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Do You Mountain Bike?

I'm thinking we should hit Skegg's point in the hills 4 miles north of Alices on Skyline and I think we could set up a shuttle system for a couple trails that I don't like to climb. I am a DH'er by nature
If that's cool otherwise I'm open to suggentions. Maybe sometime after 1'sh I have to drop a friend off at SF airport at about noon and could meet you up there after that.
EC70 said:
I'm thinking we should hit Skegg's point in the hills 4 miles north of Alices on Skyline and I think we could set up a shuttle system for a couple trails that I don't like to climb. I am a DH'er by nature
If that's cool otherwise I'm open to suggentions. Maybe sometime after 1'sh I have to drop a friend off at SF airport at about noon and could meet you up there after that.
Hmmmmm, I really want to go but, 1) I was hoping to go a little bit earlier (but I could probably deal) and 2) Dude, I am all about the up-hills. If I spend the whole day doing nothing but going down the hills I will end up coming home in a body-bag. (well, .... or at least a cast) I mean I'll hit some downhill stuff but I like to balance it out with some cardio. (Usually SERIOUS cardio) Just ask Mr. Crash. He'll vouch for that. ;) :laughing :laughing
It sounds like we looking for 2 different things, I have a 35 pound bike that has a 34 gear up front - no grannie gear mind you and I dont mind going up the hills but I'd rather go down them. Skeggs is a good place its technical but not death defyning like that other place I have been speaking of and what you down you must ride up. I just hate those hills they go forever. I play hockey for cardio. Maybe next time
EC70 said:
It sounds like we looking for 2 different things, I have a 35 pound bike that has a 34 gear up front - no grannie gear mind you and I dont mind going up the hills but I'd rather go down them. Skeggs is a good place its technical but not death defyning like that other place I have been speaking of and what you down you must ride up. I just hate those hills they go forever. I play hockey for cardio. Maybe next time
We'll hook up sometime but I really want to get some cardio and my bike is basically an all new set up that I need to get used to/dialed in before I spend the better part of a ride barreling downhill chasing a mad man (I say that in the most complimentary type of way) on a 34 pond down-hill bike. Next time:thumbup
EC70 said:
No problemo there Harpo they we're saying you were the DH guy so I figured you might be up for it...

I've always thought of Harpo as the Uphill Guy.

I want to see a Harpo vs. Tepotter climbing showdown. Both of those guys climb like monkeys on crack. Skeggs sometime? I hear a lot of it is closed off during the wet season...

It sounds like we looking for 2 different things, I have a 35 pound bike that has a 34 gear up front

Sounds like the rig Jeff Tigert took up to Soquel Demo last time we went there. He was on a Foes Fly with platform pedals. I'm game for another trip to SDF in the next couple of weeks :)

35 lbs actually doesn't sound too bad for a downhill rig!

Harpo said:
If I spend the whole day doing nothing but going down the hills I will end up coming home in a body-bag. (well, .... or at least a cast)

If you really mean that, then maybe Northstar isn't such a good idea next summer ;)

I just did both sides of China Camp yesterday, and am heading to Auburn after breakfast. Like I said earlier - if my snowboarding plans for X-mas don't pan out, we'll get some riding in, somewhere!

- Mike
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Windy but Fun

Calvin - Nice ride today... DH with a combination of climbing still gives plenty of cardio.


Tical jams now!!

Till the next ride.
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Just got Friday (Christmas Eve Day) off from work.
Who wants to ride?????
Yeah jeff, today was pretty decent! I may be around for a ride tomorrow, I have a few appointments in the morning, and have a few hours at work bout 3ish, so count me in as a maybe for now...
Auburn positively ruled today :)

2300 feet of climbing, 11 miles of riding, and countless awe inspiring views from the top of the Auburn ravine. Fast, smooth singletrack. Slow, rutted singletrack. Jumps, rock gardens, tunnels - Auburn has it all!
MrCrash907 said:
Auburn positively ruled today :)

2300 feet of climbing, 11 miles of riding, and countless awe inspiring views from the top of the Auburn ravine. Fast, smooth singletrack. Slow, rutted singletrack. Jumps, rock gardens, tunnels - Auburn has it all!
Call out sick!!! We need to ride tomorrow. (Friday)
so I think I need a tour of Auburn...
Here are a couple of pictures from the other day. Enjoy
This is a picture of the roll-ins

Ths one will take a while to get up the cahona's 6 to 8 foot drop to setup for a good 10 to 12 foot jump

And they have a drop to a couple nice stepup jumps as well

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Today is such a nice day to ride. It's a shame that I have to work today.
Like pulling F!@#EN teeth trying to get you guys to ride, or even return phone calls for that matter.

Jeff (and whoever else) I'm free to ride Christmas morning. I have plans in the afternoon. If you want to ride give me a call. Jeff, you do understand what give means call means, right? :wtf
Are those pics from Auburn, or some secret playground somewhere?
Either way, it looks like fun, somday I may even grow the balls to let some light shine under my tires.