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Do You Mountain Bike?


Thanks for dragging Racers Corner drama in here :thumbdown
ANd hey buddy, ...... Your D@%$ house is cooooollldddd. Brrrrrrrrr.

Sorry, that was the best I could come up with. :twofinger

PS. I am done ranting now, ... and I do feel better :teeth

:teeth :thumbup
I got mine, you got yours, ...
and maybe someday I might actually feel good enough agin to actually get on a mtn. bike and let you (like I'd have any control over it :() kick my ass properly. :teeth x10


Yeah man, it would be a pleasure :teeth

Here's to getting back on that horse :Port

Thanks for dragging Racers Corner drama in here :thumbdown
Oh, and it took me a bit but I needed to come up with at least a slightly wittier response than before so forget my first response, ....... Mmmmmm, I cant see it, I can't see it, (there, now my first response has magically disappeared) and let's just say that this was my original response to you feeling the need to even comment, ..........

Hey, what are even doing on the computer. Shouldn't you be out in the garage fixing someone's vehicle??? :twofinger

Sorry to be rude, but as I get older I tend to give a crap less and less. It's understood that at this point in time, beyond any shadow of a doubt, you could kick my ass on just about any mt. bike ride out there (with the exception of pure DH) no questions asked. So I'm not saying anything about your riding ability, but the fact of the matter is that you really don't have all that much experience (time in the saddle and knowledge of lots of equipment) and yet you offer up quite a bit of info that you really have no idea (or at least very little) what the hell you are talking about. Just because you know how to drive a car doesn't mean you have the knowledge base to tell others how to build theirs, .... get it. :wtf


Maybe I missed something in the past about Cody spouting off, but I don't see anything wrong with what Cody said to the guy wondering about his chameleon.

He actually described putting on a longer or shorter fork pretty accurately.

Its spec'd with a 515 mm A/c height fork (fox 32's are 511mm ,pike's are 517mm, both 140mm forks).

Generally speaking, 20mm of travel (adding or subtracting) will change your head angle 1 degree, and lower/raiser your BB 1/2 inch.

Only thing Cody seemed to miss was that subtracting A/C height will lower your BB. If your running a 100mm fork, your going to be hitting everything in sight with your cranks, and that 12 inch bb height, god forbid a lower (80mm) fork.

Also, just because someone has only been riding for 2-3 years ( I have only been riding for just under 3) does not mean they are clueless. I absolutely hate when people make the assumption that because I'm young or have not been riding very long, that i know nothing about bikes.

Do i tell them i have owned as many bikes as i have? Rebuilt as many forks or shocks as i have? etc etc. No. I just laugh to myself at how naive people are.

Yanno why else? Because I'm here to fucking ride bikes. Because its one of the best things in the world to do. And the few times i bother to check in on bulletin boards, regardless of which one, all i find is people bitching about this and that, spending all their energy blowing smoke.

I guess i just find it weird that people older and "wiser" than myself, will really spend as much time fighting on the internet as they do. Letting idiots like the mtbmoto character and others rile you all up as much as they do.

Well thats prob the longest post i've ever written.

In the words of Harpo--"Thanks for reminding me why..." I don't bother with message boards.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Thanks for dragging Racers Corner drama in here :thumbdown
Is it bad over there? I quit looking a long time ago..Seriously..Don't know anything going on in there..Pm's and this thread are all I've looked at for quite some time..:party
Only thing Cody seemed to miss was that subtracting A/C height will lower your BB. If your running a 100mm fork, your going to be hitting everything in sight with your cranks, and that 12 inch bb height, god forbid a lower (80mm) fork.

Oh really? You mean like this;

OK, not being a hard-tail aficionado, my guess (guess :wtf) is that on a hard-tail being used for xc that 80 - 100mm would be the way to go. Regardless, I have 100, 120 and 140mm suspension. All top notch stuff. I do not deal with crap. When you figure out what you want let me know and if I can make you a good deal on a fork I will.

Thanx, Joe

Sorry Joe, but ya know what they say about living in a glass house right? :p
Oh really? You mean like this;

Sorry Joe, but ya know what they say about living in a glass house right? :p
Clearly I started something bigger than I was prepared for. I quit, I surrender, I throw up the white flag. I apologize. I'm finished. As I thought I/we were before but I was wrong. This time I'm definitely finished.
Happy Hanukah guyz and gurlz.

Now can we all hold hands and sing Kumbyah?(sp)
Kumbyaaaahhhh my lord, Kumbyaaaahhhh,
Kumbyaaaahhhh my lord, Kumbyaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh,
repeat repeat Yata Yata Yata.

And D@#$ it, if we can't sing Kumbyah I'm gonna make you all sing the darn dradel song. And god I hate the dradel song.

Dradel song is the shit man, you know I'm half Jewish :teeth PRESENTS GIMME!
Stop Dude, Jews are cheap. That's why we came up with Chanukah. 8 crappy little gifts Vs one great big one, like a Gixxer or an R1 or a Nomad or something kule. I ain't never seen a Mtn. bike parted out into eight pieces for reassembly.

