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Do You Mountain Bike?

Too Wet!!

Sugarbowl on Monday morning for some epic powder skiing. :teeth
Joe, you should have made christmas cards out of your avatar :)

I have the day off tomorrow, and am praying for a window of sun in the forecast of rain. I need to ride! A quick 10 mile loop up and down the front side of China Camp would make me a happy camper.
MrCrash907 said:
joyride, do you come down Braille when it's wet out? I struggled to find anything resembling traction in a few muddy sections of Braille - it was enough to convince me to steer clear until it dried out.

no, i stay on the more used trials like sawpit. the ground is pretty hard packed you can ride there within hours after a rain
MrCrash907 said:
Joe, you should have made christmas cards out of your avatar :)

I have the day off tomorrow, and am praying for a window of sun in the forecast of rain. I need to ride! A quick 10 mile loop up and down the front side of China Camp would make me a happy camper.
Didn't come up with the avatar until after Christmas. It might be next years card though. Ho Ho Ho, ...Oyyy Veyyy!!

Riding - Before the rain started last week I did 2 days in a row at Briones (in Lafayette) The good part is I leave right from my garage on my bike. The bad part is, ......what a grueling place to ride. I swear it seems like your going up-hill the entire time your riding. Good training though. Absolutely can't be ridden unless it's dry though. Tooooo much mud!! I've heard there's some good single track there (probably illegal) and I'll have to get one of the locals to show me.

Wooo Hooo - Less than one day away from epic powder.:teeth :thumbup
I got a chance to ride the last couple days, pretty muddy for sure but get it while you can. Riding in the mud will make you a better rider you get to slide around a little.....On the DH mind you riding uphill in the mud isn't very effective, lots of wheel spin.
Yo, Harpo..Which side of Briones did you start from? If you started from the Bear Creek Road side, yes you climb immediately. If you start from the Alhambra Valley Rd. side, you climb some, then descend into the valley and finish with the climb out. Check it out.
Oh, yeah, forgort about the single track part. It is legal, but very short, but steeeeeep! You'll be draggin' ass on the rear knobs. You will go down that also if you start from Alhambra. Have fun.
equipmentdude said:
Yo, Harpo..Which side of Briones did you start from? If you started from the Bear Creek Road side, yes you climb immediately. If you start from the Alhambra Valley Rd. side, you climb some, then descend into the valley and finish with the climb out. Check it out.
Start on the road. Up Happy Valley, Right turn on Panorama (which is steep as a MU@#A - F#$%A and then to the trail head. The trail is Mariposa which leads to Russle Peak and then either Homestead (I think that trail name has changed to something else:wtf) or Briones Crest. After that I cruise down to the trailhead (and parking area) that's right off Bear Creek. Go up Old Briones to Mott Peak and then down Black Oak. Then I back track (sort of) and eventually end up back on Panorama and down Happy Valley to home.

Yea Yea Yea I know it's physically impossible but it seems like a lot more up-hill than anything else. You'll have to show me the single track someday.:teeth

Nighty Night,
Off to dreams of Sugar Plum Fairies choking on chest deep powder.:wow
Okay, can someone please turn the friggin rain off?

Sheesh, I finally get a break from school and work and God decides to piss all over everything!

I can't believe this thread is still going... :D
WickedWahine said:
Okay, can someone please turn the friggin rain off?

Sheesh, I finally get a break from school and work and God decides to piss all over everything!

I can't believe this thread is still going... :D

:boobies :chuci
this thread will contunue until Steve gives us our own forum...
Our own forum?
That would be awsome! I wonder what the odds are Steve would go for that? Its not really MC related, but its still two wheels and it seems that alot of Barfers are into riding muntain and/or road bikes...
Yeah, I had dreams of our own "forum"

But then I figured Steve must get lots of requests for forums...

Then what's next...a leg humper forum? a desperate dude forum? an attention whore forum?

Oh wait...we already have those...Kitchen Sink!


Oh yeah...

So I picked up a used downhill bike and I want to upgrade the components. It's an 8-speed and I would like to change it to a 9 speed...Shimano XT.

Anyone have any XT stuff laying around you would consider selling? I've been pricing stuff out online and looks like it's gonna run me around $300+ to change out the cranks, cassette, deraileurs, shifers, etc.
You really dont need to change the cranks when going from 8 to 9 speeds, and you wont need a front deraileur either. That should save some $$, unless what you have now is total shit that is.
You may not even need a rear deraleur, but that depends if its 9 speed compatible or not. But you will need the shifter for the rear, cassette and chain.
Also, check out http://www.bestwebbuys.com/bikes/index.html for the the best deals online for new stuff.
Thanks for the info!

I wanted to change out the cranks to lighten the bike up a bit...most of the stuff on there now is pretty abused. I picked it up at Northstar when they were selling their demos. Nice frame but shitty components.
if it were mine i would leave it 8-speed as long as possible . it was stronger then the newer 9. you dont need that many gears anyway if its for downhill only. maybe upgrade the susp. thats what really matters on a dh bike



Bottom Bracket:

Tons of stuff on eBay... When I built up the BLUR I bought all my parts from eBay. Be sure you know the specs of the bike before bidding, I purchased a wrong BB. Most of the other stuff is pretty standard... *I think - like the rear derailleur....

Good Luck!