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Do You Mountain Bike?

JnglstTICAL said:
What time SDF? I may be in. I have a late night Fri though, so we'll see. I'll prob do Fremont older Fri morning...

shoulda called me this morning, I was actually up at 5:30 so I had gotten plenty of work done by then.

Give me a call when you wake up tomorrow, I should be down for fremont older. I'll see if a buddy wants to join us (probably not since he's not fond of long, painful climbs and is out of shape)
cool deal dude, I'll call you either tonight or tomorrow. I'm about 75% riding tomorrow, but I'll call you and let you know tomorrow morning by the latest.
Woo Hoo!! Harpo's in!! :banana :banana The guy that sold me my fork is sending it back to Fox for a full rebuild and mounting me up a loaner fork tomorrow. Sweeeeeeett!! I'll be ridin' Sunday Wiff U Fooze!!

Thanx for all the loaner offers everyone.
I luvz yuze guyz.:blush :love :sex

As far as my vote. I don't care where we go so long as it's a fun.:teeth
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Haven't heard back from Mike yet, but I'm assuming SDF is the spot.

Mike's outlined this route:
Up Higland through Buzzard Lagoon - Hit Ridge, Hit Sawpit, then climb up Hinh's. Climb Sulpher, cut left up Coral to Ridge then Hit Braile. Climb back up Hinh's to the parking lot.

Or skip Coral and climb straight up Supher to Ridge before hitting Braile.

About 18 (+)(-) miles.

What time Sunday works for everyone?
Woo Hoo!! I have BIKE in possession. :banana :banana Woo Hoo!!

Awaiting the call from Mikey (about riding location) but I will be riding on Sunday.:teeth
Hell Joe - let's do it. Auburn / Salmon Falls. It's about 20 more miles from your place than Soquel.

I'll talk to you later today about it when I'm at work.
MrCrash907 said:
Hell Joe - let's do it. Auburn / Salmon Falls. It's about 20 more miles from your place than Soquel.

I'll talk to you later today about it when I'm at work.
OK Sweetie pie, :love :blush we'll chat today (Saturday) and figure out a plan. I'm headed out right now to take a small test ride on the borrowed front end.:thumbup (Fox F80 RLT fork, Plant-X hub with On-One Reetard rim:wow , Michilen 2.2 tire and (get this) full Hope Mono Mini disk setup! :teeth)
MA, I'm out for SDF sunday dude. few things came up that I need to take care of. I'm riding most of this up-coming week though in the mornings...local...[hyper?]
No worries.... I'll be up there if things open up for you.

Salmon Falls is too far for me tomorrow, I need to pick up someone at SFO in the afternoon.

I'll check you guys out the next time.
Woo Hoo! Tested the bike today and all is good. Looks like Mikey and I are doing Auburn tomorrow (Sunday) at least I think that's what he wants to do.:wtf

Anyone wanna join??? If you can get to Lafayette (near Walnut Creek) I'll drive to Auburn.
yeah Calvin, I should be game for riding after tuesday or wednesday. Work is pretty hectic for me right now though so I would def need to keep it short and close (i.e.- be done BY 10am). Post up what your 95% plans are gonna be.

Need to borrow a calculator? :p
Anyone interested in doing a newbie ride? I haven't ridden a bike in a good 10 years. :teeth BUT I did just pick up a used stumpjumper, and would like to get into riding. Something mellow. I am not a fan of downhills..... But off the beaten path sounds very tempting. Weekends or friday mid to late mornings work for me. Fridays have to stay local.
hondagrl said:
Anyone interested in doing a newbie ride? I haven't ridden a bike in a good 10 years. :teeth BUT I did just pick up a used stumpjumper, and would like to get into riding. Something mellow. I am not a fan of downhills..... But off the beaten path sounds very tempting. Weekends or friday mid to late mornings work for me. Fridays have to stay local.

Did you finally get tired of all the double and tripple shifts you were pulling down at the plant?
I know a place or two, maybe more depending on how much climbing you want to do.
maybe we could get a newbie ride together, I wouldnt mind leading somthing, so all you newbies chime in here and let me know what kind of riding you want to do and I'll see what I can find.
hondagrl said:
Anyone interested in doing a newbie ride?

Front side of China Camp is great for newbs :) 8 or so miles, with a long, gentle climb up. Nifty little balance beam in the middle. Flowing singletrack almost the whole way. It's enough fun that most new riders who give it a go are almost immediately hooked!
jroymcd said:
who is riding today and when?

Crash and I went.

First 18 miles :banana :banana Woo Hoo!! F@#$EN Aaaaaa!! Eldarado Hills rock!

Should have stopped there and called it a good day. :( But we didn't. Pumped out another 6 miles and let's just say that lack of electrolytes and poor food intake made the ride, the ride home in the van and I'm sure the rest of the evening a miserable piece O' shit.

I'm sure Mikey will tell the story.
Nighty Night
squidhunter said:
Did you finally get tired of all the double and tripple shifts you were pulling down at the plant?
I know a place or two, maybe more depending on how much climbing you want to do.
maybe we could get a newbie ride together, I wouldnt mind leading somthing, so all you newbies chime in here and let me know what kind of riding you want to do and I'll see what I can find.

maybe not so intense climbs? more flat or slight climbing. no crazy downhills.:teeth