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Do You Mountain Bike?

Sorry to hear your in TX now there KUBIKS I rode there a couple weeks ago 4 corners that is and got stopped by a man on a horse - MR Ranger and we had a nice conversation about riding on the hill and was nice enough to let us off with a warning saying your going to fast, our going to hurt someone blah blah blah. Now it's not so fun there anymore. You should try to get out to the track to have some real fun, you can have fun on the street but the real fun is at the track. Good luck in TX
Took a trip up to San Rafael today to China Camp. Figured with the nice weather in south bay the weather would be just as nice up there...

It was pretty foggy and wet but the trails held up nicer than the GAP and other local trails I usually do.

Did the counter clockwise loop, rode to the top of the backside got some sun then fog the rest of the way back down and around. Forgot which trails to take but figured it out. Also ran into a few trees that fell over from the storm. I was a mess when I finished. But still very very fun.. China Camp is always a great ride.

Some pics...






Good thing I remember Crash telling us about the trees. Almost ran straight into this one.



No real jumps at CC but great flowing trails that get you going....
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Screw that wet muddy crap and coming home covered head to toe in filth.
I'll see you guys when the sun comes out. :thumbup

Shit, if I wanted to do everything in the rain I could have stayed in New Friggen Yawk. ;)
kubiks said:
Ha, ya know what's funny?

I used to stare and stare and stare. All the boys in leathers ;)
And I used to think to myself "wow, motorcycles look like so much fun. I wish I rode one".
It's kinda funny - I've done the opposite!

In the days of multiple Highway 9 runs per afternoon, I'd see the mountain bikers at four corners, and think to myself "look at those dumbasses on mountain bikes. Pedal power - how slow, how boring must that be! Sportbikes are where it's at."

Ten years later, I'm one of those dumbasses, pedalling away on weekends, having more fun than ever! I think Harpo and I both agreed - no recent experience we've had on the track has matched the fun factor of the final descent out of Annadel State Park in Santa Rosa. Epic. Truly :)
MassiveAttack said:
I was a mess when I finished. But still very very fun.. China Camp is always a great ride.

No real jumps at CC but great flowing trails that get you going....
Hey Jeff,

I have a 14 mile double loop I do there that incorporates three fun technical downhill chutes, three ~2 foot drops, and one jump. Have a night light yet? I think I'm going to have to devirginize mine on the backside of China Camp this week, before the rains return.

Harpo said:
PS. Do me a favor. Remind me to never follow you :teeth

I want to see him clean the gap over the ravine at Auburn (I think it's just under 10 feet) - there's potential here for some awesome helmet cam footage!

There used to be a giant slalom course up on the hill here in El Cerrito, complete with at least one platform 6 foot drops. I'll see if that's still around (although I'm sure it's unrideable in this weather if it is), and get some pictures.
Harpo said:
Screw that wet muddy crap and coming home covered head to toe in filth.
Shit, if I wanted to do everything in the rain I could have stayed in New Friggen Yawk.

I can remember the first time I rode a MTB, back in '85. I rode around in the forest for about 5 minutes in the early spring after a road ride. I came out of the forest, all my roadie gear covered in mud. I think the only clean things were my teeth :teeth I remembered all those days of riding a BMX biike and why I loved biking. I didn't get back on a road bike for two years...some things are more fun when you're dirty!

I so want to go to the C-Camp now!
MrCrash907 said:
Ten years later, I'm one of those dumbasses, pedalling away on weekends, having more fun than ever! I think Harpo and I both agreed - no recent experience we've had on the track has matched the fun factor of the final descent out of Annadel State Park in Santa Rosa. Epic. Truly :)

I've noticed the same thing, I've been having more fun on my mountainbike then on my MC. My MC has been collecting a good amount of dust sence I started back on the MTB. Theres nothing like an epic ride and fast singletrack, its been a long time sence I've had this much fun on a MC. Not that I dont enjoy riding my SV, it just seems that I'd rather be hitting the trails then the twisties nowadays.
MrCrash907 said:
It's kinda funny - I've done the opposite!

In the days of multiple Highway 9 runs per afternoon, I'd see the mountain bikers at four corners, and think to myself "look at those dumbasses on mountain bikes. Pedal power - how slow, how boring must that be! Sportbikes are where it's at."

