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Do You Mountain Bike?

Official Ride Post for Sunday 2/6/05

:laughing :laughing

OK, Here is the plan. Sunday morning meeting at China Camp. 9:00 - 9:15am.
We (myself, non-barfer buddy Dave and probably Crash) will be on our bikes and on the trail no later than 9:30. We will be doing AT LEAST the front 12-13 mile loop and probably some of the back side as well. If you want to join us please do, ...... the more the merrier, but we will not be waiting past 9:30 so please be ready to ride by then. :teeth

It's supposed to be sunny and warm all week and the riding should be epic.;) :thumbup :teeth

That said, I might have one little snafu that might stop me from riding. :( I might have to go up to Nevada City for the weekend to install some hard-wood floors. I'll know by Thursday and post either way to let you folks know.
JnglstTICAL said:
I may actually be up for a ride on Saturday morning/early afternoon, probably down here though, I need to be somewhere by 4pm....

You up for St. Joes/Fremont Older in the early AM, Saturday?
I think I'm gonna take the wifey on a ROMP ride. Kinda a pussy ride, but should be beauty...
JnglstTICAL said:
fremont older, yes. I do saint joes too much. call me on friday.

I'll call you up then.

This whole week, I've been riding from my office to Astradero Park in Palo Alto. (About 3 road miles and 6 dirt miles one way). It's not bad riding a few road miles before hitting the trail. I think if we do Fremont Older - we should try starting at the bottom of Prospect.

Harpo said:
:laughing :laughing

OK, Here is the plan. Sunday morning meeting at China Camp. 9:00 - 9:15am.
We (myself, non-barfer buddy Dave and probably Crash) will be on our bikes and on the trail no later than 9:30. We will be doing AT LEAST the front 12-13 mile loop and probably some of the back side as well. If you want to join us please do, ...... the more the merrier, but we will not be waiting past 9:30 so please be ready to ride by then. :teeth

It's supposed to be sunny and warm all week and the riding should be epic.;) :thumbup :teeth

That said, I might have one little snafu that might stop me from riding. :( I might have to go up to Nevada City for the weekend to install some hard-wood floors. I'll know by Thursday and post either way to let you folks know.

So what's the word on this Joe? I got my stash of "Endurance Speed". Been using it everyday this week...

:teeth :shhh - can't really tell if it's working though.
MassiveAttack said:
So what's the word on this Joe? I got my stash of "Endurance Speed". Been using it everyday this week...
:teeth :shhh - can't really tell if it's working though.
The word on what.
Word on riding - I'm definitely riding on Sunday as stated in the original email. Work Saturday/RIDE SUNDAY:banana :banana Are U Riding???
Word on Cytomax - Dude, it's not a pick me up. Not like caffeine or any stimulant what so ever. In short distances it probably doesn't do a friggen thing for you. However, once you get to the point where you are really starting to sweat and work the body, it replenishes you so that you can maintain your natural pace. Mind you, if your natural pace is SAS (slow as shit) it ain't gonna make you faster but it will allow you to put out your best effort for a very prolonged period of time. Also helps with cramping and lactic acid and all that crap. Knock out a few more 2+ hour rides with us and you'll see the difference. :teeth

PS. Anyone that's more knowledgeable than myself (Yea Yea Yea, that ain't hard to beat) that wants to explain the benefits of electrolyte replacement formulas, ...... please do.:thumb
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Check out www.e-caps.com
Their products are excellent, natural and proven. They also explain the importance of long chain carbs, ease of digestion during prolonged excecise, and the importance of electrolytes in the body to sustain your extended endurance during epic rides. They even answer your sports nutrition questions for free! Completely changed my riding experience (no I don't work for them!) just a believer.
Harpo said:
The word on what.
Word on riding - I'm definitely riding on Sunday as stated in the original email. Work Saturday/RIDE SUNDAY:banana :banana Are U Riding???
Word on Cytomax - Dude, it's not a pick me up. Not like caffeine or any stimulant what so ever. In short distances it probably doesn't do a friggen thing for you. However, once you get to the point where you are really starting to sweat and work the body, it replenishes you so that you can maintain your natural pace. Mind you, if your natural pace is SAS (slow as shit) it ain't gonna make you faster but it will allow you to put out your best effort for a very prolonged period of time. Also helps with cramping and lactic acid and all that crap. Knock out a few more 2+ hour rides with us and you'll see the difference. :teeth