Besides, I don't know your last name but I just can't see it ending in -witz or -berg. LMAO :laughing :laughing

PS. And just incase you didn't know it, some very old, very smart, very cheap Rabbi came up with the redundant dradel song just so we would keep singing it long enough to NOT realize what kule gifts Santa was bringing the rest of the wold's little boyz and gurlz. :(

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Can y'all sing the Mr. Hankey song instead? PLEEEEEEZZZZZ?:party
It's Non Denominational... We wouldn't want to offend:thumbup:laughing
Can y'all sing the Mr. Hankey song instead? PLEEEEEEZZZZZ?:party
It's Non Denominational... We wouldn't want to offend:thumbup:laughing
Can't remember the Mr Hankey song off the top of m head. If you start us off I will certainly join in. :thumbup

Hey, is there a Festivus song. You know, Festivus For the rest-of-us :teeth

back to something MTB related.

My fav tires in the world, Performance TerraTrac are light, great tread, and super cheap, and will not convert to tubeless no matter how many tricks I use. They just wont :mad

So anyone have a suggestion on a lightweight, high volume, tubeless set up?
My fav tires in the world, Performance TerraTrac are light, great tread, and super cheap, and will not convert to tubeless no matter how many tricks I use. They just wont :mad

So anyone have a suggestion on a lightweight, high volume, tubeless set up?

Been running the WTB MutanoRaptor 2.4 for quite some time tubeless now on different wheels and they always seal up, I have an extra set if you want to try them out before you buy a set, they're kinda pricey. Super high volume, roll realy fast, predictable tread, only about 600 grams. Only thing is that to me if you put them on a really skinny rim they flex a lot. Pretty much all the WTB tires inflate up ghetto tubeless it seems.

Another good tire is the SPecialized Eskar 2.3, which are tubeless ready (meaning they have the correct bead but aren't heavy like a UST) These are about 660 grams, have a low center tread which makes them roll pretty fast. And big outside lugs which help them hug turns well. Only thing I didn't like about them was that there is a big gap where the tire transitions between the center and outside tread, so for a front tire you have to get used to that weird zone of no traction feel when you lean em over, wait for them to bite. Excellent rear tire, I have (1) of these on a different set of wheels if you wanna check/try it out let me know.
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My fav tires in the world, Performance TerraTrac are light, great tread, and super cheap, and will not convert to tubeless no matter how many tricks I use. They just wont :mad

So anyone have a suggestion on a lightweight, high volume, tubeless set up?

If you can still get those tires (didn't you say they discontinued them?)
ask Doug. He definitely seems to be the master of mounting tubeless tires. He seems to be able to mount tubules stuff with a hand pump that some people can't even mount with a compressor.

What Codey said - I agree that they are NOT a great front tire. It will definitely not grip as well (side bite) as your performance tires. I run the Mutano Raptor 2.24 (Stans's tubeless) in the rear and they are exceptional. I think the 2.4 is lighter and not quite as rugged (please correct me if I'm wrong) but do seem to be lighter and faster rolling. I absolutely will not run either in the front. For your riding style I don't think they will work in the front for you either. Other front tire choices that will bead up tubeless are the 2.3 Weirwolf (which is what I run) They grip amazingly well in lots of conditions (NOT LOOSE SAND) but have a definite learning curve that, understandably, puts people off. Another tire you might want to try in the front is a Nevagal. Put one on the Epic and it seemed to work much better than I though it would. I also have lots of tires in the stack that you can try out and see how they work for you. But first see if you can get Doug to help you with your favorite tires. He might be able to get them mounted or tell you how. :teeth
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Supposedly WTB (according to their website) says that they designed the 2.24 Mutano to be a rear tire and the 2.4 to be the front. The 2.24 has much beefier outside tread knobs but is much more square profile and has less volume. It weighs in about 200 grams heavier at 800 grams so its definietly not a lightweight. It grips like a mofo though! The 2.4 is going to be less aggressive and easier to tear/puncture however I've ran them front and rear at Annadel more times than I can count and have never punctured a sidewall.

I have some 2.24's laying around you can try too! :teeth

Like Joe I liked the Weirwolf 2.3's also. Good all around tire as well . I'm a big fan of the WTB tires :)
The mutanos are shite for side grip, the ballon of the 2.4 is good for rocky stuff, and tubeless works. I'm on to nevegals now, the middle to side transition is better than the weirwolf F/R combo.
The mutanos are shite for side grip, the ballon of the 2.4 is good for rocky stuff, and tubeless works. I'm on to nevegals now, the middle to side transition is better than the weirwolf F/R combo.

Finally, some wise advice. +1 on the Nevegals for great all around performance. Be sure to get the standard tube type; they mount up tubeless just fine. The rubber on the tubeless specific ones is not the same (i.e. crap!!).

Also, they can be found reasonable cheap. The come OEM on alot of bikes, so you see alot of like-new take-offs out there. If you want to try some 2.1s, I have some for ya.
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Blechhh @ Nevagals, for a tire with mediocre grip, I never understood why they were heavy, roll so slow, and have weak sidewalls. Lot of people like em so there must be something to them? Yeah the 2.4's don't have the most grip in the world, but shoot they've been doing me pretty well for just about everything for quite some time. I'm ready for a bit more front traction tho which leads to me next post