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Do You Mountain Bike?

I had an awesome time; thanks for organizing it WW! It was nice to have a partner in crime in the "slow but steady" group while the "jack rabbit" group waited for us.

Although you did suddenly change into a speed demon on the descents. Very fast downhiller for sure. :thumbup

It was great to meet such nice folks and I can't wait to do it again!
Here be mine.....

I think we're going to try to do Coyote Hills next week after work.

Anyone interested?

We are shooting for Wednesday evening (8/4) around 7PM.

Great trails for newer and rusty riders :) Nothing technical, just good exercise.

I'm still trying to figure out the best way of notifying everyone of rides. The PM route works, but tends to be a bit time consuming having to click on each individual person...

Would you guys object to giving me your email addys so I can send out the invites that way? I promise I won't spam you :angel

Let me know!
Weird, I just re-inflated the tires on my Hard Rock last week after like a year of no-riding. Then I see this thread. I dunno about group rides though since the 10-mile flat-land ride I did to and from Snellbucks last week just about did me in.

ScorpioVI said:
Weird, I just re-inflated the tires on my Hard Rock last week after like a year of no-riding. Then I see this thread. I dunno about group rides though since the 10-mile flat-land ride I did to and from Snellbucks last week just about did me in.


Awwwww...come on.

I'm not a strong climber either. I need more "slow and steady" people to keep me company when I ride with the likes of MrCrash and Teapotter!

It's fun!
WickedWahine said:
We had a great ride today!

I met up with Teapotter (Terrence), MrCrash (Mike), and Chainlash (Devin) today at China Camp. Terrence and Mike were much stronger climbers with Devin following closely behind and me "sweeping" ;) (I really just wanted to check out everyones ass! :teeth).

We decided to make the climb all the way to the top today after much coaxing from Teapotter and MrCrash. It was a pretty tough climb on the last leg (at least to some of us :)) but we eventually made it to the top.

The reward was the fun rolling downhill single track. Teapotter and MrCrash took a couple of more technical sections while Chainlash and I stuck to the less technical sections. I'm glad I had Devin there to ride with, otherwise those guys would have left me in the dust!

Great ride today...can't wait to do it again.
Damn, I so could have made it. Instead I bummed around the house almost the whole day (spent 1.5 hours on the phone with family and felt completely drained of all energey afterwards). Peeled myself of the couch around 4pm and went riding the Fizzy. Took the long route up to Alice's.
Wasn't too bad, but completely anti-social. I think after the phonecall I didn't talk to any other person the whole day :(
Looks like I'll be missing the next ride as well.... It's very difficult for me to go during the week.
Don't worry, we'll go again on a weekend.

This weekend is out since I'll be heading to WillowSprings.

The following weekend is AFM (8/7-8/8). Maybe Saturday of that weekend since the races are Sunday...

I will let you know :)
Dragon said:
The Zaskar is a great frame----

het those spinners on your SUV in the background?

I love the Zaskar frame's also, this is my 2nd one.

Not spinners, just regular 20's
Hey, on the email list, have it so that you always include some sort of header in the subject line so you know it's from the list. Like "Subject: [BARF MTB] insert title here...."
I'm hitting up downieville this weekend...ill let you all know how it goes =).
ScorpioVI said:
Weird, I just re-inflated the tires on my Hard Rock last week after like a year of no-riding. Then I see this thread. I dunno about group rides though since the 10-mile flat-land ride I did to and from Snellbucks last week just about did me in.


you should try riding the coyote bike path some time. It's flat and is about 15 or so miles round trip. The trick is to get started earlier in the day so you don't catch a head wind on the way back. Nothing like struggling to go downhill because of a strong wind :teeth