PS. Anyone that's more knowledgeable than myself (Yea Yea Yea, that ain't hard to beat) that wants to explain the benefits of electrolyte replacement formulas, ...... please do.:thumb

Shit! I didn't get the Cytomax - I got the gel shit. I'll show you when I get there if you dont know what I'm talking about. The lbs spent 30 minutes with me on this shit earlier this week.

No time to knock in 2 hours when I ride after work. I'll try it this weekend.

As for being there Sunday, yea dood I think me and FlyRice are carpooling... son't have any details yet.
equipmentdude said:
Check out www.e-caps.com
Their products are excellent, natural and proven. They also explain the importance of long chain carbs, ease of digestion during prolonged excecise, and the importance of electrolytes in the body to sustain your extended endurance during epic rides. They even answer your sports nutrition questions for free! Completely changed my riding experience (no I don't work for them!) just a believer.
Thanx for the link. My buddy takes something like this, ... might even be this stuff. He swears by it. Yea, I have serious digestive issues (stomache cramps :( ) when I either ride too long or too hard. I'm gonna have to look into something to use in addition to my Cytosport. Mmmmmmmmm Cyyyyto spoooort.

MassiveAttack said:
Shit! I didn't get the Cytomax - I got the gel shit. I'll show you when I get there if you dont know what I'm talking about. The lbs spent 30 minutes with me on this shit earlier this week.

No time to knock in 2 hours when I ride after work. I'll try it this weekend.

As for being there Sunday, yea dood I think me and FlyRice are carpooling... son't have any details yet.
Jeff, Mike and I knocked out a sweet one today at C-Camp. Riped through it in record time. The riding is awesome. Can't wait till Sunday.
And Dude, please don't be late. Dave is on a schedule. :teeth
See you there by 9:15. Woot Woot!! :banana :banana
That ride was sweet. In fact, the last two or three rides we've done were sweet.

Hell, just about every ride we've done has been nothing short of excellent. Railing through smooth singletrack, knowing the bike is going to lose traction and push out, standing it onto the slide as you put the power down coming off of corners - we might as well be on our GSX-Rs!

Although strangely enough - just like Joe said - somehow the mighty GSX-Rs don't have the same appeal to them after a good downhill burn.

Joe is starting to really get into a groove with his bike - the only place I have anything for him these days are those mega-steep rutted DH chutes! The Jekyll just loves that stuff :)

Looking forward to Sunday, although we'll probably have to knock it down a notch. More riders coming the other way, more rangers, etc.

Jeff - Do you still have those 2.5 Weirwolfs lying around? If you bring one, I'll trade you one for a 2.4 Mutano Raptor. I've been running a 2.23 Mutano Raptor rear with a 2.3 Weirwolf front, and absolutely love the combination. The Mutano rear can get a little loose up and down the steep, gnarly stuff, but it rolls *really* well. Supposedly they were on a bike that won some sort of single speed championship. On rocky terrain and loose dirt, the Weirwolf front just feels planted :)

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

P.S. Joe showed me where you guys both fell last time, as well as where you made the wrong turn. Turns out you missed all of "Chutes and Ladder" - the second chute is shorter but gnarlier and steeper than "Hitler".

