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Do You Mountain Bike?

Re: ey wait foe me

shaider said:
hey harpo im down for that.
I'll post details as soon as I know them.:thumbup

Anyone else, Jeff, Testi-cal, Hyper????
Re: Re: ey wait foe me

Harpo said:
I'll post details as soon as I know them.:thumbup

Anyone else, Jeff, Testi-cal, Hyper????

dude im sick as a dog right now. will commence my riding probably sometime next week.
squidhunter said:
My forecast calls for 20% Sat morning, and partly cloudy on Sun. I have plans for Sunday, and if your working Sat it would probably be better to shoot for next weekend. I couldnt care less about the Superbowl this year, so thats not an issue for me.

All newbies and not so newbies are welcome, this will be a nice, easy ride with possible options to continue, so you dont have to be experienced or in great condition to ride. I'm thinking about holding this ride in Santa Cruz with a nice ride along the cliffs...Wilder Ranch for those that are familiar.

Well, guess what..... sat work got cancelled for tomorrow, so I am free. Is your rain forecast still the same? I just cant do really early. Lemme know :toothless
squidhunter said:

All newbies and not so newbies are welcome, this will be a nice, easy ride with possible options to continue, so you dont have to be experienced or in great condition to ride. I'm thinking about holding this ride in Santa Cruz with a nice ride along the cliffs...Wilder Ranch for those that are familiar.

Who's going to Wilder this weekend? How many people are not newbies... what's the plan?

If I get some time Saturday - I'd like to try the ride down from UCSC., maybe get a ride back to our cars from people who park at Wilder?
Re: Re: ey wait foe me

Harpo said:
I'll post details as soon as I know them.:thumbup

Anyone else, Jeff, Testi-cal, Hyper????

I'm down...

What time do we meet there? What's your route?
hondagrl said:
Well, guess what..... sat work got cancelled for tomorrow, so I am free. Is your rain forecast still the same? I just cant do really early. Lemme know :toothless

The radiator in my car decided to spring a leak, so it looks like next weekend for me...unless you have a truck or can haul two bikes, and dont mind driving:teeth
Re: Re: Re: ey wait foe me

MassiveAttack said:
I'm down...

What time do we meet there? What's your route?
Jeff, not sure of the time yet I have to work it out with my buddy Dave. (not a barfer but definitely a mtn. biker) It will probably be between 9-10 am but I will post as soon as I know for sure. (Sometime tomorrow)

As for the route. I'm F@#$EN lost. I don't know that place at all. I am extremely navagationally challanged so if you or Dave has a route, than that's the one we're taking. If not, we'll just figure one out together.

Maybe Mr. Crash can clue us in on where we should be riding.
If weather permits, I'm going to be on the China Camp trailhead at 9AM tomorrow morning. Probably doing the same 12 mile loop I did with Joe a couple of weeks ago, involving both the front and back side.

If anyone else is interested, IM / PM / Call me!

- Mike
MrCrash907 said:
If weather permits, I'm going to be on the China Camp trailhead at 9AM tomorrow morning. Probably doing the same 12 mile loop I did with Joe a couple of weeks ago, involving both the front and back side.

If anyone else is interested, IM / PM / Call me!

- Mike
I'll be deep into glue-down carpet by 9am tomorrow morning but it would be super-kule if you could give me some trail directions for C-Camp for the Sunday ride.:teeth
squidhunter said:
The radiator in my car decided to spring a leak, so it looks like next weekend for me...unless you have a truck or can haul two bikes, and dont mind driving:teeth

I have a rack on my car that supposedly holds 3 bikes (I have yet to actually use it, so I cant say for sure) But I can also hold a bike in the back of the car, so.....

If anyone is interested in doing that ride, I am up for it. I got home from work at 3am, and am not dragging my ass out of bed before 10, though. :p I will be pm'ing squidhunter to find out the specifics. Feel free to pm with a contact phone number if interested. I am a total MTB newbie, so it will be a slow pace probably. :toothless
What an awesome day. :thumbup to Robert for showing me wilder ranch. Got both me n the bike covered in mud. Oh, and thanks Robert, now im not going to be able to walk straight for a week. :toothless
shaider said:
so any info for tommorow ride,i have a truck to haul up to 4 bikes
I sent you a pm. Gimme a buzz.
Looks like my buddy is meeting me at my house in Lafayette at 9:00am and then we are headed to C-Camp. You could either meet us or we could car pool.

Again, ...call me.

Anyone else, ....... we should be at C-Camp at about 10:00 am I'm guessing:wtf if you want to meet us there, ........ Jeff????
I'll be there tomorrow - 10:00am

Harpo, depending where I am between 9-9:30 - It's probably best to meet there.

I only know the front loop - the backside I'm still trying to figure out.

Front only is about 12 quick miles. 3 - 4 up hill and the rest downhill.

See you tomorrow.
I think Jeff knows the drill for the frontside. Here's where the front / backside 12 miler differs from the normal "friendly frontside" 8 miler.

