laughing
JnglstTICAL said:
If I can get up in time and out there!
Waaaaaa Waaaaaa :cry
Come on ya lazy bastard,:wow
Life is too short as it is.
There'll be time to sleep when you die;)
Do you folks do any local down hilling around the bay area, Ive checked out some maps and ridding some of skyline and pagemill road.Maybe Grizzly flats trail to stevens canyon road? I am kind of new to the area and would like to see some of the more technical trails around here and I am more of a downhiller by nature for it is too difficult to pedal this damn thing up the hill. I've also been riding for some time.:cool

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I haven't heard of much on Skyline / 35 as far as DH goes. Soquel Demo / Braille is a popular spot, a DH playground of sorts with log drops, log pyramids, teeter totters, and the like. Supposedly the best stuff is at Pacifica:


Side-O is an illegal one in the Berkeley Hills that's supposed to be really popular. I head over to Joaquin Miller if I don't feel like crossing the bridge, as I do most of my riding at China Camp. There are a few fun downhill chutes there near the top, but none of them are really legal. Miller has some fun downhill chutes as well - I just like the area of China Camp and the longer, flowing nature of the singletrack there.

I like to think I do a little bit of everything, although I tend to land on my nose whenever I'm in the air:


As for what I like? Carrying speed through winding, rutted singletrack, and hitting jumps and drops that don't make me chicken out. I think most of the guys here who ride are like that, to different degrees :) When I'm at Northstar, I hit the easier double blacks and every single black I can.

Where did you ride before you moved here?
I moved here a couple years ago from the Boston area and have been riding mostly where 9 & skyline cross, page mill it's called Black mountain I think you ride up like 35 minutes and it's a ten minute down hill, I ridden Skegg's point a couple time and thats pretty good. Definitly different terrain out here that for sure, North star is fun, rode most of the hill and can't wait till next year. I I be glad to follow you guys around to see some of these trails.
Saw the crash I hate when the front end disappears and the few preacous seconds your in the air and you know ' boy the is gonna hurt' I hate when that happens
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MrCrash907 said:
I like to think I do a little bit of everything, although I tend to land on my nose whenever I'm in the air:


That was a very wicked crash, looked like you could have cleaned that jump but was caught off guard or made a last minute decision.

Where was that trail? Auburn?

I be glad to follow you guys around to see some of these trails.

Crash and Harpo are leading a ride tomorrow at Anadel (near Santa Rosa) you should go check it out if not Soquel would be fun for the DH stuff.

I persoanlly like flowing single track over crazy chutes. The travel on my bike vs. the Jekyll is no match... I once tried following Crash through a technical chute at Miller - there was no way my Epic could have gone through the trail like Crash did on his Jekyll.
As you can see in the video, I have all the grace of a wounded turkey in the air. I botched it due to a number of reasons:

1. I had the helmet cam.
2. I had an audience.
3. I didn't trust the lip of the jump.

Jumps with sharp inclines really throw me off balance. I don't know that I'll ever really get daring with it, without a Pastrana-style foam pit to practice with.

Yeah Jeff, it was in Auburn. The chick who tried it right after me did the same thing I did - it just wasn't as spectacular. I think I'm going there next Saturday, if anyone is interested.

Annadel is more XC, with a lot of rock embedded into the singletrack. My bike is set up really loose, so I totally dig carrying speed over those torn up sections. It's also the only place I can make ground on the Harp-o-nator :) I don't know that I've ever ridden a mountain bike as aggressively as I did during that last 3 mile downhill stretch, trying to shake the little angry bald man on my ass!

I also keep an eye on the ridemonkey.com and mtbr.com forums. I don't know that anything north of 17 in the Santa Cruz Mtns would even begin to satisfy a DH rider's cravings.
And to think, I almost didn't get to go tomorrow. As it stands, I'll probably be taking it a bit easy. I got a little too aggressive on the narrow singletrack on the backside of China Camp, sending myself into a tumble that landed me on my head. I clipped a tree with my shoulder trying to carry speed through a narrow, winding stretch, getting me off-line. I think the front wheel then jammed into a second tree, sending me head first over the bars.

I was sure I was going to need stitches after seeing that swollen gash in my shin, but my doc checked it out - I'm good to go for tomorrow :)

:laughing it looks like your holding up someone elses leg

"go ahead Mike, take a bite." "uggggggggggh!"


Hope you had fun out there today. I will definitely try to meet up with you next time but I have to be in frisco around 3 for some sort of semi-formal family dinner stuff (and we get to help with some of the preparation)
He's holding his stunt doubles leg... The one that took the real crash. Glad to hear some other Barfer's ride the area. We'll hook up sometime guys thanks. I'll be riding Page mill today. There's a couple sections that are pretty fun. Ride to live live to ride, but not a Harley- lifes too short.

Harpo said:
Waaaaaa Waaaaaa :cry
Come on ya lazy bastard,:wow
Life is too short as it is.
There'll be time to sleep when you die;)

:laughing was that you that called me at 8:30 am this morning? dude, I just got up a little while ago....goog advice though on sleep, I'm in next time!
What a ride!! The singletrack there is the shit!

Started the ride at 11 and ended between 2 and 3. I just got home and spent a little over an hour cleaning all the mud from my bike and gear...

If I lived closer to Annadel, I'd be riding there everyday. Definatley going to hit that place up again when I get some time off.

Thanks MrCrash, Harpo and FlyRice for the ride. Had a blast.
Is that last drop-in to the parking lot the absolute shit or what?


Auburn next Saturday! I'll probably do a Manzanita Stagecoach / Clementine double loop, about 12 miles.
The last stretch was peak of the ride.
Too bad I didn't get any pics - next time.
The camera died on me in th emiddle of the ride.. here's the only pics I got.

Crash and Harpo at the top of one of the climbs...

Ted pacing himself up one of the climbs. Something I should have done before running out of juice on the last climb to Lawndale.

Last one... Harpo making his fine adjustments to his 1988 Manitou fork.

:shhh It's the secret to why he's so dam fast!
