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Do You Mountain Bike?

If you could convince me that there was a good enough reason to get back on the road bike, ............ I could POSSIBLY be convinced to get back on the biatch.

But I am having a F@#$EN ball on the new mtn. rig.:teeth
Harpo said:
If you wanna go faster you should be tryin' the "Superman Seat Grabs" on the down-hills.:wow :laughing :laughing :laughing

Care to give us mere earthlings some lessons? That was pretty crazy. When I saw that (and heard Mike scream), I said "oh, hell no!," got off the bike and walked down pretty much the whole thing. :laughing
Btw, did you try the new seat? I thought that was a pretty darn good seat; that is, up until I got my manhood-friendly seat.
:laughing :laughing :laughing
fLyRiCE said:
Care to give us mere earthlings some lessons? That was pretty crazy. When I saw that (and heard Mike scream), I said "oh, hell no!," got off the bike and walked down pretty much the whole thing. :laughing
Btw, did you try the new seat? I thought that was a pretty darn good seat; that is, up until I got my manhood-friendly seat.
:laughing :laughing :laughing
Yea, the Superman Seat Grabs on the DH run are one of those completely spontaneous dealios. (another way to put it would be, "Lucky Ass Biatch) Just a go with the flow kinda situation. All I knew was that I just didn't want to hit the ground in that place, at that speed and did everything in my power to avoid it. ;) Even so, it didn't come without consequence. My left leg is still pretty beat up and sore. :(

Didn't try the seat yet. Came home,....... threw my shit in the corner of the garage, ....... hung the bike from the ceiling, ........ Done deal for a little while.
Should be on the bike next time I see you. Thanx!:teeth
niclope22 said:
Any roadbikers still here???

I'm not a road biker, but I have a 2nd full suspension mountain bike if you want to join us sometime :)
Does anyone want to ride this Sunday 1/13

I'm working out of town this week but should probably be able to get back by Saturday night.

If anyone wants to go riding I could probably be pursuaded to do China Camp or some other fun place on Sunday.

Sooo, anyone up for it??
Ted? Jeff? Whoever????
Someone's loving China Camp....

You need to stop sandbaggin us mere humans... .with your super mtn. bike powers :twofinger
MassiveAttack said:
Someone's loving China Camp....

You need to stop sandbaggin us mere humans... .with your super mtn. bike powers :twofinger
:laughing :laughing :laughing :twofinger

So was that a yes???
Probably gonna hit ecdm this weekend.... I'll let you know if plans change.

*Good news on the flooring.. I'll PM you and see if you're free next month!
I'll be back in the bay area Saturday night. Let me know what time you guys are gonne hit C-Camp (or ecdm) on Sunday and I'll meetz yuze............
MrCrash907 said:
I'm not a road biker, but I have a 2nd full suspension mountain bike if you want to join us sometime :)

Dang that is awsome.

I would love to get a Mtb. But at the moment I am low on funds, maybe some time this year or next(most likely next... hopefully).

Would it fit a 6'2" frame. I use a around a 63cm bianchi(road bike). So I would need something pretty good size.

I may be able to borrow a friend's, who is a similar height
I'm still headed that way.
If it's rainin' when I get there I turn around.
If not, ...... I RIDE!!
MassiveAttack said:
Ride Cancelled due to the rain - FYI
Looks like until next week.:cry

not including blatant disregard for mountain bike rule #2

What a non-Mountain Biker (poser) says,...."20% chance of rain, ... better not ride today we might get a little bit wet."

What a Mountain Biker says, "Sweet, 20% chance of rain means less people in our way cause all the posers will be stayin' home. LET'S RIDE!!:teeth

j/k, ... (sort of).........You guys missed a great day and a great ride. Did C-Camp alone, ... and dry. Woo Hoo!! :banana :banana

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You guys missed a great day and a great ride. Did C-Camp alone, ... and dry. Woo Hoo!!No kiddin dood....

No kiddin dood...

Wish I went, but didn't want to take the risk of driving 60+ miles if it were to rain.

Ted text msg's me and says... NO RAIN HERE - Going to ECDM to get my FIX.

I wake up after taking another nap and see no RAIN!

So I did a local ride @ Fremont Older cure mine.