1. The balance beam. As you climb the front side, you'll proceed up a series of switchbacks. After leaving the firetrail, you'll hit a right hand switchback, a left hander, a right hander, and then a four way junction. In the past, I always made it a left hand switchback. Now, I follow the trail straight for 100 yards. Two trails lay straight ahead - the left hand fork is technical, while the right hand fork is a simple, gradual, fireroad climb. After 100 or so yards, make a left. This will lead you to a clearing with the balance beam section. Clean the balance beam then proceed down the short rutted chute before finishing your climb to the top of the front side.

The balance beam is about 1 mile into the ride.

2. Hitler. After the paved road grind to the top, most people take a breather. After reaching the top, look back in the direction you came. The paved road you ascended drops down to the right. A dirt fire road climbs for about 50 feet to the left. When you have caught your breath, climb the fire road. As it turns left and starts to drop, take the singletrack that branches off to the right.

This is Hitler.

It gets pretty technical on the way down. It starts off as narrow singletrack over roots and ruts, forcing you to hang way off to clear a fallen tree. 100 or so feet after the fallen tree, you'll find a steel, rutted, technical chute to the left. Take the chute down to the fire road. Cross the fire road and hit the singletrack.

This is JT Howell.

Follow the singletrack for a few miles, until it reaches the fire road. Make a left on the fire road, and climb it for about 1/4 of a mile. The fire road will switchback up and to the right, and there will be two metal signposts straight ahead in front of some singletrack. Climb the singletrack.

4. This is Corkus.

This goes on for maybe half a mile, spitting you out on the paved road on top of the mountain. If you can clean the last 50-100 feet of rutted, rocky, rooted trail, you are the man. Once you're at the top, the Ridge Fire Trail (dirt road) is on the other side. Instead, make a right and climb for about 50 yards. You will see singletrack on the left hand side. Take the singletrack.

4. This is the first chute of a section I like to call "Chutes and Ladder".

It used to be longer, until a tree fell into it. Now there's a detour, but it cuts the technical chute in half. The chute rejoins the fire trail. The fire trail will go straight for a couple hundred feet, then it will arc left and get steeper, with several deep ruts in the middle. The fireroad will then turn left again. At this second left, you'll see a rutted steep singletrack chute going straight ahead.

5. This is the second chute, and the ladder. If it looks too steep (my co-worker did a flip trying to drop it), you can follow the fire trail around it. If you're able to clean both the chute and the climb out (the ladder) - you are the man. I've done it once.

Make a right on the fire road. The fire road will fork in a couple hundred feet. Take the left fork.

It will wind down a ways. You will see singletrack coming in from the left, I think near a powerline tower.

Stay on the fireroad as it sweeps to the right.

Another couple hundred feet down the fireroad, you'll see singeltrack on the right. Take that singletrack.

You're now back on the "friendly frontside". Jeff should know the rest of the way from there.

Note: A few sections of trail (Hitler, Corkus, Chutes and Ladder) aren't really legal, but they're a lot of fun. If you guys see rangers near the helipad / nike missile site at the top, you may want to bypass those sections.

Woo Hoo, another good one down in the record books. ;) Well not really but it was a great ride none-the-less.
Jeff, (MA) myself and a non-barfer buddy, Dave hit China Camp. About 15 miles of great terrain, sun filled blue skies and probably almost 60 degree weather. Gotta love CA.:thumbup A little bit muddy but other than that it was a great ride.

Well except for not paying closer attention to "MountainBike" Rule #6 (as determined by Harpo) When riding down rutted, semi-slippery fire-road never (I repeat NEVER) look backwards to see what your friends are doing. :wow :( Ouch!!

PS. Jeff, there's definitely a Mountain biker in there trying to scratch and claw his way out but he just can't make it past the last hurdle which would be all the black cruddy tar in your lungs.:wow ;) Stop Smoking Dude!:thumbup :teeth You'll rock N roll!!

PPS. Great big thanx to Crash for the details and map.:thumbup You rock dude!
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I have to agree with Harpo - IT WAS A GREAT RIDE.

I had a blast with Harpo and his buddy... Always learn new things with different people. :)

I like Harpo took a fall on the backside up the singletrack. *long story short - lost my footing and slid donw the hill.

Besides that and my lungs giving out on the climbs - It was awesome. There is nothing really like China Camp down in the south bay. :T Wish there was...

Thanks Harpo for motivation - I'm heading out to the LBS tomorrow to look for my own stash of Endurance "Speed".

And thanks Mike for the trail details - they were perfect until we took the trail to the bottom of a hill - which resulted in a hike back. lol
Where did you guys get it wrong? From the sound of it, you guys made it off of JT Howell and climbed the fireroad to Corkus. Not sure where you went from there.

Did you guys hit Chutes and Ladder? I'm guessing you emerged from Corkus, then crossed over the paved road onto the Ridge Fire Trail. The wrong fork on the fire trail can put you way off course really quickly, considering the speed you can build on it.

Joe, I got your message earlier today. We'll definitely put something together in a couple of weeks :)