And just to note, I've fallen in both of the places that you guys fell! Couldn't clean the switchback Jeff fell on, sending me way down the hill in exactly the same way. That rutted singletrack Joe ate it on threw me down as well when I tried to bomb through it :)
I'm up for a ride on Sunday.
I need to know how to get to China Camp so I can ride with you guys.
Crash - I have one 2.3 weirwolf and two 2.4 motoraptors. Currently running a 2.3 weirwolf front and a 2.4 mutano raptor rear. Not really digging the narrow profile up front with wide profile in the rear. I may just swap the front for the mutano raptor front or just leave the weirwolf and change it back to the motoraptor 2.24 rear.

Sorry man, I don't have the 2.5's. You're right though - the mutano's do slide. I'll bring the tires anyhow - you can swap around if you like.

Great ride today Tical... after 2 hours, I wanted to do more! Also headed to performance and took advantage of the sales! :) Call me about tomorrow.

You have it backwards, just like I used to. Guys at the bike shop told me bigger tire goes in front for mountain biking. Counter intuitive to our MC background, sure. But I guess that's the MTB rule.

I've run a 2.4 Mutano front and rear before - it was a bit too much sidewall for me. Felt really loose, like the bike was floating. The 2.3 Weirwolf front / 2.23 Mutano rear has been really good to me though.

The Weirwolf feels like it flexes and plants a fatty footprint when I load it on its side. The Mutano rolls really well. The combination has enough sidewall to take the abuse on really rocky descents (like at Miller or Northstar), but it still feels planted - w/o the floating feeling of the 2.4s. The 2.4 felt sorta like 3 day old Rennsports running 5 psi too low.

If I were you, I'd go with the 2.3 Weirwolf front / 2.24 MotoRaptor rear. I didn't care too much for my Mutano front - my confidence is just so much higher in the Weirwolf.

I just got confirmation that a customer of mine and his buddy are going. He sounds like he knows China Camp twice as well as I do. More stuff on the backside, including a long singletrack descent that supposedly dumps us off near the 7/11. This is going to be a good one :)
Another fantastic ride! And I had a front row seat to the save of the year.

Harpo takes the lead from the summit, bombing down the very technical, steep, rutted chute that takes you to the start of the singletrack. His speed makes me do a double take - I up the pace to keep him in tow. Then it happens.

I see feet off the bike. The back end of the bike swings to the left. Then to the right. Then it's up in the air, flipping over.

At this point Harpo has lept off of the bike, running down the hill, beside the bike which is upside down and in the air. The man snatches the bike out of the air with his hand, and continues running down the hill, throwing it onto the ground as he prepares to jump back on.

Only I'm right on his ass at this point, unable to stop. "DUDE! COMING THROUGH! ON YOUR LEFT!"

I make it past, laughing in disbelief, after which Harpo harps back on and plunges to the bottom. Un-Freaking-Believable.

Who needs GSX-Rs for some excitement?

Once again, awesome ride! If only I brought the helmet cam :)
Look, Up in the air, .....
It's a bird,....
It's a plane,.....

No, It's Harpoman

Faster than a speeding Weyless,
More powerfull than a falling bicycle,...
Able to leap huge bolders in a single bound.

Is that his cape,
NO, ...... it's his trusty Weyless fluttering in the air above his head.

:laughing :laughing :laughing

Woooo Hoooo!! Another great one for the books.

PS. Hey Crash, I told you riding with Dave would be fun.;)
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Yes, another great ride through the trails of China Camp. Great riding with everyone today... Crah, Harpo, Dave and Ted!

I need more practice around the backside... ughh! At any rate - great ride!
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That was a great ride, guys! Maybe I'll take my hardtail next time so that I *might* be able to keep up on the climbs. But then I'll be trailing even farther on the downs -- crap!
fLyRiCE said:
That was a great ride, guys! Maybe I'll take my hardtail next time so that I *might* be able to keep up on the climbs. But then I'll be trailing even farther on the downs -- crap!
If you wanna go faster you should be tryin' the "Superman Seat Grabs" on the down-hills.:wow :laughing :laughing :laughing

Just saing "Hey" again

Did a 50 mile ride on the road bike this weekend. Great fun,

Any roadbikers still here???

Have fun guys and girls