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Do You Mountain Bike?

looks like I'm free this coming weekend. I'd love to be able to shred China Camp one day and wilder or sdf (or wherever) on the other.

Megan, Robert? I can drive if you guys are down
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If I'm NOT working, ....... and/or I can't organize a trip up north (Salmon Falls :wtfI think that's what it's called), I might be up for China Cramps.
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MassiveAttack said:

China Cramps

That pretty much sums up today's feeling
I'd have to say that my legs are a little bit sore from hiking back up the wrong turn path. That was a workout FO SHO!
Harpo said:
I'd have to say that my legs are a little bit sore from hiking back up the wrong turn path. That was a workout FO SHO!

Oh yea!! That and the cutest little raspberry on the side of my left thigh after breaking mtn. bike rule # 6. :wow ;)
Hey Harpo - Can you go over all the rules including #6 and minus #2.


I'm going to print them out and tape them to my frame.
Let's see if I can remember.
Correct me if I F@#$ any up.

1) .

F@#$ , ...... The only ones I can remember are 2 and 6.

Let this be a lesson boyz and girlz, ...... drugs and concussions are baaaaaaaadd.
The 6 (so far) Rules or Mountain Bikin'

OK Jeff, help me fill in the blanks.:wtf

1) Learn/Ride your pace no matter what anyone else in front of you is doing.
2) Quite Smoking
5) Never stop at the start/stop of an illegal trail-head to eat your Sninkers bar.
6) When riding down rutted, semi-slippery fire-road, never (I repeat NEVER) look backwards to see what your friends are doing.
Re: The 6 (so far) Rules or Mountain Bikin'

Harpo said:
OK Jeff, help me fill in the blanks.:wtf

1) Learn/Ride your pace no matter what anyone else in front of you is doing.
2) Quite Smoking
5) Never stop at the start/stop of an illegal trail-head to eat your Sninkers bar.
6) When riding down rutted, semi-slippery fire-road, never (I repeat NEVER) look backwards to see what your friends are doing.

I think #3 is don't crash but that could have been out of my other survival book - Fishing for Dummies
And #4 is don't get run over by the person following you

I think I will have to consult the book of riding :loco
I can't say I've ever run anybody over there Hyper just something I'd like to point out JUST IN CASE!!
Hyperlite said:
looks like I'm free this coming weekend. I'd love to be able to shred China Camp one day and wilder or sdf (or wherever) on the other.

Megan, Robert? I can drive if you guys are down

I could be game for heading out saturday. Would this be a newbie friendly ride? No humungous hills pls kthx. I just have to not kill my legs completely, as I have a 5k race to run on sunday morning.
Ok Harpo - here's your updated list!

Pls feel free to correct the additions and changes. :p

1) Learn/Ride your pace no matter what anyone else in front of you is doing.
2) Quite Smoking
3) Ride your Pace and don't work too hard in the beginning of the ride
4) Bring a stash of Endurance "Speed"
5) Never stop at the start/stop of an illegal trail-head to eat your Sninkers bar.
6) When riding down rutted, semi-slippery fire-road, never (I repeat NEVER) look backwards to see what your friends are doing.

(7) Dont Crash
(8) Dont get run over or run into anyone.
So what is the plan for this weekend?
Mike / Joe / Tical / Hyper / Squid Dood / barfers?

Wouldn't mind China Camp again, I need to get a few runs down that rutted chute coming down from the Silo. Just seems impossible for me to clear that without jamming the front wheel into the large cracks on the ground. Also wanna try the backside single track again... that track is narrow.

If not, I'd be up for Skyline in Napa or something local....
Looks like I missed another great China Camp ride again. My legs were pretty limp from a weekend up in Tahoe so I guess the overal result would've been the same. I'm down to ride this front-side-back-side thing Mike keeps talking about.

And I'd like to add to MTBike Rulles:
(9) When riding behind a hucker, remember that he/she makes the jump look easier than it really is.
I would be down if you folks are interested in riding Grizzly Flats on Skyline to Steven Canyon Trail to Steven Canyon Road with a little shuttle action to the top again. It has a mix of the ups and downs of trails for everyone.
I have been riding Carlmont with the jumps and all that stuff if anyone is looking for something different.
:tsc <------- is this guy suppose to be OJ?
Hyperlite said:
looks like I'm free this coming weekend. I'd love to be able to shred China Camp one day and wilder or sdf (or wherever) on the other.

Megan, Robert? I can drive if you guys are down

I wouldnt mind checking out China Camp, I hear good things....I dont know if I can do both days, but at least one.
when this all settles out, I might join in, if on Saturday, and is local to SJ...

MassiveAttack said:
So what is the plan for this weekend?
Mike / Joe / Tical / Hyper / Squid Dood / barfers?

Wouldn't mind China Camp again, I need to get a few runs down that rutted chute coming down from the Silo. Just seems impossible for me to clear that without jamming the front wheel into the large cracks on the ground. Also wanna try the backside single track again... that track is narrow.

If not, I'd be up for Skyline in Napa or something local....

I may actually be up for a ride on Saturday morning/early afternoon, probably down here though, I need to be somewhere by 4pm....