I was biking out at Saratoga Gap a couple years ago. Had just finished my ride and racking up the bike. I walked over to a group of mc riders at the parking lot to give them a what's up and to take a look at their bikes (02 R1 had just come out). As soon a I approached and said hi, I felt the 'who's this dumbass on a mountain bike' attitude (couple of these guys on are this forum). :x Pity... they don't know how much fun we're having on the trails. Don't knock it until you try it, folks.

After years of toot'n around on the mc, I have to admit that I get more satisfaction out of riding the mtnbike with friends. Hell, it's the only time when I feel like I can join MrCrash and Harpo for a ride without signing my life away. :laughing
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fLyRiCE said:
Hell, it's the only time when I feel like I can join MrCrash and Harpo for a ride without signing my life away. :laughing

shit, are you kidding me? I am the opposite with those two. I feel I'm signing my life away when I Mtn Bike with crash!! :laughing
The only thing you see at 4-corners on a nice weekend.. are a bunch of panzy wanna b's trying to drag knee and pull wheelies.

kiltwearinfool said:
I remembered all those days of riding a BMX biike and why I loved biking.
I found this picture the other day now mind you this goes waaayyy back a show up in Bangor Maine circuit 86

squidhunter said:
I've noticed the same thing, I've been having more fun on my mountainbike then on my MC. My MC has been collecting a good amount of dust sence I started back on the MTB. Theres nothing like an epic ride and fast singletrack, its been a long time sence I've had this much fun on a MC. Not that I dont enjoy riding my SV, it just seems that I'd rather be hitting the trails then the twisties nowadays.

me too, now if i could just get back in shape. i was starting to feel good then, no riding for 2 weeks. damn rain
MrCrash907 said:
Ten years later, I'm one of those dumbasses, pedalling away on weekends, having more fun than ever! I think Harpo and I both agreed - no recent experience we've had on the track has matched the fun factor of the final descent out of Annadel State Park in Santa Rosa. Epic. Truly :)
It's rides like Annadel with Crash that make me remember why I started riding mtn bikes in the first place and rides like my grueling, uphill, solo rides at Briones that make me remember why I stopped riding for 3 years.
Answer = Less grueling, solo rides at Briones and more rides with Crash (and the likes) at Annadel and C-Camp.:thumbup :teeth

PS. Hey Crash, my buddy Dave and I spent most of our ski day (on Monday) screaming at the top of our lungs with joy and excitement the whole way down the hill. Reminded me of the aforementioned trip down Annadel. Woooooo F@#$EN Hoo!!:wow ;) :laughing

PPS. Second note to self. Stay the F@#$ away from that EC70 guy, ....... He'll kill ya. (me):teeth
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Harpo said:
PPS. Second note to self. Stay the F@#$ away from that EC70 guy, ....... He'll kill ya. (me):teeth

Come on Harpo it's not like I'd push you off those drops, there's a whole bunch of stuff out there that scares the pants off me, So I've been riding a couple years, I go out to have fun just like you.
I problaby wouldn't be able to keep up with you on those climbs my slow fast ass would be draggin :nerd

Yea, but slow up the climbs won't put you in the hospital with broken bitz and pieces.:(

It's all about testosterone and stupidity and even though I'm getting a little bit smarter as I get older I'm still chock full of both of the aforementioned.
I'd watch you do something enough times and I'd convince myself that I could do it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, WRONG ANSWER. ;)

Na, I'll come ridin' with you someday just to watch your crazy arse hittin' all the cool shit.:thumbup :teeth

How old are you?????
I need to know if I can use the "age thing" as an excuse for my lameness. :laughing :laughing
I hit the big 34 just before new years so I don't see it as testosterone and stupidity more like a good time. But thanks :thumbup

EC70 said:
I hit the big 34 just before new years so I don't see it as testosterone and stupidity more like a good time. But thanks :thumbup
Dude, you totally took that all wrong. Judging from the shots I'd say , .... you gotz skillz!:thumbup
The testosterone and stupidity I was referring to is mine.:teeth
And yea, it is all good times until someone (ME) falls down and breaks the bits and pieces.:(

And by the way, Happy belated B-Day.:banana :Port :boobies :tsc :boobies :banana
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It's all good Harpo I know you didn't mean anything bad by it.
And your definitely right about falling, I've broken most of the parts on my extremities and a couple concisions, but when you want to play those games sometimes you have to pay. Unfortunately I don't crash well. :nerd

Sloshin' around at the Camp

It was my first day out in about two weeks. I was going stir crazy, listening to the raindrops tapping away at the window with my Cannondale begging to go out and play.

It was a little wet when I got there.

Toys at the Camp!
