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Do You Mountain Bike?

I don't know if I'll be able to make the trek to Auburn this weekend either. Have to be back down in the S.Bay in the afternoon and evening.

I'm game for SKEGGS (aka: El Corte Madera) Saturday in the early part of the day. 'Or an all day ride on Sunday.

Anyone wanna join - just post here....

Ted - got your email - let me now if earlier in the day works

Mike - that pic is from Mt. Tam

Calvin - I'm back to work for FY05 *ironic - suns out when vacation is over.
MassiveAttack said:

I'm game for SKEGGS (aka: El Corte Madera) Saturday in the early part of the day. 'Or an all day ride on Sunday.

Anyone wanna join - just post here....

Ted - got your email - let me now if earlier in the day works

How about meeting at the Skeggs' lot at 9am. It takes me about 35-40 minutes to get out there and I know I can't get my ass out of bed :zzz any earlier to meet before 9. If most of the trails are still closed, it's gonna be a short (1-1.5 hr) ride. If the trails are open, we can do a 3+ hour ride.
fLyRiCE said:
How about meeting at the Skeggs' lot at 9am. It takes me about 35-40 minutes to get out there and I know I can't get my ass out of bed :zzz any earlier to meet before 9. If most of the trails are still closed, it's gonna be a short (1-1.5 hr) ride. If the trails are open, we can do a 3+ hour ride.

Sounds good to me. 9am may be early enough to poach. ;)

"This trail really closed... geez mr.ranger - I didn't see the sign"

Hyperlite said:
9am at skaggs? And which gate do you guys usually start at? I typically go to CM02, the one thats just south of Skeggs Point on this map

:cry Giant Salamander is closed :cry :cry

Hyper, I like starting out at CMO2 also but it was closed off the last time I went (over a month ago). If it's open, we should meet there instead.

I'll be there at 9am @ CM02. See you guys there.
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9am it is.

Good chance for all the S.Bay people who post "I wanna ride" to come out.

pic of my recent ride

sweet pic man :teeth

I'd like to join you guys but ther's somoe strange noises coming from my bottom bracket. I figure it must be when I was riding in the mud? It sucks because I just replaced it like 6 months ago. I might ride carlton if anyones interested you don't have to peadle much there :teeth DH type stuff with jumps and a nice high speed berm ladder drops hard packed so it will be dry.
My cranks will explode if I ride skeggs. Maybe next month, I'm riding Laguna on the 24th with PTT adn need the extra cash to get the bike running. :teeth
Hey Crash,
Waiting for a post on Saturday plans.

Maybe we can get some of the rest of the boys to join us.:wtf

Anyone else up for a good ride on Saturday???
If more people want to give it a go, we could do both sides of China Camp. If it's just the both of us, I say we take a trip.

Auburn or Annadel :) Either way, the helmet cam has to come so we can show people what they missed.

Talk to you more about it tomorrow.
I'm likely for Skaggs/ CM02 tomorrow...
Are you guys sure theres going to be anything open at Skaggs to ride tomorrow. Last time I went there after a rain, there was only a few miles of fireroad available, and that was a light rain compared to what we've been getting lately. Is there a web site or a phone # to check conditions?
Just out of curiousity...

Can a ranger cite everyone in a group riding on a closed trail?

Has anyone gotten a citation before? How much was it? .. and what was it for?

so me and flyrice are meeting up at El Corte Madera at the CMO2 parking lot.


I never been there before, so flyrice will be leading. He knows this place pretty well and can take us on a nice 2 hour ride.

// It's been dry for over a week now, the trails should be nice.

mtbreview.com rates this as one of the best places to ride in the bayarea. So feel free to join. I'm driving up from San Jose - PM me if you need a ride.

China Camp is also happening with Crash and Harpo... it's a little further north betond SF in San Rafael...

If I had time, I'd do both.
I got a ticket for riding in the Minerets; a wilterness area featuring Mt Ritter and Banner.

$100 fine. well worth it.

Maybe it was in 1990?
MassiveAttack said:

so me and flyrice are meeting up at El Corte Madera at the CMO2 parking lot.

Hey Jeff, what time and what day are you riding El Corte ' ??
It sounds like you are talking about Saturday as well. :wtf

I've ridden there once before. If I remember correctly it was pretty F@#$EN awesome. (busted my thumb there though) :( I'm with Crash but let me see what he wants to do. Maybe he'll want to join you guys as well.

AGAIN JEFF, please let me know when you guys are meeting there.:teeth
Just another thought.

So, out of all the sweet places to ride that were mentioned in the last page of posts, has anyone got any input as to where they think the "most dry" (driest) terrain will be???:wtf
Harpo, we're planning on meeting @ 9., Saturday.

If you guys change your mind.. we can push back for a later time to accomodate your drive.

Ted's telling me that most of the trails are closed... but we said F@#k it! And fly by ear...

Why was ECDM so awesome?

If for some reason... this plan changes, you can be sure I'll be with you two at China Camp.